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Client-side JS library for billing on Paystack

  • 1.38.0
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  • npm
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Checkout JS Documentation

Checkout JS is a billing library for building web checkout flows on Paystack.


npm install @paystack/checkout-js --save

or just grab the js file and add it to your html directly

<script src=""></script>

Quick Start

Usage via NPM/Yarn

import { Transaction } from 'checkout-js';

async function chargeCustomerCard() {
  const transactionData = {
    email: '', // replace this with customer email
    amount: 100,
    key: 'your_paystack_public_key',
  try {
    const transaction = await Transaction.request(transactionData);
    await transaction.setCard({
      number: '4084084084084081',
      cvv: '408',
      month: '01',
      year: '20',
      pin: '1234',
    // charge resolves to a ChargeResponse
    const chargeResponse = await transaction.chargeCard();
    if (chargeResponse.status === 'success') {
      console.log('card was charged successfully!');
  } catch (error) {


Usage via inline script

Add the Checkout JS script to your HTML document

<script src=""></script>

And then access the available classes in your JavaScript file;

var transactionData = {
  email: '', // replace this with customer email
  amount: 100,
  key: 'your_paystack_public_key',

var customerCardDetails = {
  number: '4084084084084081',
  cvv: '408',
  month: '01',
  year: '20',
  pin: '1234',

function chargeCustomerCard() { 
  Transaction.request(transactionData).then(function(createdTransaction) {
    return createdTransaction.chargeCard();
  }).then(function(chargeResponse) {
    if (chargeResponse.status === 'success') {
      console.log('card was charged successfully!');
  }).catch(function(error) {


Getting Started

These are the classes exported by checkout js:

  1. Transaction
  2. Toolkit
  3. Card
  4. BankAccount

The Transaction class is the most important class in Checkout JS. All the functions required for initializing a transaction, updating it, and charging a customer using the supported payment channels are bound to this class.

For example, charging a customer's card could entail the following steps;

  1. Request a new transaction
  2. Collect and validate card details from customer
  3. Save the card to the transaction
  4. Charge the card
  5. Tada!

Table of contents

This is a grouping of the methods exported by the Transaction class:

  • Initializing a transaction
    • Transaction.request
    • Transaction.requestWithAccessCode
    • Transaction.validate
  • Charging a card
    • Transaction.setCard
    • Transaction.chargeCard
    • Transaction.authenticateCard
    • Transaction.listenFor3DSCharge
  • Charging a Bank account
    • Transaction.setBankAccount
    • Transaction.chargeBankAccount
    • Transaction.registerBankAccount
    • Transaction.authenticateBankAccount
    • Transaction.getIbankUrl
    • Transaction.listenForIbankCharge
    • Transaction.chargeDigitalBankMandate
    • Transaction.listenForDigitalBankMandateCharge
  • Charging via USSD
    • Transaction.getUSSDShortcode
    • Transaction.listenForUSSDCharge
  • Charging via QR
    • Transaction.getQRCode
    • Transaction.listenForQRCharge
  • Charging via Mobile Money (Only available for GHS transactions)
    • Transaction.chargeMobileMoney
    • Transaction.listenForMobileMoneyCharge
  • Transaction analytics
    • Transaction.initializeLog
    • Transaction.getTimeSpent
    • Transaction.logPageOpen
    • Transaction.logChannelSwitch
    • Transaction.logPageClose
    • Transaction.logInput
    • Transaction.logValidationErrors
    • Transaction.logAuthWindowOpen
    • Transaction.logAuthWindowClose
    • Transaction.logAPIResponse
    • Transaction.logAttempt
    • Transaction.saveReferrer
  • Check transaction status
    • Transaction.requery

Utility classes:

  • Toolkit: This contains utilities that you can use during a transaction
    • Toolkit.contents
    • Toolkit.fetch
  • Card: Use this to validate your customer’s cards
    • Card.validate
    • Card.isNumberValid
    • Card.getType
    • Card.isCvvValid
    • Card.isExpiryValid
  • BankAccount: Use this to validate your customer’s bank accounts
    • BankAccount.validate
    • BankAccount.isValidNubanAccount

# Initializing a transaction


This method returns a new transaction instance. The instance returned is what is used to complete the customer’s payment.

