npm i @imedx/ics-imedx-intf-chs-js-sdk@0.0.4
0.0.4 更新ts模版
0.0.3 优化完善
0.0.2 优化完善
0.0.1 初始提供
Importing library
You can import the generated bundle to use the whole library generated by this starter:
import ChsPlatform from '@imedx/ics-imedx-intf-chs-js-sdk'
Init({ visitId, businessCode, opFlag, serviceMode }: { visitId: string, businessCode: string, opFlag: string, serviceMode: string }): Promise<any>
ReadCard({ visitId, businessCode, opFlag, serviceMode }: { visitId: string, businessCode: string, opFlag: string, serviceMode: string }): Promise<any>
Register({ visitId, chsPersonalNo, businessCode, opFlag, serviceMode }: { visitId: string, chsPersonalNo: string, businessCode: string, opFlag: string, serviceMode: string }): Promise < any >
RegisterUpdate({ chsTypeId, visitId, chsvisitId, businessCode, opFlag, serviceMode }: { chsTypeId: string, visitId: string, chsvisitId: string, businessCode: string, opFlag: string, serviceMode: string }): Promise < any >
RegisterCancel({ chsTypeId, visitId, chsvisitId, businessCode, opFlag, serviceMode }: { chsTypeId: string, visitId: string, chsvisitId: string, businessCode: string, opFlag: string, serviceMode: string }): Promise < any >
FeeTransfer({ chsTypeId, visitId, chsvisitId, businessCode, opFlag, serviceMode }: { chsTypeId: string, visitId: string, chsvisitId: string, businessCode: string, opFlag: string, serviceMode: string }): Promise < any >
FeeTransferCancel({ chsTypeId, visitId, chsvisitId, businessCode, opFlag, serviceMode }: { chsTypeId: string, visitId: string, chsvisitId: string, businessCode: string, opFlag: string, serviceMode: string }): Promise < any >
PreSettle({ chsTypeId, visitId, chsvisitId, businessCode, opFlag, serviceMode }: { chsTypeId: string, visitId: string, chsvisitId: string, businessCode: string, opFlag: string, serviceMode: string }): Promise < any >
PreSettleCancel({ chsTypeId, visitId, chsvisitId, businessCode, opFlag, serviceMode }: { chsTypeId: string, visitId: string, chsvisitId: string, businessCode: string, opFlag: string, serviceMode: string }): Promise < any >
{ chsTypeId, visitId, chsvisitId, businessCode, opFlag, serviceMode }: { chsTypeId: string, visitId: string, chsvisitId: string, businessCode: string, opFlag: string, serviceMode: string }): Promise < any >
{ chsTypeId, visitId, chsvisitId, businessCode, opFlag, serviceMode }: { chsTypeId: string, visitId: string, chsvisitId: string, businessCode: string, opFlag: string, serviceMode: string }): Promise < any >
{ chsTypeId, visitId, chsvisitId, businessCode, opFlag, serviceMode }: { chsTypeId: string, visitId: string, chsvisitId: string, businessCode: string, opFlag: string, serviceMode: string }
): Promise < any >
{ chsTypeId, visitId, chsvisitId, businessCode, opFlag, serviceMode }: { chsTypeId: string, visitId: string, chsvisitId: string, businessCode: string, opFlag: string, serviceMode: string }
): Promise < any >