(This docs still under construction, see "example" and "test" folders for extensive examples of usage)
So what's the story or why even today? In many projects, even when trying to stick to the philosophy of using mostly CSS utility classes and media queries to create responsive and adaptive layouts, CSS sometimes falls short in some areas, and that's why some JS is needed to help along those bumps. For instance, moving elements from one location to another is not possible with CSS (only if the element belongs directly to the same parent and is a flex (flex order)). In cases like that, where an element has to move that far, Adaptive.js has a "teleport" feature that will move any element to specific targets at the specified Media query breakdown. Thus helping the layout not just being responsive but also adapting to the desired necessities.
Furthermore, Adaptive.js helps with adding (or removing) already existing classes, adding inline "style", teleporting and even adding specific JS functions that will execute at a very specific screen size or media query.
But wait! what are those limitations you speak of! kind sir...
The short version.. is edge cases, class management and hierarchy, operations that are not currently part of CSS (teleporting, adding inline style on the fly, adding/removing classes, execute JS code at specific breakpoinst, etc)
Adaptive.js is not a CSS media query replacement nor should be the primary handler of responsive or adaptive applications (CSS should do most of it). On the contrary, it aims to enhance the ability to make layouts "adapt" better to different devices depending on preset or custom media queries via plain JavaScript or integrating with any of the cool frameworks out there (Vue, React, etc) and thus overcomimg the limitations of pure CSS or targeting complex bahaviors and furthermore avoids WET and bloted code so that no JavaScript hacks or media functions need to be written all over, just using Adaptive will do all the magic.
(If you need some reference to understand responsive and adaptive head over here: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/difference-between-responsive-design-and-adaptive-design/)
-- It works as Stand alone or hybrid with Vue or React
Adaptive.js works as stand-alone out-of-the-box, but it also works along side integrated with Vue (hybrid mode) as it offers direct integration with it (as a plugin and a directive) or with React (see the examples folder in the source code). This approach will help to cover applications that have both dynamic and static markup ("static" = not accessible either by Vue/React or its components) but it still needs to play nice with the responsive/adaptive style for any screen size.
For frameworks like React, Adaptive would work with them in a slightly different manner and not as tightly coupled as it could be with Vue.
- Example as Stand Alone:
<script src="Adaptive.js"></script>
<div id="IllBeTeleportedToAnotherElement" data-adaptive="teleport.desktop|mobile.before(#hello)">
<span>Element that will teleport at "desktop or mobile" right above an element with Id "hello" but put back in place autmatically in tablet breakdowns</span>
$adaptive.registerElement('#hello', {
addClass: {
mobile: 'a-class-added-only-for-mobiles',
$adaptive.if('tablet', function() {
Example as hybrid mode:
const { createApp } = Vue;
import Adaptive from '../src/Adaptive.js';
const App = createApp({});
Adaptive.addQueryMinMax('myCustomMediaQueryName', 900, 1400);
Adaptive.addQueryExpression('myCustomMediaQueryName2', '(min-width: 900px)');
App.component('hello', hello);
<div v-adaptive="{ addClass: { desktop: 'adds-this-class-xxxx' } }">
Using Directive inside Vue component
<div v-teleport-to="'#hello'">Getting teleported (teleport) from the component to "static Hello"</div>
.... mounted() {
this.Adaptive.if('tablet', function() {
this.Adaptive.if('tablet', this.nameOfMethod);
-- Teleport
Teleports an element temporarily or permanently [before,after,to] to a given target. Important because the order, position and hierarchy can be adapt better to the desired layout or device.
