Memoize any function using Keyv as storage backend.
npm install --save keyv @keyvhq/memoize
const memoize = require('@keyvhq/memoize');
const memoizedRequest = memoize(request);
memoizedRequest('http://example.com').then(resp => { });
memoizedRequest('http://example.com').then(resp => { });
You can pass a keyv instance or options to be used as argument.
memoize(request, { store: new Map() });
memoize(request, 'redis://user:pass@localhost:6379');
memoize(request, new Keyv());
Defining the key
By default the first argument of your function call is used as cache key.
You can pass a function to define how key will be defined. The key function will be called with the same arguments as the function.
const sum = (n1, n2) => n1 + n2;
const memoized = memoize(sum, new Keyv(), {
key: (n1, n2) => `${n1}+${n2}`
memoized(1, 2);
The library uses flood protection internally based on the result of the key.
This means you can make as many requests as you want simultaneously while being sure you won't flood your async resource.
Setup your TTL
Set ttl
to a number
for a static TTL value.
const memoizedRequest = memoize(request, new Keyv(), { ttl: 60000 });
Set ttl
to a function
for a dynamic TTL value.
const memoizedRequest = memoize(request, new Keyv(), {
ttl: (res) => res.statusCode === 200 ? 60000 : 0
Stale support
Set staleTtl
to any number
of milliseconds.
If the ttl
of a requested resource is below this staleness threshold we will still return the stale value but meanwhile asynchronously refresh the value.
const memoizedRequest = memoize(request, new Keyv(), {
ttl: 60000,
staleTtl: 10000
When the staleTtl
option is set we won't delete expired items either. The same logic as above applies.
memoize(fn, [keyvOptions], [options])
Type: Function
Promise-returning or async function to be memoized.
Type: Object
The Keyv instance or keyv#options to be used.
Type: Function
Default: identity
It defines how the get will be obtained.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
When is true
, the result will be an Array, being the second item in the array some information about the item:
const fn = () => Promise.reject(new Error('NOPE'))
const keyv = new Keyv()
const memoizedSum = memoize(fn, keyv, { staleTtl: 10, objectMode: true })
const [sum, info] = await memoizedSum(1, 2)
Type: Number
or Function
Default: undefined
The staleness threshold we will still return the stale value but meanwhile asynchronously refresh the value.
When you provide a function, the value will be passed as first argument.
Type: Number
or Function
Default: undefined
The time-to-live quantity of time the value will considered as fresh.
Type: Function
Default: identity
A decorate function to be applied before store the value.
@keyvhq/memoize © Dieter Luypaert, Released under the MIT License.
Maintained by Microlink with help from contributors.
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