Forked from here

A highly customizable circular slider with no dependencies. See some live demos here!
npm install @jhoward1994/react-circular-slider
import React from 'react';
import CircularSlider from '@jhoward1994/react-circular-slider';
const App = () => {
return (
onChange={ value => { console.log(value); } }
export default App;
Use min and max props to define the range of numbers. Use prependToValue/appendToValue if you want to prepend/append e.g. "$" or "°" to the value. Or simply use the data prop and pass any number or string sequence as an array to be spread in 360°. See some live demos here!
import React from 'react';
import CircularSlider from '@jhoward1994/react-circular-slider';
const App = () => {
return (
data={["1€","2€"]} //...
onChange={ value => { console.log(value); } }
export default App;
prop | type | default | Affects |
width | number | 280 | width of the slider |
direction | number | 1 | clockwise (1) or anticlockwise (-1) |
min | number | 0 | smallest value |
max | number | 360 | largest value |
data | array | [] | array of data to be spread in 360° |
dataIndex | number | 0 | initially place knob at a certain value in the array |
knobColor | string | #4e63ea | knob color |
knobSize | number | 32 | knob size |
hideKnob | boolean | false | hide knob |
knobDraggable | boolean | true | knob draggable |
knobPosition | string | top | knob's 0 position to be top, right, bottom or left |
label | string | ANGLE | label |
labelColor | string | #272b77 | label and value color |
labelBottom | boolean | false | label position at bottom |
labelFontSize | string | 1rem | label font-size |
valueFontSize | string | 4rem | label value font-size |
appendToValue | string | '' | append character to value |
prependToValue | string | '' | prepend character to value |
renderLabelValue | jsx | null | add custom jsx code for the labels and styles |
renderLabelValue | string | null | render this value for the slider label |
verticalOffset | string | 2rem | vertical offset of the label and value |
hideLabelValue | boolean | false | hide label and value |
progressColorFrom | string | #80C3F3 | progress track gradient start color |
progressColorTo | string | #4990E2 | progress track gradient end color |
progressSize | number | 8 | progress track size |
progressLineCap | string | round | progress track cap to be round or flat |
trackColor | string | #DDDEFB | background track color |
trackSize | number | 8 | background track size |
trackDraggable | boolean | false | make the track draggable |
onChange | func | value => {} | returns label value |
isDragging | func | value => {} | returns isDragging value |
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You can find the donate button on the bottom of the example page
MIT License