Maester Client
The official object-storage client.
Note: All the code snippets written in Typescript
Create client
import { ObjectStorageWrapper } from '';
const objectStorage = new ObjectStorageWrapper(this);
CRUD operations
Create object
The method has the following signature:
async createObject(data: object, queryKey?: string, queryValue?: string, ttl?: number)
- data - object data to create. Required
- queryKey, queryValue - searchable field (see below in
Get objects by query parameter
section). Optional, but if queryKey is specified, queryValue must be specified as well. - ttl - configurable object's time to live, milliseconds. Optional
const obj = await objectStorage.createObject(data, somequeriablefieldKey, somequeriablefieldValue, 60000);
Read operations
Get object by ID:
The method has the following signature:
async lookupObjectById(id: string)
- id - Maester internal id of the object to update. E.g. '76380cae-aee3-457a-9029-d971f61e3731'. Required
const obj = await objectStorage.lookupObjectById(id);
As Maester is able to store any data type, the method returns a raw string.
You may want to parse JSON or do any other data processing according to object's expected data type:
const parsedObject = JSON.parse(obj);
The following errors can be thrown:
- Object Not Found
- Invalid object id
Get objects by query parameter:
The method has the following signature:
async lookupObjectByQueryParameter(key: string, value: string)
- key, value - searchable field. Required
If you create an object with a queriable header, internally it looks like this:
x-query-somequeriablefieldKey: somequeriablefieldValue
where 'x-query-' is a default prefix.
Using Maester REST API you can find this object by:
Using the library:
const obj = await objectStorage.lookupObjectByQueryParameter('somequeriablefieldKey', 'somequeriablefieldValue');
Update object
The method has the following signature:
async updateObject(id: string, data: object)
- id - Maester internal id of the object to update. E.g. '76380cae-aee3-457a-9029-d971f61e3731'. Required
- data - object to update. Required
const obj = await objectStorage.updateObject(id, data);
Delete object
The method has the following signature:
async deleteObjectById(id: string)
- id - Maester internal id of the object to update. E.g. '76380cae-aee3-457a-9029-d971f61e3731'. Required
const obj = await objectStorage.deleteObjectById(id);