Base parameters for this method are:

emailTrueStringThe customer's email address
keyTrueStringYour Paystack public key. You can find this on your dashboard in Settings > API Keys & Webhooks
referenceFalseStringUnique case sensitive transaction reference. Only -,., = and alphanumeric characters allowed
channelsFalseArrayAn array of payment channels to use. Defaults to all available channels on an integration
currencyFalseStringThe currency of the transaction. Default is NGN
amountTrueStringAmount in smallest currency unit (kobo/pesewa/cents). Ignored if creating a subscription
firstNameFalseStringThe first name of the customer
lastNameFalseStringThe last name of the customer
phoneFalseStringThe phone number of the customer
metadataFalseObjectA valid object of extra information that you want to be saved to the transaction.
cusotmer_codeFalseStringThe customer code for the customer on Paystack

Other optional parameters for Split Payments and Recurring Charges

planFalseStringIf transaction is to create a subscription to a predefined plan, provide plan code here
subaccountCodeFalseStringA valid Paystack subaccount code e.g. ACCT_8f4s1eq7ml6rlzj
split_codeFalseStringA valid Paystack split code e.g. SPL_qQsdYLXddd
bearerFalseNumberWho bears Paystack charges? account or subaccount (defaults to account).
transactionChargeFalseStringA flat fee (in kobo) to charge the subaccount for this transaction. This overrides the split percentage set when the subaccount was created.
planIntervalFalseStringInterval for the plan. Valid intervals are hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, annually
subscriptionStartDateFalseStringThe start date for the subscription (after the first charge)
planCodeFalseStringA valid Paystack plan code e.g. PLN_cujsmvoyq2209ws
subscriptionCountFalseNumberThe number of subscriptions to create for this plan
subscriptionLimitFalseNumberThe number of times to charge for this subscription


import { Transaction } from 'checkout-js';

interface Parameters {
	key: string;
  email: string;
	amount: number;
  ref?: string;
  customer_code?: string;
  plan?: string;
  transaction_charge?: string;
  bearer?: string;
  channels?: string[];
  currency?: string;
  firstname?: string;
  lastname?: string;
  phone?: string;
  remark?: string;
  payment_page?: string;
  payment_request?: string;
  quantity?: string;
  coupon?: string;
  start_date?: string;
  interval?: string;
  invoice_limit?: number;
  subaccount?: string;
  hash?: string;
  metadata?: string;
const transactionData: Parameters = {
  email: '', // replace this with the customer's email
  amount: 100,
  key: 'your_paystack_public_key',
// returns an instance of the Transaction class
const transaction = await Transaction.request(transactionData);


While the Transaction.request method lets you create transactions from scratch in the browser, Transaction.requestWithAccessCode lets you complete a transaction initialized from your server on the frontend. This method can be more secure and it, ensures no new transactions are created on the frontend.


import { Transaction } from 'checkout-js';

const accessCode = 'ltxo947mrhrbz6z'; // Access code for transaction created on your server using the Paystack API

// returns an instance of the transaction class
const transaction = await Transaction.requestWithAccessCode(accessCode);


This is a utility method used to validate the parameters for requesting a new transaction.


import { Transaction } from 'checkout-js';
const transactionData = {
  email: '', // replace this with the customer's email
  amount: 100,
  key: 'your_paystack_public_key',

try {
  Transaction.validate(transactionData); // throws validation errors
} catch (error) {
  // handle validation errors thrown by Transaction.validate

NB: Transaction.request calls this validation function implicitly, so you do not need to call it yourself except if you need to handle parameter validation separately.

Attempting a Charge

For each attempt to charge a payment instrument, checkout-js responds with a ChargeResponse. This ChargeResponse has the following interface depending on the kind of response received:

interface ChargeResponse {
  status: string;
  message: string;
  data?: Object
  errors?: Array;

reference will be made to this ChargeResponse throughout the rest of the documentation. More details here

# Charging a card

Charging a card includes the following steps:

  1. Set the card on the transaction
  2. Charge the card
  3. If required, authenticate the charge

transaction.setCard({ number, cvv, month, year, pin })

This is an instance method on transactions to set a card to be charged for the transaction. With this, you can


import { Transaction } from 'checkout-js';

const transactionData = { ... };
const transaction = await Transaction.request(transactionData)

interface Card {
	number: string;
	cvv: string;
	month: string;
	year: string;

 * Card number can have varying lengths, typically from 16 to 19 characters
 * CVV can be 3 or 4 characters in length

const newCard = {
  number: '4084084084084081',
  cvv: '408',
  month: '01',
  year: '20'

await transaction.setCard(newCard);


