A Powerful Tooltip and Popover for Angular Applications
Tippy.js is the complete tooltip, popover, dropdown, and menu
solution for the web, powered by Popper.js.
It is an abstraction over Popper that provides the logic and optionally the styling involved in all types of elements
that pop out from the flow of the document and get overlaid on top of the UI, positioned next to a reference element.
This is a lightweight wrapper with additional features that lets you use it declaratively in Angular. Tippy has
virtually no restrictions over Popper and gives you limitless control while providing useful behavior and defaults.
If you're using v1 and don't want to migrate, you can find it here.
✅ Position Tooltips, Menus, Dropdowns, and Popovers
✅ Predefined Variations
✅ TemplateRef/Component Support
✅ Lazy Registration
✅ Manual Trigger Support
✅ Text Overflow Support
✅ Context Menu Support
$ npm i @ngneat/helipopper
$ yarn add @ngneat/helipopper
$ pnpm i @ngneat/helipopper
Configure it as shown below:
import { provideTippyConfig, tooltipVariation, popperVariation } from '@ngneat/helipopper';
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
providers: [
loader: () => import('tippy.js'),
defaultVariation: 'tooltip',
variations: {
tooltip: tooltipVariation,
popper: popperVariation,
Please note that the loader
property is required, as it specifies how Tippy is loaded - either synchronously or asynchronously. When dynamic import is used, the library will load only when the first Tippy directive is rendered. If we want it to load synchronously, we use the following:
import tippy from 'tippy.js';
loader: () => tippy,
Add the styles you want to styles.scss
@import 'tippy.js/dist/tippy.css';
@import 'tippy.js/themes/light.css';
@import 'tippy.js/animations/scale.css';
You have the freedom to customize it if you need to.
Import the standalone TippyDirective
and use it in your templates:
<button tp="Helpful Message">I have a tooltip</button>
The library exposes default variations for tooltip
and popper
. You can use them, extend them, or pass your own
variations. A variation
is a set of predefined tippy
properties. For example, here's how the built-in tooltip
variation looks like:
export const tooltipVariation = {
theme: null,
arrow: false,
animation: 'scale',
trigger: 'mouseenter',
offset: [0, 5],
Use TemplateRef
as content
<button [tp]="tpl" tpVariation="popper">Click Me</button>
<ng-template #tpl let-hide>
<h6>Popover title</h6>
<p>And here's some amazing content. It's very engaging. Right?</p>
Use Component
as content
import { TIPPY_REF, TippyInstance } from '@ngneat/helipopper';
class MyComponent {
tippy = inject(TIPPY_REF);
<button [tp]="MyComponent">Click Me</button>
Text Overflow
You can pass the onlyTextOverflow
input to show the tooltip only when the host overflows its container:
<div style="max-width: 100px;" class="overflow-hidden flex">
<p class="ellipsis" [tp]="text" tpPlacement="right" [tpOnlyTextOverflow]="true">{{ text }}</p>
Note: this feature is using ResizeObserver
You might have cases where the host has a static width and the content is dynamic. In this case, use the tpStaticWidthHost
input with combination with tpOnlyTextOverflow
<div style="max-width: 100px;" class="overflow-hidden flex">
style="width: 100px"
{{ dynamicText }}
Note: when using tpStaticWidthHost
you can't use tpUseTextContent
, you need to explicitly pass the content to tp
in order to trigger content change.
Use Text Content
You can instruct tippy to use the element textContent as the tooltip content:
<p tp tpUseTextContent>{{ text }}</p>
You can pass the tpIsLazy
input when you want to defer the creation of tippy only when the element is in the view:
<div *ngFor="let item of items" [tp]="item.label" [tpIsLazy]="true">{{ item.label }}</div>
Note that it's using IntersectionObserver
First, define the contextMenu
import { popperVariation, tooltipVariation, provideTippyConfig, withContextMenuVariation } from '@ngneat/helipopper';
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
providers: [
defaultVariation: 'tooltip',
variations: {
tooltip: tooltipVariation,
popper: popperVariation,
contextMenu: withContextMenuVariation(popperVariation),
Now you can use it in your template:
<ng-template #contextMenu let-hide let-item="data">
<li (click)="copy(item); hide()">Copy</li>
<li (click)="duplicate(item); hide()">Duplicate</li>
<li *ngFor="let item of list" [tp]="contextMenu" [tpData]="item" tpVariation="contextMenu">{{ item.label }}</li>
Manual Trigger
<div tp="Helpful Message" tpTrigger="manual" #tooltip="tippy">Click Open to see me</div>
<button (click)="tooltip.show()">Open</button>
<button (click)="tooltip.hide()">Close</button>
Declarative show/hide
Use isVisible to trigger show and hide. Set trigger to manual.
<div tp="Helpful Message" tpTrigger="manual" [tpIsVisible]="visibility">Click Open to see me</div>
<button (click)="visibility = true">Open</button>
<button (click)="visibility = false">Close</button>
You can see more examples in
our playground, or
live here.
tp: string | TemplateRef<any> | Type<any> | undefined | null;
tpAppendTo: TippyProps['appendTo'];
tpDelay: TippyProps['delay'];
tpDuration: TippyProps['duration'];
tpHideOnClick: TippyProps['hideOnClick'];
tpInteractive: TippyProps['interactive'];
tpInteractiveBorder: TippyProps['interactiveBorder'];
tpMaxWidth: TippyProps['maxWidth'];
tpOffset: TippyProps['offset'];
tpPlacement: TippyProps['placement'];
tpPopperOptions: TippyProps['popperOptions'];
tpShowOnCreate: TippyProps['showOnCreate'];
tpTrigger: TippyProps['trigger'];
tpTriggerTarget: TippyProps['triggerTarget'];
tpZIndex: TippyProps['zIndex'];
tpAnimation: TippyProps['animation'];
tpUseTextContent: boolean;
tpIsLazy: boolean;
tpVariation: string;
tpIsEnabled: boolean;
tpIsVisible: boolean;
tpClassName: string;
tpOnlyTextOverflow: boolean;
tpData: any;
tpUseHostWidth: boolean;
tpHideOnEscape: boolean;
tpDetectChangesComponent: boolean;
tpPopperWidth: number | string;
tpHost: HTMLElement;
tpIsVisible: boolean;
tpVisible = new EventEmitter<boolean>();
Global Config
- You can pass any
option at global config level. beforeRender
- Hook that'll be called before rendering the tooltip content ( applies only for string )
Create tippy
import { TippyService, TippyInstance } from '@ngneat/helipopper';
class Component {
@ViewChild('inputName') inputName: ElementRef;
tippy: TippyInstance;
private tippyService = inject(TippyService);
show() {
if (!this.tippy) {
this.tippy = this.tippyService.create(this.inputName, 'this field is required');
ngOnDestroy() {
Contributors ✨
Thank goes to all these wonderful people who contributed ❤️