Number Input Component
A number input component.
- Provides a 'factor' attribute to allow a display multiplication without change to model value.
This is useful when you want to display a decimal value as a percentage (i.e. 01 * 100).
- Prefix and postfix inputs to allow display of additional strings.
- Supports template and reactive forms.
- Attributes for title, placeholder, disabled and decimals.
Install the library from npm:
npm install --save @lucasheight/angular-controls
Using component
Import the module into your angular application module.
import {LhControlsModule} from "@lucasheight/angular-controls"
export class AppModule{}
Add the control in you template:
<lh-numberInput factor="1" decimals="2" title="Hello numbers" placeholder="Please enter" prefix="$" postfix=" AUD" (valueChange)="onChange($event)" (focus)="onFocus($event)"
(blur)="onBlur($event)" width="100" [(value)]="val"></lh-numberInput>