Paper Onboarding 
Paper Onboarding is a material design UI slider for React Native
inspired by Ramotion Paper Onboarding.
yarn add @gorhom/paper-onboarding
npm install @gorhom/paper-onboarding
Also, you need to install react-native-reanimated, react-native-gesture-handler & react-native-svg
import PaperOnboarding, {PaperOnboardingItemType} from "@gorhom/paper-onboarding";
const data: PaperOnboardingItemType[] = [
title: 'Hotels',
description: 'All hotels and hostels are sorted by hospitality rating',
color: '#698FB8',
image: ,
icon: ,
title: 'Banks',
description: 'We carefully verify all banks before add them into the app',
color: '#6CB2B8',
image: ,
icon: ,
title: 'Stores',
description: 'All local stores are categorized for your convenience',
color: '#9D8FBF',
image: ,
icon: ,
const Screen = () => {
const handleOnClosePress = () => console.log('navigate to other screen')
return (
name | required | default | description |
data | YES | | Array of pages/slides PaperOnboardingItemType to present. |
safeInsets | NO | {top: 50, bottom: 50, left: 50, right: 50} | Safe area insets usually come from react-native-safe-area-context . |
direction | NO | horizontal | Pan gusture direction. horizontal or vertical |
indicatorSize | NO | 40 | Indicator width and height. |
indicatorColor | NO | white | Indicator border and fill color. |
titleStyle | NO | | Text style to override all page/slide title default style. |
descriptionStyle | NO | | Text style to override all page/slide description default style. |
clostButtonTextStyle | NO | | Text style to override close button text default style. |
closeButtonText | NO | close | Text to be set in close button. |
onCloseButtonPress | YES | | Callback when user press on close button. |
name | required | default | description |
image | NO | | Image/component to be add the slide/page. |
icon | NO | | Image/component to be add the slide/page indicator. |
color | YES | | Background color for the slide/page. |
title | YES | | Title for the slide/page. |
description | YES | | Description for the slide/page. |
titleStyle | NO | | Text style to override page/slide title default style. |
descriptionStyle | NO | | Text style to override page/slide description default style. |
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