SoloCmp 🎻

What is it for?
- This library is a wrapper of the IAB's Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF)
library with the intention of simplifying and adding more ways of customization of the whole flow that starts from the view of the CMP banner at the release of the user's consent.
Are there any requirements?
- This library is completely framework agnostic, so feel free to implement your CMP with any framework such as Vue, React and others.
What do you have to do?
- Implement only the UI part of the CMP, everything else is handled by SoloCmp.
Together with the easier implementation of your CMP you have:
- 🚀 Optimized consent release performance
- 🏄 Ability to add plugins in standard flow
- ⚡️ Integration with AMP
npm install @pubtech-ai/solo-cmp --save
This example demonstrates the basic use case of a CMP UI using our library.
import cmpstub from '@iabtcf/stub';
import {
} from "@pubtech-ai/solo-cmp";
import DependencyInjectionManager from "@pubtech-ai/solo-cmp/lib/DependencyInjection/DependencyInjectionManager";
const uiConstructor = new UIConstructor(document, 'your-cmp-html-element-id-container', (rootElement, soloCmpDataBundle) => {
}, (rootElement) => {
const eventDispatcher = DependencyInjectionManager.getService(EventDispatcher.getClassName());
const tcStringService = DependencyInjectionManager.getService(TCStringService.getClassName());
const acStringService = DependencyInjectionManager.getService(ACStringService.getClassName());
eventDispatcher.dispatch(new OpenCmpUIEvent(
const cmpVersion = 1;
const cmpVendorListVersion = 79;
const cmpId = 100000;
const soloCmp = new SoloCmp(
uiConstructor: uiConstructor,
isDebugEnabled: true,
cmpConfig: {
isAmp: true,
onConsentAds: () => {
debug: true
supportedLanguages: ['it', 'en'],
cmpVersion: cmpVersion,
cmpVendorListVersion: cmpVendorListVersion,
tcStringCookieName: 'euconsent-v2',
acStringLocalStorageName: 'ac_euconsent-v2',
cmpId: cmpId,
isServiceSpecific: true,
baseUrlVendorList: "https://url-to/vendorList",
initialHeightAmpCmpUi: '30vh',
enableBorderAmpCmpUi: false,
After this first initialization what needs to be done is to render all the choices available within the
UIChoicesBridgeDto object exposed by the SoloCmpDataBundle which is injected by the first callback provided during the creation of the UIConstructor.
const uiChoicesBridgeDto = soloCmpDataBundle.uiChoicesBridgeDto;
const uiPurposes = uiChoicesBridgeDto.UIPurposeChoices;
const uiSpecialFeatures = uiChoicesBridgeDto.UISpecialFeatureChoices;
const uiVendors = uiChoicesBridgeDto.UIVendorChoices;
const uiLegIntPurposes = uiChoicesBridgeDto.UILegitimateInterestsPurposeChoices;
const uiLegIntVendors = uiChoicesBridgeDto.UILegitimateInterestsVendorChoices;
const uiGoogleVendors = uiChoicesBridgeDto.UIGoogleVendorOptions;
import {
} from "@pubtech-ai/solo-cmp";
EventDispatcher.getInstance().dispatch(new MoreChoicesEvent());
new ApplyConsentEvent(
new AcceptAllEvent(
That's all, create your CMP, show consents and give the user the ability to choose which things to enable and disable and dispatch the above events.
Note: Closing the CMP UI is your responsibility, so once the user has done something to dispatch ApplyConsentEvent or AcceptAllEvent, don't show the CMP, or destroy it.
In order to contribute to the improvement of the project, below you will find the project development flow.
Before being able to open a PR with changes to be applied or bug fixes to be solved, it is necessary to open an issue
and explain the reason and a possible solution. You can open each PR by forking the project and creating the PR directly from
your project to the project of our library.
Main rules:
- Open issue
- Create PR from forked project
- Link your PR to the issue
Development Flow
All development work occurs on the develop
The main
branch is used to create new releases by merging current head of the develop
You should create a feature-branch, branching from develop
, whenever you need to add some changes to the main
If those changes are accepted they will be merged by the repository maintainer.
Development environment
To ease local development you have to install these tools:
Currently used version: v14.15.4
Install dependencies
To install dependencies, execute these commands:
npm install
Test project
To run tests, execute this command:
npm run test
Lint project
To lint the project files, execute this command:
npm run lint
Compile and minify for production
To create a production version, execute this command:
npm run build
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