
A Notification (snackbar) Vue component. Compatible with Vue 2.x
To view a demo online:
npm install @mathieustan/vue-notification --save
yarn add @mathieustan/vue-notification
import VueNotification from '@mathieustan/vue-notification';
Vue.use(VueNotification, {
breakpoints: {
0: {
bottom: true,
480: {
top: true,
right: true,
export default {
methods: {
showNotification () {
this.$notify('Hello, I am a notification');
Available props
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
message | String | '' | Message to show on notification |
type | String | | Show notification with specific type (info, success, warning, error, offline) |
top | Boolean | false | Allow to position notification 'top' |
bottom | Boolean | true | Allow to position notification 'bottom' |
left | Boolean | false | Allow to position notification 'left' |
right | Boolean | false | Allow to position notification 'right' |
offset | Number | 0 | Add extra offset to notification (from top) |
closeDelay | Number | 4500 | Delay before closing notification (in ms) |
multiLine | Boolean | false | Makes the notification higher (mobile) (extra padding) |
actionText | String | '' | Will add a button with this text after message |
onActionClick | Function | | Action when button will be clicked |
showClose | Boolean | false | Will add a close button |
hideIcon | Boolean | false | Allow to hide icon for types (success,info,...) |
fullWidth | Boolean | false | Force notification to full width |
theme | Object | false | Update default theme (More informations here Theme) |
:rocket: It's now possible to surcharge default theme colors & box-shadow.
Theme object looks like this :point_down:
colors: {
success: '#4f88ff',
successDarken: '#2d71fe',
info: '#5d6a89',
infoDarken: '#535f7b',
warning: '#f8a623',
warningDarken: '#f69a07',
error: '#ff4577',
errorDarken: '#ff245f',
offline: '#ff4577',
offlineDarken: '#ff245f',
boxShadow: `0px 3px 5px -1px rgba(0,0,0,0.2),
0px 6px 10px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.14),
0px 1px 18px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.12)`,
Examples : There are two ways to update theme.
- Options when init VueNotification
import VueNotification from '@mathieustan/vue-notification';
Vue.use(VueNotification, {
theme: {
colors: {
success: '#54d861',
darkenSuccess: '#2d8e36',
info: '#5d6a89',
darkenInfo: '#535f7b',
warning: '#f8a623',
darkenWarning: '#f69a07',
error: '#ff4577',
darkenError: '#ff245f',
offline: '#ff4577',
darkenOffline: '#ff245f',
boxShadow: '10px 5px 5px red',
- Theme properties when calling $notify
export default {
methods: {
showNotification () {
message: 'Hello Wolrd',
theme: {
colors: {
success: '#54d861',
darkenSuccess: '#2d8e36',
info: '#5d6a89',
darkenInfo: '#535f7b',
warning: '#f8a623',
darkenWarning: '#f69a07',
error: '#ff4577',
darkenError: '#ff245f',
offline: '#ff4577',
darkenOffline: '#ff245f',
boxShadow: '10px 5px 5px red',