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Core Javascript Library of Everyday Objects, Events, and Utilities

  • 0.5.2
  • Source
  • npm
  • Socket score

Version published


jPack is a library of components, objects, plugin wrappers, and utilities designed to make building custom websites simpler.

With jPack, you can easily upgrade your server-side rendered application to a pseudo-SPA using XHR requests for page-loads, get values from the querystring, store and interact with user/multi-tenant website data, and more.


With Yarn or NPM:

yarn add @htmlguyllc/jpack;
npm i @htmlguyllc/jpack;

and then use what you need, where you need it (requires ES6):

//a single component from it's own file
import {strings} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/src/utilities/strings';

//or a single component from the collection file
import {strings} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/src/utilities';

//or multiple components from the collection file
import {strings, dom} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/src/utilities';

//or a namespaced object containing all components
import * as utilities from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/src/utilities';

//or a namespaced object containing all
import {jpack} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack';

Or you can download the latest release, unzip it, put it in your public folder then include the whole library:

<script href="/vendor/htmlguyllc-jpack/dist/jpack.min.js">
//wait for the page to finish loading so we know jpack is ready
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
    //now you can take advantage of the jpack library
    var user_id = jpack.objects.user.getId();
    //or if you're feeling super lazy (not recommended)
    var user_id = user.getId();


NameRequired by

What's Included

Four categories of functionality are provided in this library. Each has it's own namespace in parenthesis below.

Components (components):


Objects (objects):

request, site, user

Plugin Wrappers (plugin_wrappers):

None yet.

Utilities (utilities):

strings, data_types, dom, events


- Components -


Grabs content from a URL and replaces it on the current page (along with browser history button handling, onload/unload handlers, and much more

setPassthroughDatamixedselfset data you want provided in the onload method for the next page
clearPassthroughDataselfmust be called manually or the data will persist infinitely. you can set an onload callback to clear this every time
getPassthroughDatamixedreturns the data you set
setIncomingElementstringselfa selector string for the element being retrieved from another page which contains the HTML you want put on the current page
setReplaceElementstringselfa selector string for the element on the current page you want the new HTML to replace
loadstring,function/null,string/null,string/null,boolvoidpulls content from the provided URL and puts it on the current page - also swaps out the page title, metas, and much more
loaderEnabledn/aboolproperty to toggle the slow request loader on/off
setLoaderDelayintselfset how long a request should take in ms before the loader displays
showLoaderselfshows the loader after the delay
hideLoaderselfclears the loader timeout and hides it
parseHTMLstring,stringobjectparses HTML from the request to get key components like metas and the HTML to be displayed
getRouteFromMetastringstringretrieves the value of a meta tag named "current_route" to be passed in the onload event to help trigger page-specific JS
replacePageContentstring,string,string,string,boolselfreplaces HTML on the page with the new content, updates metas, runs the unload and load callbacks and more
reloadfunctionselfreloads the current page using .load()
fullReloadvoidperforms a full browser refresh of the current page
redirectstringvoidredirects the user to a new page (no XHR request)
setTitlestringselfsets the page title
onLoadfunctionselfadd an onload callback (runs 100ms after unload)
onUnloadfunctionselfadd an unload callback
onNavigationFailurefunctionselfadd a callback when the load() request fails - the error message is provided in event.detail.error
triggerOnLoadmixed,string,stringselftriggers all onload callbacks
triggerUnloadmixedselftriggers all unload callbacks
triggerNavigationFailurestringselftriggers the nav failure and provides an error message
initHistoryHandlersselfsets event listeners to handle back/forward navigation in the user's browser
To use:
import {navigation} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/src/components'; 

//handles browser back/forward buttons

//a selector that contains the HTML you'd like to pull from the response

//a selector that will be replaced with the incoming HTML

//enables a loader to show if a request takes more than 300ms
//WARNING: No styling is provided at this time. It uses Bootstrap 4's progress-bar classes.
navigation.loaderEnabled = true;