prop | use | description |
before | teleport.mobile{before:target} --or-- teleport.mobile.before(target) | Teleports the element before the position of the target element (No merging. Good for cases where both should not inherit nor interfere with each other) |
after | teleport.mobile{after:target} --or-- teleport.mobile.after(target) | Teleports the element after the position of the target element (No merging. Good for cases where both should not inherit nor interfere with each other) |
to | teleport.mobile{to:target} --or-- teleport.mobile.to(target) | Teleports and appends the element to the target element (important if the element needs to inherit properties from the parent (target) element or be part of it) |
-- | | |
Consider the following graphic:

When using with Vue, there is no need to wrap it into custom tags (like Vue does), it uses the directive style v-teleport-to
-- Add/Remove Classes
Too many classes or rule-sets that override other rule-sets can be complex or hard. So rather than creating single use classes, this could be done like this example:
Need to change the class only at mobiles and desktop, others should be the base class:
<div class="bg-warning" data-adaptive="addClass.mobile|desktop(bg-info,w-100,p-5); removeClass.mobile|desktop('bg-warning')>...</div>
The above will result like:
Mobile and desktop devices:
<div class="bg-info,w-100,p-5"...>...</div>
Other devices
<div class="bg-warning"...>...</div>
-- Add/Remove Inline style
One off cases where it needs tweaks per breakdown. For instance:
- On mobile devices the element needs 2px left margin
<div ... data-adaptive="addStyle.mobile(margin-left:2px;)>...</div>
- The above will result in mobiles like:
-- Execute js functions at breakdows
$adaptive.if('tablet', function() {
$adaptive.if('tablet', function() {
$adaptive.if('tablet', function() {
this.Adaptive.if('tablet', [this, 'ThisCustomMethod']);
data.tablet (reactive|function)
this.Adaptive.if('tablet', function() {
this.Adaptive.if('mobile', function() {
this.Adaptive.if('tablet', this.changeText);
-- Add custom queries
Adaptive.addQueryMinMax('kitty', 900, 1400);
Adaptive.addQueryExpression('doggy', '(min-width: 900px)');
or directly in the element
<div id="customQueries" data-adaptive="addClass[(min-width: 900px) and (max-width: 1599px)](custom-class-at-custom-breakdown)">Custom Expressions via string like Directive</div>
--Out of the box present breakdowns
screens = {
'320': [1, 379],
'480': [380, 519],
'520': [520, 599] ,
'600': [600, 699] ,
'700': [700, 799] ,
'800': [800, 919] ,
'920': [920, 999] ,
'1000': [1000, 1199],
'1200': [1200, 1439],
'1440': [1440, 1599],
'1600': [1600, 1700],
devices = {
mobile: [1, 599] ,
tablet: [600, 799] ,
'odd-device': [800, 1023] ,
desktop: [1024, 1440] ,
broadMediaQueries = {
'non-desktop': [100, 1024],
fullscreen: [1441, 6000] ,
-- Easy sintax
<div data-adaptive="teleport.desktop|mobile.before(#hello)"><span style="background:#1f2252; color: white;">Static element that will teleport at "desktop or mobile" right above "static hello"</span></div>
<div data-adaptive="{'teleport':{
'tablet': {
<span>Static element that will teleport at "tablet" size to a Vue driven element when visible</span>
<div data-adaptive="addClass.tablet(laura, miau);
addClass.mobile|fullscreen(red, green);
addClass.desktop(uno, dos)">....</div>
-- All Adaptive.js Classes can be used as stand-alone
- Adaptive: Main Adaptive.js
- Observer: Easy register or unregister callback functions to be executed when any document node changes. (can be used stand alone or along with Adaptive.js)
- Teleport: teleport elements to other locations (can be used stand alone or along with Adaptive.js)
- ElementHelper: Element selector with some utility functions and Xpath support. (can be used stand alone or along with Adaptive.js)
- Too many specific classes for small tweaks and the issue with the "!important" - Now days is not uncommon that frameworks and vendors use their classes, but they all have to some how make their rules be the primary style on any element, and that's why many elements end up with a long list of rule sets with the "!important" keyword in order to override all or some of the computed styles and when the end user needs to add its own styles on top of the others sometimes the only way is to create long hierarchy rule sets like this: .grand-parent > .parent > .child > element.with-class.with-new-class {...!important}. This complexity increases when using media queries because they too need to override other base styles or even overlapping ones, and what about conflict..
Inspiration used to build this:
(This docs still under construction)