This is a CLI tool to convert OpenAPI spec file to Teams App command bot project with adaptive cards based on TeamsFx.
To run this CLI and run generated Teams APP in your local dev machine or deploy to Azure, you will need:
Quick Start
Install the CLI
npm install @microsoft/api2teams@latest -g
Download sample-open-api-spec.yml to current working directory
Run the command below to convert sample-open-api-spec.yml
file to Teams App, it will generate teams project to generated-teams-app
api2teams sample-open-api-spec.yml
You can specify which folder to generate teams project as below
api2teams sample-open-api-spec.yml -o my-custom-teams-app-folder
If you want to overwrite the output folder, you can use -f
api2teams sample-open-api-spec.yml -o my-custom-teams-app-folder -f
If you have other personal swagger yaml files, you can also use this CLI tool to covert them.
CLI Usage
The CLI name is api2teams
. Usage is as below:
Usage: api2teams [options] <yaml>
Convert open api spec file to Teams APP project, only for GET operation
yaml yaml file path to convert
-o, --output [string] output folder for teams app (default: "./generated-teams-app")
-f, --force force overwrite the output folder
-v, --version output the current version
-h, --help display help for command
User can input below command to generate Teams App to default or specific folder:
api2teams sample-open-api-spec.yml
api2teams sample-open-api-spec.yml -o ./my-app
api2teams sample-open-api-spec.yml -o ./my-app -f
api2teams -h
api2teams -v
Run Generated Teams App
Open generated folder in VSCode, and make sure you have installed Teams Toolkit >= 5.0.0.
Click F5 in VSCode to run the Teams App to view the result (Below is the example of teams app converted by sample-open-api-spec.yml file)
Send message GET /pets/1
to Bot, bot will send a response adaptive card:

Send message GET /pets
to Bot, it will first send request a request adaptive card:

Input value in the request adaptive card, and then click GET button, it will send back response adaptive card:

Send message GET /pets?limit=1
, it will send back response adaptive card directly:

Current Limitations
- Only OpenAPI version 3.0.0 or higher is supported.
- Authorization properties inside OpenAPI spec is not supported
- Only GET operations are supported.
- The webhooks property is not supported and will be ignored during conversion.
- The oneOf, anyOf, and not keywords are not supported, not because there is no better way to represent them in adaptive cards. Only the allOf keyword is supported.
- For request cards, there is no proper element to represent array types in adaptive cards, so users need to input array values manually.
- Adaptive cards do not support file uploads, so if an API contains file uploads, it cannot be converted to adaptive card.
- Due to Teams limitations, command intellisense can only contain a maximum of 10 items.