After setting a card on a transaction, you can now attempt to charge it by calling chargeCard()


import { Transaction } from 'checkout-js';
const chargeResponse = await transaction.chargeCard();


If chargeResponse returns a response with status === 'auth' you can request the customer's phone number or the OTP sent to their phone number. data.auth on the chargeResponse states what type of authentication is required.


import { Transaction } from 'checkout-js';

const newCard = {
  number: '4084084084084081',
  cvv: '408',
  month: '01',
  year: '20'

await transaction.setCard(newCard);


let chargeResponse = await transaction.chargeCard();

if (chargeResponse.status === 'auth') {
  let authResponse;
  if ( === 'pin') {
    // request customers phone number = '1234'
		await transaction.setCard(newCard)
		chargeResponse = await transaction.chargeChard(); // attempt to charge the card again with the pin included
if ( === 'otp') {
    // request otp sent to customer
    const otp = '123456';
    authResponse = await transaction.authenticateCard(otp); // returns a ChargeResponse


Use this function to wait for the response from the 3DS authentication from the customer. You’d need this if the charge response returns an auth type of 3ds:

const chargeResponse = {
  status: 'auth',
  message: 'url-for-3ds-authentication',
  data: {
    auth: '3ds',

The callback function will be called with the response and a function to unsubscribe from pusher.


const chargeResponse = await transaction.chargeCard();
function handleResponse(response, unsubscribe) {}

if (chargeResponse.status === 'auth') {
  if ( === '3DS') {
    // redirect customer to 3ds url in `chargeResponse.message`
    // listen for response from 3ds authentication

# Charging a bank account

To charge a bank account, you need to make sure it’s from one of the banks that Paystack supports bank payments from. To get a list of supported banks, call Toolkit.fetch('banks').

import { Toolkit } from 'checkout-js';

const banks = await Toolkit.fetch('banks'); 

// This will return an array of available banks like;
    "name": "Access Bank",
    "slug": "access-bank",
    "code": "044",
    "longcode": "044150149",
    "gateway": "emandate",
    "pay_with_bank": true,
    "active": true,
    "is_deleted": null,
    "country": "Nigeria",
    "currency": "NGN",
    "type": "nuban",
    "id": 1,
    "createdAt": "2016-07-14T10:04:29.000Z",
    "updatedAt": "2016-07-14T10:04:29.000Z"
    "name": "Guaranty Trust Bank",
    "slug": "guaranty-trust-bank",
    "code": "058",
    "longcode": "058152036",
    "gateway": "ibank",
    "pay_with_bank": true,
    "active": true,
    "is_deleted": null,
    "country": "Nigeria",
    "currency": "NGN",
    "type": "nuban",
    "id": 9,
    "createdAt": "2016-07-14T10:04:29.000Z",
    "updatedAt": "2016-07-14T10:04:29.000Z"

checkout-js currently handles three kinds of bank payments determined by the gateway on the bank object. The gateways are emandate, ibank and digitalbankmandate.

  • emandate payments follow a “registration → verification → authentication” payment flow.
  • ibank payments require that your customers be redirected to their internet banking portal for authentication, after which they will be redirected back to your payment flow.
  • digitalbankmandate payments need to be authenticated with a phone number and a payId

Most banks use the emandate flow while Guaranty Trust Bank and First Bank use the ibank flow and Kuda Bank uses the digitalbankmandate flow.

# Ibank Flow


This method is used to fetch the internet banking url through which a customer can complete a transaction.



const bank = {
  bankId: 9,
  name: 'Guaranty Trust Bank',
  gateway: 'ibank',

await transaction.getIbankUrl(bank);


When the customer has been redirected to their internet banking portal to complete the transaction, you can wait for the final result using this function, passing a callback that will be called with the response and a function to unsubscribe from pusher.


// fetch internet banking URL
const url = await transaction.getIbankUrl(bank);

// redirect customer to internet banking portal
// listen for response from internet banking portal
function handleResponse(response, unsubscribe) {}

// resolves to ChargeResponse

# DigitalBankMandate Flow (Kuda Bank)

transaction.chargeDigitalBankMandate({ phoneNumber, payId, bankId })

This function makes an attempt to charge a kuda bank account using the customer's phone number and a 6-digit payID which the customer will generate from their kuda bank app



const bank = {
  id: 67,
  name: 'Kuda Bank',
  gateway: 'digitalbankmandate',
const phoneNumber = '07033773883'
const payId = 288299;
const params = {

