[[Amount]] | The Substrate Amount representation as a [[Balance]] |
[[AssetOf]] | The Substrate AssetOf representation as a [[Balance]] |
[[AttestedCandidate]] | An attested candidate |
[[AuthorityId]] | Wrapper for a AuthorityId. Same as an normal AccountId |
[[AuthoritiesChange]] | Log for Authories changed |
[[Balance]] | The Substrate Balance representation as a [[U128]] |
[[BalanceLock]] | The Substrate BalanceLock for staking |
[[BalanceOf]] | The Substrate BalanceOf representation as a [[Balance]] |
[[BftAtReport]] | A report of a/b hash-signature pairs for a specific index |
[[BftAuthoritySignature]] | Represents a Bft Hash and Signature pairing, typically used in reporting network behaviour |
[[BftHashSignature]] | Represents a Bft Hash and Signature pairing, typically used in reporting network behaviour |
[[BftProposeOutOfTurn]] | A report for out-of-turn proposals |
[[BlockNumber]] | A representation of a Substrate BlockNumber, implemented as a [[U64]] |
[[CodeHash]] | The default contract code hash that is used accross the system |
[[Consensus]] | Log item indicating consensus |
[[ContractInfo]] | The contract information for a given contract |
[[ContractStorageKey]] | A representation of a storage key for contracts |
[[Exposure]] | A snapshot of the stake backing a single validator in the system |
[[Extrinsic]] | Representation of an Extrinsic in the system |
[[ExtrinsicEra]] | The era for an extrinsic, indicating either a mortal or immortal extrinsic |
[[Extrinsics]] | A [[Vector]] of [[Extrinsic]] |
[[ExtrinsicSignature]] | A container for the [[Signature]] associated with a specific [[Extrinsic]] |
[[Gas]] | A gas number type for Substrate, extending [[U64]] |
[[IndividualExposure]] | The Substrate IndividualExposure for staking |
[[InherentOfflineReport]] | Describes the offline-reporting extrinsic |
[[Justification]] | A generic justification as a stream of [[Bytes]], this is specific per consensus implementation |
[[Key]] | The Substrate Key representation as a [[Bytes]] (vec<u8> ) |
[[KeyValue]] | KeyValue structure. Since most of the keys and resultant values in Subtrate are hashed and/or encoded, keys and values are reprsented as [[Bytes]] |
[[KeyValueOption]] | A key/value change. Similar to the [[KeyValue]] structure, but the value can be optional |
[[LockIdentifier]] | The Substrate LockIdentifier for staking |
[[LockPeriods]] | A number of lock periods |
[[MisbehaviorKind]] | An [[EnumType]] containing a Bft misbehaviour |
[[MisbehaviorReport]] | A Misbehaviour report of [[MisbehavioirKind]] against a specific [[AuthorityId]] |
[[NewAccountOutcome]] | Enum to track the outcome for creation of an [[AccountId]] |
[[NextAuthority]] | The next authority available as [[SessionKey]] |
[[Nonce]] | The Nonce or number of transactions sent by a specific account |
[[NonceCompact]] | The Compact or number of transactions sent by a specific account |
[[ParaId]] | Identifier for a deployed parachain implemented as a [[U32]] |
[[Perbill]] | Parts per billion (see also [[Permill]]) |
[[Permill]] | Parts per million (See also [[Perbill]]) |
[[PrefabWasmModule]] | Struct to encode the vesting schedule of an individual account |
[[PropIndex]] | An increasing number that represents a specific council proposal index in the system |
[[Proposal]] | A proposal in the system. It just extends [[Method]] (Proposal = Call in Rust) |
[[ProposalIndex]] | An increasing number that represents a specific council proposal index in the system |
[[ReferendumIndex]] | An increasing number that represents a specific referendum in the system |
[[ReferendumInfo]] | Info regarding an ongoing referendum |
[[RewardDestination]] | A destination account for payment |
[[Schedule]] | Definition of the cost schedule and other parameterizations for wasm vm |
[[Seal]] | Log item indicating a sealing event |
[[SeedOf]] | The Substrate SeedOf representation as a [[Hash]] |
[[SessionKey]] | Wrapper for a SessionKey. Same as an normal [[AuthorityId]], i.e. a wrapper around publicKey |
[[Signature]] | The default signature that is used accross the system |
[[SignaturePayload]] | A signing payload for an [[Extrinsic]]. For the final encoding, it is variable length based on the contents included |
[[SignaturePayloadRaw]] | A version of the [[SignaturePayload]] where it doesn't rely on [[Method]] with metadata, rather it treats the values as a raw byte stream |
[[StakingLedger]] | The ledger of a (bonded) stash |
[[StoredPendingChange]] | Stored pending change for a Grandpa events |
[[TreasuryProposal]] | A Proposal made for Treasury |
[[UnlockChunk]] | Just a Balance/BlockNumber tuple to encode when a chunk of funds will be unlocked |
[[ValidatorPrefs]] | Validator preferences |
[[VestingSchedule]] | Struct to encode the vesting schedule of an individual account |
[[Vote]] | A number of lock periods, plus a vote, one way or the other |
[[VoteIndex]] | Voting index, implemented as a [[U32]] |
[[VoteThreshold]] | Voting threshold, used inside proposals to set change the voting tally |
[[WithdrawReasons]] | The Substrate WithdrawReasons for staking |