Eppo Server-Side SDK for Node.js
API Reference
Getting Started
- Install the Eppo SDK as a dependency of your application:
yarn add @eppo/node-server-sdk
- Initialize the SDK client in your application code
import * as EppoSdk from '@eppo/node-server-sdk';
const eppoClient = EppoSdk.init({ apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY' });
The client must be a singleton. The client instance stores assignment configurations in memory. To avoid inconsistent assignment results, the same client instance should be reused across requests. Invoke the init
method once at application startup to generate the client.
Pull Requests
Create a new branch off of main
and submit a PR. In the PR, update the Unreleased
section of the changelog with a description of your change:
## Unreleased
* Brief description of your change
Do not change the package version in the PR.
Release Process
A release may include changes from multiple pull requests. Only the package maintainers have access to publish releases.
Checkout the main
branch and pull the latest changes
Bump the package version: npm version [major | minor | patch]
Update CHANGELOG.md with the list of changes that have occurred since the last release. Commit the version bump and CHANGELOG updates to the main branch. Example:
npm login
- enter your credentials
npm publish
. (You can also do npm publish --dryrun
to test)