// resolves to ChargeResponse
await transaction.chargeDigitalBankMandate(params);

transaction.listenForDigitalBankMandateCharge(callback, pusherChannel)

After calling the chargeDigitalBankMandate function, you need to call the listenForDigitalBankMandateCharge function to be notified of the status of the payment. This function accepts a callback which will be called with the response as well as a function to unsubscribe from pusher — and a pusher_channel, a property on data gotten from the response to chargeDigitalBankMandate.

const {
} = await transaction.chargeDigitalBankMandate(params);

function handleResponse(response, unsubscribe) {}

transaction.listenForDigitalBankMandateCharge(handleResponse, data.pusher_channel)

# Emandate flow

transaction.setBankAccount({ bankId, accountType, accountNumber })

Sets the bank account the customer is going to use to complete the transaction.


import { Transaction, Toolkit } from 'checkout-js';
 const bank = {
  id: 1,
  name: 'Access Bank',
  gateway: 'emandate',
  type: 'nuban',

const bankAccount = {
  accountType: bank.type,
  accountNumber: '1234567890', // customer account number

await transaction.setBankAccount(bankAccount);


This method is responsible for charging the bank account that has been set on the transaction using transaction.setBankAccount().


const chargeResponse = await transaction.chargeBankAccount();
// resolves to a ChargeResponse


Use this to register new customer bank accounts for e-mandate so they can be charged. You should do this if you get a response requiring birthday registration after attempting to charge a bank account with transaction.chargeBankAccount.

  status: 'auth',
  message: 'This customer needs to register their account',
  data: {
    auth: 'birthday'


await transaction.setbankAccount({...});

const chargeResponse = await transaction.chargeBankAccount();

if (chargeResponse.status === 'auth' && === 'birthday') {
  // pass the customer's birthday in the format 'dd-MM-yyyy'
  const authResponse = await transaction.registerBankAccount('12-05-1980');
  // resolves to a ChargeResponse


This method is used to authenticate bank transactions using an otp.


await transaction.setbankAccount({...});
const chargeResponse = await transaction.chargeBankAccount();

if (chargeResponse.status === 'auth' && === 'otp') {
  const authResponse = await transaction.authenticateBankAccount(123456);
  // resolves to a ChargeResponse

# Charging via USSD

The only available USSD channels for now are GTB’s 737, Sterling's 822, Zenith's 966 and UBA's 919

transaction.getUSSDShortcode({ channel })

Use this to generate a USSD shortcode


// initialize transaction
const response = await transaction.getUSSDShortcode({ channel: '919' });

// returns a response in the format
  "status": true,
  "message": "Offline Reference Generated Successfully",
  "data": {
    "reference": "887462",
    "channel": "api_919_shortcode_00000",
    "code": "*919*00*1*0000#"

Present the code in data.code to your customers for payment.

transaction.listenForUSSDCharge({ channel }, callback)

Listen for when the customer completes the transaction via USSD. This function accepts a callback function to be called with the response and a function to unsubscribe from pusher.


// initialize transaction
function handleResponse(response, unsubscribe) {}

transaction.listenForUSSDCharge({ channel: '919' }, handleResponse);

// return a ChargeResponse

# Charging via QR

The available QR channels are visa in Nigeria and MPASS_OLTI in South Africa .

transaction.getQRCode({ channel })

Use this to generate a QR code


// initialize transaction
const response = await transaction.getQRCode({ channel: 'visa' });

// returns a response in the format
  "status": true,
  "message": "QR successfully generated",
  "data": {
    "errors": false,
    "url": "qr code image",
    "qr_code": "qr code",
    "status": "success",
    "channel": "qr channel"

Display the QR code image in data.url for your customers to scan.

transaction.listenForQRCharge({ channel }, callback)

Listen for when the customer has completed the transaction by scanning the QR code. This function accepts an object containing the QR channel and a callback function to be called with the response and a function to unsubscribe from pusher.


