Polymath SDK
A Javascript SDK for interacting with the Polymath network for the browser and Node.js
First, configure your Polymath Client:
import { Polymath, browserUtils } from '@polymathnetwork/sdk';
const config = {
polymathRegistryAddress: '0x1234...',
const networkConfigs = {
['1']: {
['42']: {
const networkId = await browserUtils.getNetworkId();
const config = networkConfigs[networkId];
export const polyClient = new Polymath(config);
Initializing your client
Finally, let's start a procedure to reserve a Security Token
const transactionQueue = await polyClient.reserveSecurityToken({
name: 'My Token',
symbol: 'MY-TOKEN',
await transactionQueue.run();
const myTokenReservation = await polyClient.getSecurityTokenReservation({
symbol: 'MY-TOKEN',
To be continued...