List installed packages in a symlinked `node_modules`

<pnpm|npm|yarn> add @pnpm/list
'use strict'
const pnpmList = require('@pnpm/list').default
pnpmList(__dirname, {depth: 2})
.then(output => {
default: list(path, [opts]): Promise<string>
Returns a string output similar to the npm ls
but for pnpm.
- String - path to the project[opts.depth]
- number - 0
by default. Max display depth of the dependency tree.[opts.only]
- dev | prod - null
by default. Display only the dependency tree for packages in devDependencies
or dependencies
- Boolean - false
by default. If true, show extended information.[opts.parseable]
- Boolean - false
by default. Show parseable output instead of tree view.[opts.alwaysPrintRootPackage]
- Boolean - true
by default. Print the root package even if no dependencies found/matched.
forPackages(packages, path, [opts]): Promise<string>
Returns a string output similar to the npm ls [<@scope>/]<pkg> ...
but for pnpm.
- String[] - an array of name@version-range
identifiers, which will limit the results to only the paths to the packages named.path
- String - path to the project[opts.depth]
- number - 0
by default. Max display depth of the dependency tree.[opts.only]
- dev | prod - null
by default. Display only the dependency tree for packages in devDependencies
or dependencies
- Boolean - false
by default. If true, show extended information.[opts.parseable]
- Boolean - false
by default. Show parseable output instead of tree view.[opts.alwaysPrintRootPackage]
- Boolean - true
by default. Print the root package even if no dependencies found/matched..
MIT © Zoltan Kochan