// initialize transaction
function handleResponse(response, unsubscribe) {}

transaction.listenForQRCharge({ channel: 'visa' }, handleResponse);

// return a ChargeResponse

# Charging a mobile money wallet

transaction.chargeMobileMoney({ phoneNumber, provider, voucher?, registrationToken? })

This function is used to attempt a mobile money charge with a phoneNumber, a provider and optionally, a voucher and a registrationToken

Available providers

   { name: 'MTN', value: 'MTN', prefix: ['+23354', '+23355', '+23324'] },
   { name: 'TGO', 
     value: 'Airtel/Tigo', 
     prefix: ['+23327', '+23357', '+23326', '+23356'] 
   { name: 'VOD', value: 'Vodafone', prefix: ['+23320', '+23350'] },


// initialize transaction
const response = await transaction.chargeMobileMoney(
  { phoneNumber: '05012345678', provider: 'VOD' }

// returns a response in the format
  "status": true,
  "message": "Charge attempted",
  "data": {
    "transaction": 2,
    "phone": "05012345678",
    "device": "96640369ca64b60d3dcf",
    "provider": "VOD",
    "channel_name": "MOBILE_MONEY_2",
    "display": {
      "type": "voucher",
      "message": "Please enter your voucher code to complete this payment"

* Depending on what the `display.type` is from the previous response, you might
* need to collect additional information to complete the payment

* If you get a `display.type === voucher`, collect a voucher from the customer
* and call chargeMobileMoney again, this time including the voucher as one of the
* arguments
const response = await transaction.chargeMobileMoney(
    phoneNumber: '05012345678', 
    provider: 'VOD', 
    voucher: 'voucher-code' 

* If you get a `display.type === registration_token`, collect a registrationToken from the customer
* and call chargeMobileMoney again, this time including the registrationToken
* as one of the arguments
const response = await transaction.chargeMobileMoney(
    phoneNumber: '05012345678', 
    provider: 'VOD', 
    registrationToken: 'token' 
* The `registrationToken` phase should be the last stage in the process after 
* which you should start listening for a response as stated in the next section


Listen for when the customer has completed the payment, passing a callback function to be called with the response and a function to unsubscribe from pusher.


// initialize transaction
function handleResponse(response, unsubscribe) {}


// return a ChargeResponse

# Transaction Analytics

These are a group of functions that help to populate the transaction timeline which is attached to every transaction and can be viewed on the Paystack dashboard.

Checkout JS implicitly handles some analytics like logging inputs, bank selection, errors, authentications and transaction success.


This function initializes transaction logging.


// initialize transaction


This function returns the amount of time since the transaction was requested.


// initialize transaction


Logs the time when the transaction page was opened


// initialize transaction


Logs the time when the transaction authentication window was opened


// initialize transaction


Logs the time when the transaction authentication window was closed


// initialize transaction


Log switch to a channel with name channelName


// initialize transaction


Log validation errors on an array of inputs


// initialize transaction
	transaction.logValidationErrors(['card number']);


Log when a customer filled a certain input field


// initialize transaction
transaction.logInput('card number');


Log when a customer makes an attempt on a channel


// initialize transaction


Log what bank the user selected while trying to pay with a bank account


// initialize transaction
transaction.logBankSelect('Access Bank');


Log when a customer encounters an error while attempting to pay


// initialize transaction
try {
  // initialize transaction
  // attempt to charge transaction
} catch(error) {


Log when a customer needs to be authenticated.


// attempt a charge and get a response

if (response.status === 'auth') {
  // log the authentication required


Log when a customer has successfully completed a transaction


// attempt a charge and get a response

if (response.status === 'success') {


Log when a transaction status is pending


// attempt a charge and get a response

if (response.status === 'pending') {


Log when a customer closes a payment page


// listen for a page close event


Log the page a payment page was opened from


// initialize transaction

# Checking transaction status


Used to check the status of a transaction


await transaction.requery();
// responds with a ChargeResponse

# Toolkit

Houses various utility functions like error resolutions, supported banks, and celebrations.


Returns an array of possible parameters to be used with the Toolkit.fetch() and their corresponding usage


import { Toolkit } from 'checkout-js';


// output
  key: 'banks', 
  usage: 'Returns a list of banks that can be used to complete checkout'
  }, {
    key: 'celebrations',
    usage: 'Returns a list of upcoming celebrations'
  }, {
    key: 'resolutions',
    usage: 'Returns a list of known errors, mapped to their suggested resolutions'


A static method on the Toolkit class that operates on valid keys from Toolkit.contents() and returns data consistent with the usage of each key.


import { Toolkit } from 'checkout-js'
const celebrations = await Toolkit.fetch('celebrations')