//things to do when a page loads
    var params = e.detail; //get info from the event
    //if a current_route meta was set in the incoming HTML, it'll be provided to you here
    //you can use this to kick off your page-specific JS
    var route = params.route; 
    //the data you set prior to loading the page, if any
    var data =; //or navigation.getPassthroughData()
    //the DOM element that was added to the page replacing the previous
    var el = params.el;
    //el_selector is the incoming selector that was used for this request
    //WARNING: If you change the incomingElement for a single request
    //and the replaceElement is not the same, future requests will not work
    //because the replaceElement no longer exists in the DOM
    //in this case you'll want to run navigation.setReplaceElement(params.el_selector);
    //now future requests will replace the new element on the page
    var el_selector = params.el_selector;
   //if gtag is set (google analytics), push a page view
   if( typeof gtag !== 'undefined' ) {
       gtag('config', 'GA_MEASUREMENT_ID', {
           page_path: request.getURIWithQueryString()
   //scroll to the top of the page
   window.scrollTo(0, 0);
   //.. do init tooltip plugins

//things to do when leaving a page
   //.. do remove generic event handlers or destroy plugins 

//things to do when a page fails to load
    var error = e.detail.error;
    //.. do show an error popup for the user or log the issue

//to prevent duplicate code, you can run your onload callbacks immediately
navigation.triggerOnLoad(dom.getElement('body'), 'body', navigation.getRouteFromMeta());

//now use the plugin to load pages
//if you're lazy, the fastest way to integrate is to just add data-href to all internal links 
//and then attach a handler like this:
import {events} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/src/utilities';
events.onClick('[data-href]', function(){

//set something that will be received onload of the next page

//you can use the load method at any time to load a new page 
// the second param is an optional callback that only runs for that page
navigation.load('/my-page', function(new_el, new_el_selector, pass_through_params){
    //my page is now loaded
    //new_el is the new element on the page
    //new_el_selector is the incomingSelector used for this request
    //pass_through_data is any data that was set on navigation prior to this request
    //so in this instance, it will be {product_id:1} (set above)
    //now clear that data so it's gone for the next page load

//in some cases, you'll want to grab a different element from the URL
//this example grabs .popup-content from /my-popup and replaces .current-popup
navigation.load('/my-popup', function(new_el, el_sel, data){
   //now the new element is on the page
}, '.popup-content', '.current-popup');

- Objects -


Provides a wrapper for window.location and query string access

getURIstringalso known as the path - does not include querystring
getURIWithQueryStringstringfull URL after the domain
appendSlashstringstringadds a slash (if there isn't already one) to the end of a string.
To use:
import {request} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/src/objects'; 

//get product_id from the querystring
var product_id = request.query.get('product_id');

var current_full_url = request.getFullURL();

var full_blog_url = request.appendSlash(request.getDomainWithProtocol())+'blog'; //


Designed for multi-tenant applications, this object stores a site's id, name, and config object.

setConfigobjectthisoverwrites all config
getConfigItemmixedreturns an individual item from config
setConfigItemstring,mixedthissets the value of an individual item in config
populateobjectthissets provided values all at once (id,name,config)
To populate with data:

The easy way: Create an object named $site with values from your server (prior to including jpack)

const $site = {
    id: <?php echo $site['id']; ?>,
    name: "<?php echo $site['name']; ?>",
    //$site['config'] is a key/val array of configuration options
    config: JSON.parse("<?php echo json_encode($site['config']); ?>"),

The harder way: Perform an XHR request to grab site details via a JSON API, then run the populate method on the site object.

import {site} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/src/objects';
//this example uses jQuery's shorthand AJAX call, you can use axios or any request you want
$.get('/my-site-info-endpoint.php', function(data){
    //don't forget error handling!
To Use:
import {site} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/src/objects';

var site_id = site.getId();


Designed for sites with user accounts/guest accounts. This object stores a user's details and allows for front-end permission checks.

getIsGuestboolif your site has users who don't login but still interact and have a user record (like guest checkout)
setIsAdminboolif your site has users who have ultimate permissions and you want to do something based on that
getNamestringreturns fname and lname concatenated with a space
getAdditionalDataobjectset any additional data about this user that doesn't fit the default getters and setters here (a better idea would be to extend this object with your custom properties/methods)
getDataItemstringmixedreturns a single value from the additional data object/array
setDataItemstring, mixedsets a single value in the additional data array/object
populateobjectthissets provided values all at once (id, isGuest, isAdmin, etc)
To populate with data:

