This module can be used with the development tools for FontoXML, it contains command for building and running a Content Quality App instance.
This module requires the following to be installed:
- FontoXML development tools
- Docker
This module is part of the FontoXML development tools and is not meant to be used separately. To install the FontoXML development tools, run the following command:
npm i -g @fontoxml/fontoxml-development-tools
Usage examples
fdt fcq init --version <version> [--location <path>]
Initialize a new Content Quality App instance.
fdt fcq upgrade --version <version> [--location <path>]
Upgrade the Content Quality App instance to the specified version.
The following commands require you to requires you to be logged in since the base image has to be retrieved. To get access to the credentials contact FontoXML and log in using:
docker login -u <username> -p <password>
We recommend you to complete the Content Quality App instance using the Getting started guide.
fdt fcq run [--location <path>] [--fcq-config-location <path>] [--verbose] [--debug]
Run to test the configuration.
fdt fcq build [--location <path>] [--image-name <image-name>] [--image-tag <image-tag>] [--verbose] [--debug]
Build a production image.