// returns a list of National celebrations and their dates:
  "2018-06-07": "Happy Valentine's Day ❤️",
  "2018-03-06": "Happy Independence Day 🇬🇭",
  "2018-04-01": "Happy Easter 🙏",
  "2018-05-01": "Happy Worker's Day 💪",
  "2018-05-27": "Happy Children's Day 👶",
  "2018-05-29": "Happy Democracy Day 🇳🇬",
  "2018-06-15": "Barka da Sallah 🎉",
  "2018-10-01": "Happy Independence Day 🇳🇬",
  "2018-12-25": "Merry Christmas 🎉",
  "2018-12-26": "Happy Boxing Day 🎁"

// params is an optional object which defaults to {pay_with_bank: '1'} if no value is passed.
const banks = await Toolkit.fetch('banks', params)

// returns;
    name: "Access Bank"
    slug: "access-bank"
    code: "044"
    longcode: "044150149"
    gateway: "emandate"
    pay_with_bank: true
    active: true
    is_deleted: null
    country: "Nigeria"
    currency: "NGN"
    type: "nuban"
    id: 1
    createdAt: "2016-07-14T10:04:29.000Z"
    updatedAt: "2016-07-14T10:04:29.000Z"
}, { ... } ...]

# Validating a Card

Card.validate({ number, cvv, month, year })

A static method on the Card class that takes an object containing cardNumber , cvv, month and year returning an object specifying if the card is valid.


import { Card } from 'checkout-js';

const cardDetails = {
  number: '4084084084084081',
  cvv: '408',
  month: '03',
  year: '21',


// output
// { isValid: true, errors: [] }


A static method on the Card class that takes a card number and returns true if the card number is valid.


import { Card } from 'checkout-js';

const cardNumber = '4084084084084081';


// output
// true


A static method on the Card class that takes a card number and returns the type of card for a valid card number


import { Card } from 'checkout-js';

const cardNumber = '4084084084084081';


// output
// {type: 'visa', maxLength: 19}

// output for invalid card number
// {type: null, maxLength: 0}


A static method on the Card class that takes a cvv returns true if cvv supplied is valid


import { Card } from 'checkout-js';

const cvv = '408';


// output
// true

Card.isExpiryValid(month, year)

A static method on the Card class that takes an expiry month and year returning true if valid


import { Card } from 'checkout-js';

const expiryMonth = '10';
const expiryYear = '2020'

Card.isExpiryValid(expiryMonth, expiryYear);

// output
// true

# Validating a bank account

BankAccount.validate({ bankId, accountNumber, accountType })

A static method that takes an object containing bankId, accountType and accountNumber, returning an object specifying the validity of the account number supplied.


import { BankAccount } from 'checkout-js';

// valid accountTypes: BankAccount.types
// valid bankIds: Toolkit.fetch('banks')
const bankDetails = {
  bankId: 1,
  accountType: 'nuban',
  accountNumber: '0011163526'


// output
// {isValid: true, errors: []}


A static method on the BankAccount class that takes a bank account number and returns true if it is a valid ‘nuban’ account number.


import { BankAccount } from 'checkout-js';

const accountNumber = '08033991672'


// output
// true / false

# Charge Responses

This is the format in which all charge responses in checkout-js are returned. A charge response will always have a status and a message.


This means that the charge attempt was successful


  status: 'success',
  message: 'Transaction successful',
  data: { ... }


This means that additional authentication has to be carried out to complete the transaction


  status: 'auth',
  message: 'Authentication Required', // for 3DS, this would be the 3DS redirect URL
  data: {
    auth: 'pin' // can either be [pin, otp or 3DS]


This means that the charge attempt failed


  status: 'failed',
  message: 'Transaction failed',
  errors: [],
  /* the 'error' object is only available if a card transaction fails. It tells us the bank the failed card was issued by. You can use this to suggest that your customer pays with their bank account, if it's one of the supported banks in Toolkit.fetch('banks') */
  error: {
    bank: 'Guaranty Trust Bank'

Additional Notes


This library uses a third party service, Pusher, to listen for API responses in the following methods

  • Transaction.listenFor3DSCharge
  • Transaction.listenForIbankCharge
  • Transaction.listenForUSSDCharge
  • Transaction.listenForQRCharge
  • Transaction.listenForMobileMoneyCharge
  • Transaction.listenForDigitalBankMandateCharge

However, this does not work on non-Paystack domains so you have to use the transaction.requery() method to check the status of the transaction when using any of those payment methods.

Error Handling

To ensure higher success rates, errors and failure messages should not be taken as an indication of finality, for example when a payment fails on the Paystack Checkout, the customer is prompted to retry via the same payment method or an alternative payment method.



Package last updated on 26 Aug 2024

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