The easy way: Create an object named $user with values from your server (prior to including jpack)

const $user = {
    id: <?php echo $user['id']; ?>,
    fname: "<?php echo $user['fname']; ?>",
    permissions: JSON.parse("<?php echo json_encode($user['permissions']); ?>"),
    additionalData: JSON.parse("<?php echo json_encode([
        //whatever else you might want to pass
    ]); ?>"),

The harder way: Perform an XHR request to grab site details via a JSON API, then run the populate method on the site object.

import {user} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/src/objects';
$.get('/my-user-info-endpoint.php', function(data){
    //don't forget error handling!
To use:
import {site} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/src/objects';

var site_id = site.getId();

- Plugin Wrappers -

None yet.

- Utilities -


Common string manipulations

ucfirststringstringcapitalizes the first letter of a string like ucfirst in PHP
getterstringstringcreates a getter method name from a string
setterstringstringcreates a setter method name from a string
To Use:
import {strings} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/src/utilities';

strings.ucfirst('bob'); //returns 'Bob'
strings.getter('name'); //returns 'getName';
strings.setter('name'); //returns 'setName';


HTML DOM helpers

getElementmixed, bool, boolElement/HTMLDocument/nullreturns a native DOM element for whatever you provide (selector string, array of elements, single element, jQuery wrapped DOM element, etc)
getElementsmixed, boolarraysame as getElement, except it returns all matches
removemixedthisremoves elements from the DOM - uses .getElements()
existsmixedboolchecks to see if it exists in the DOM
multipleExistmixedboolchecks to see if more than 1 instance exists in the DOM
To Use:
import {dom} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/src/utilities';

//Dont do this. Most of these are dumb examples.
dom.getElement('.my-fav-button', true, true); //will throw an error if it doesn't fine it, or if it finds more than 1
dom.getElements('.links', true); //will throw an error if none are found
dom.getElement('.my-button'); //returns the button, or null (if multiple, it returns the first)
dom.getElements('.links'); //returns an array of any matches for .links
dom.getElement($('a')); //returns the native DOM element for the link and removes the jQuery wrapper
dom.getElement(document.querySelectorAll('a')); //returns the first anchor

dom.exists('a'); //returns true if there is an anchor on the page
dom.multipleExist('a'); //returns true if more than 1 anchor on the page

-Type Checks

Check the data type of a value with more specificity than typeof or vanilla JS functions

isDataObjectobject, array, bool, bool, boolboolvalidates that an object contains data and not a dom element, array, null or anything else that would normally return true when you call typeof
To Use:
import {type_checks} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/src/utilities';

var my_obj = {id:null, name:'John Doe', email:''};

//make sure my_obj contains the keys: 'id', 'name', 'email'
//force all keys to exist
//block any keys that aren't in that list
//throw an error if the object fails any checks
type_checks.isDataObject(my_obj, ['id', 'name', 'email'], true, true, true);


Shorthand event handlers

onClickmixed, functionarrayprevents the browser's default so you can handle link clicks and form submissions with less code
offClickmixed, functionarrayremoves the handler you added using onClick
onSubmitmixed, functionarraysame as .onClick() but for submit
offSubmitmixed, functionarraysame as .offClick() but for submit
onChangemixed, functionarrayadds an on change handler but does NOT preventDefault - mostly exists for consistency
offChangemixed, functionarrayremoves the handler you added using .onChange()
onEventPreventDefaultmixed, string, functionarrayattaches an event handler and prevents the default browser action
offEventPreventDefaultmixed, string, functionarrayremoves the handler you attached with .onEventPreventDefault()
onmixed, string, functionarrayattaches an event listener
offmixed, string, functionarrayremoves an event listener
triggermixed, string, mixedarraytriggers an event on an element/elements - uses .getElements()
To Use:
import {events} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/src/utilities';

events.onClick('', function(){
   //do something without the page redirecting to the href 

events.onSubmit('', function(){
   //do something and submit the form using XHR 

//trigger submit on a form and pass an object as additional data in the event
events.trigger('.my-form', 'submit', {id:1});



Package last updated on 13 Jul 2019

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