This package contains utility functions and types to ease the use of instruments accross Envelop,
Yoga, whatwg-node and Hive Gateway plugins.
[!NOTE] Instruments are automatically composed together. This should only be used if the default
ordering doesn't suit your needs (ie. instruments and hooks should be executed in different order)
composeInstruments(instruments: Instruments[]): Instruments
This function composes all the instruments into one. The instruments will be called in the same
order as they are in the array (from top to bottom).
import { composeInstruments } from '@envelop/instruments'
const { instruments: instruments1, ...plugin1 } = usePlugin1()
const { instruments: instruments2, ...plugin2 } = usePlugin2()
const getEnveloped = envelop({
plugins: [
{ instruments: composeInstruments([instruments1, instruments2]) }