Available components to help style your React application as an Equinor application. We publish new components regularly so make sure to check back often!
Make sure to check out our Storybook for more examples!
Read the changelog for details on specific releases.
npm install @equinor/eds-core-react styled-components
If you use Typescript, make sure you have typescript >= 3.8 as a devDependency:
npm install typescript --save-dev
The Equinor typeface is not included and needs to be added to the head of your project. Its available from the EDS CDN:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://eds-static.equinor.com/font/equinor-font.css" />
import * as React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import { Button, Typography } from '@equinor/eds-core-react'
const App = () => (
<Typography variant="h1" bold>Buttons</Typography>
<Typography variant="h2">Contained (default)</Typography>
<Button color="secondary">Secondary</Button>
<Button color="danger">Danger</Button>
<Button disabled>Disabled</Button>
<Typography variant="h2">Outlined</Typography>
<Button variant="outlined">Primary</Button>
<Button variant="outlined" color="secondary">Secondary</Button>
<Button variant="outlined" color="danger">Danger</Button>
<Button variant="outlined" disabled>Disabled</Button>
<Typography variant="h2">Ghost</Typography>
<Button variant="ghost">Primary</Button>
<Button variant="ghost" color="secondary">Secondary</Button>
<Button variant="ghost" color="danger">Danger</Button>
<Button variant="ghost" disabled>Disabled</Button>
render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'))
- Accordion
- Avatar
- Banner
- Breadcrumbs
- Button
- Card
- Checkbox
- Chip
- Dialog
- Divider
- EdsProvider
- Icon
- Input
- Label
- List
- Menu
- Pagination
- Popover
- Progress
- Radio
- Scrim
- Search
- Select
- Native Select
- Single Select
- Multi Select
- Side Sheet
- Slider
- Snackbar
- Switch
- Table
- Table of contents
- Tabs
- TextField
- Tooltip
- TopBar
- Typography