Analytics taxonomy for NAV applications
NAV should create great services, therefore we need to know how they are used. To ensure we get high-quality data and consistent naming conventions we use a shared taxonomy for analytics. Following our Mesh architecture all events shall also be passed onwards to Kafka.
From this taxonomy we generate JSON schema. The schema is used to validate the data we collect is in accordance with our taxonomy, which shall include requirements from the Norwegian laws including Personopplysningsloven and our privacy policy at
The naming convention is intended to ensure consistency and allowing teams to re-use their code across services and comparing services with success metrics and user experience.
Developers at NAV are welcome to read and contribute to the taxonomy by making a suggestion as a Pull Request. Everyone is free to use this repository in accordance with our license.
Getting started
Before contributing your proposals to the taxonomy, consider what is the value proposition of your product?
This will help you answer what to measure and how to measure it. The taxonomy in this repository only includes digital analytics, but you can also benefit from using other data sources such as surveys and usability testing.
Use snake_case to describe a data point, be it an event, pageview or anything else. For example: page_loaded
, logged_in
, security_level: 3
Naming convention
The purpose of our naming convention is to ensure consistency, easy interpretation and a simple method for adding new events. Our proxy will only permit whitelisted events are sent to our analytics providers.
For each interaction you are tracking, describe an object and an action related to it. For example: form_submitted
, form_started
, form_downloaded
Following the naming convention makes it easier for developers to understand existing events and give new events a relevant name that matches this style. New events must be approved before they are collected.
The taxonomy
Some data points are required, most are optional. We use whitelisting to enforce the taxonomy and to ensure no personally identifiable information is sent to a third party. Over time we will grow the taxonomy to include new events.
"application_name": "foreldrepenger",
"team_name": "foreldrepenger"