Table of Contents
- Overview
- Installation
- Getting Started
- Adapters
- Update Configuration
- Services
- CsGroupService
The library is grouped into Modules and SubModules as shown below -
├── blocs
│ └── group-addable
├── core
│ └── http-service
├── models
│ ├── certificate
│ ├── channel
│ ├── content
│ ├── course
│ ├── device
│ ├── faq
│ ├── form
│ ├── group
│ ├── location
│ ├── notification
│ ├── organisation
│ ├── page
│ └── user
├── services
│ ├── certificate
│ ├── content
│ ├── course
│ ├── discussion
│ ├── form
│ ├── framework
│ ├── group
│ ├── location
│ ├── notification
│ ├── system-settings
│ └── user
├── telemetry
│ ├── errors
│ ├── implementation
│ └── interface
└── utilities
├── aggregator
└── certificate
The public facing API is prefixed with 'Cs' namespace, as in -
- CsModule
- CsConfig
- CsGroupService
- ...
For instance,
- CsModule is part of the root module
- CsContentsGroupGenerator is a utlility within content service
Their respective imports would be -
import {CsModule} from "@project-sunbird/client-services";
import {CsContentsGroupGenerator} from "@project-sunbird/client-services/services/content/utilities/content-group-generator";
To install the package
npm i @project-sunbird/client-services@3.x.x
The package requires the consumer to have rxjs@6.x.x installed as the only peerDependency
Getting Started
To use the library CsModule, it needs to be initialised with basic configuration.
CsModule is a singleton and it would be best to check if it has already been initialised before attempting to initialise -
if (!CsModule.instance.isInitialised) { // Singleton initialised or not
await CsModule.instance.init({
core: {
httpAdapter: 'HttpClientBrowserAdapter', // optional - HttpClientBrowserAdapter or HttpClientCordovaAdapter, default - HttpClientBrowserAdapter
global: {
channelId: 'some_channel_id', // required
producerId: 'some_producer_id', // required
deviceId: 'some_random_device_id' // required
api: {
host: 'https://staging.ntp.net.in', // default host
authentication: {
// userToken: string; // optional
// bearerToken: string; // optional
services: {
// groupServiceConfig: CsGroupServiceConfig // optional
If the client for the library is a cordova project, use the 'HttpClientCordovaAdapter' adapter
or use 'HttpClientBrowserAdapter'. 'HttpClientBrowserAdapter' is the default if not specified.
Update Configuration
The configuration can be dynamically reset after initialisation
const newConfig = {...CsModule.instance.config}; // copy existing config
newConfig.core.api.authentication = {
bearerToken: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXV.eyJpc3MiOiJzdGFnaW5nLmRpa3NoYS5hcHAtYTMzM2YzZjExZDM0YzlkNWYwZTE2MjUyYWMwZDVhYTZmMTBjYSIsImlhdCI6MTU4ODkxNDc1NX0.dEmjK6LStoenL_pRX1KwEtU4-opuUOUGI05ecex',
// after login
newConfig.core.api.authentication = {
userToken: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXV.eyJpc3MiOiJzdGFnaW5nLmRpa3NoYS5hcHAtYTMzM2YzZjExZDM0YzlkNWYwZTE2MjUyYWMwZDVhYTZmMTBjYSIsImlhdCI6MTU4ODkxNDc1NX0.dEmjK6LStoenL_pRX1KwEtU4-opuUOUGI05ecex',
Accessing a service
The CsModule being a singleton, every service within would also be a singleton, To access any service -
const httpService = CsModule.instance.httpService; // handles API calls, interceptors (tokens, logging)
const groupService = CsModule.instance.groupService; // internally uses httpService
Every service by default will utilise the optional configuration declared during init() or updateConfig()
services: {
groupServiceConfig: { // optional
apiPath: '/api/v1/group'
Additionally, methods of the service may have an optional argument that can override the global configuration explicitly
just for that method call
const group = await groupService.getById(
{ apiPath: '/api/v2/group' } // optional
This service deals with user group management and has the following interface -
services: {
groupServiceConfig: { // optional
apiPath: '/api/v1/group'
interface CsGroupService {
name: string,
board: string,
medium: string | string[],
gradeLevel: string | string[],
subject: string | string[],
config?: CsGroupServiceConfig
): Observable<Group>;
deleteById(id: string, config?: CsGroupServiceConfig): Observable<void>;
getAll(config?: CsGroupServiceConfig): Observable<Group[]>;
getById(id: string, config?: CsGroupServiceConfig): Observable<Group>;
addMemberById(memberId: string, groupId: string, config?: CsGroupServiceConfig): Observable<Group>;
removeMemberById(memberId: string, groupId: string, config?: CsGroupServiceConfig): Observable<void>;
services: {
frameworkServiceConfig: { // optional
apiPath: '<path>'
export interface CsFrameworkService {
getFramework(id: string, options?: GetFrameworkOptions, config?: CsFrameworkServiceConfig): Observable<Framework>;
services: {
locationServiceConfig: { // optional
apiPath: '<path>'
export interface CsLocationService {
searchLocations(request?: SearchLocationRequests, config?: CsLocationServiceConfig): Observable<Location[]>;
services: {
courseServiceConfig: { // optional
apiPath: '<path>'
export interface CsCourseService {
getUserEnrollmentList(request: GetUserEnrollmentListRequests, additionalParams?: { [key: string]: string }, config?: CsCourseServiceConfig): Observable<Course[]>;