What is @pulumi/gcp?
@pulumi/gcp is a Pulumi package that allows developers to create, deploy, and manage Google Cloud Platform (GCP) resources using Pulumi's infrastructure as code approach. It provides a wide range of functionalities to manage various GCP services such as Compute Engine, Cloud Storage, BigQuery, and more.
What are @pulumi/gcp's main functionalities?
Compute Engine
This feature allows you to create and manage Google Compute Engine instances. The code sample demonstrates how to create a new Compute Engine instance with specific configurations.
const gcp = require('@pulumi/gcp');
const compute = new gcp.compute.Instance('my-instance', {
machineType: 'f1-micro',
zone: 'us-central1-a',
bootDisk: {
initializeParams: {
image: 'debian-cloud/debian-9'
networkInterfaces: [{
network: 'default',
accessConfigs: [{}]
Cloud Storage
This feature allows you to create and manage Google Cloud Storage buckets. The code sample demonstrates how to create a new Cloud Storage bucket with specific configurations.
const gcp = require('@pulumi/gcp');
const bucket = new gcp.storage.Bucket('my-bucket', {
location: 'US',
forceDestroy: true
This feature allows you to create and manage Google BigQuery datasets. The code sample demonstrates how to create a new BigQuery dataset with specific configurations.
const gcp = require('@pulumi/gcp');
const dataset = new gcp.bigquery.Dataset('my-dataset', {
datasetId: 'my_dataset',
friendlyName: 'My Dataset',
description: 'A sample dataset'
Cloud Functions
This feature allows you to create and manage Google Cloud Functions. The code sample demonstrates how to create a new Cloud Function with specific configurations.
const gcp = require('@pulumi/gcp');
const function = new gcp.cloudfunctions.Function('my-function', {
runtime: 'nodejs10',
entryPoint: 'helloWorld',
sourceArchiveBucket: bucket.name,
sourceArchiveObject: bucketObject.name,
triggerHttp: true
Other packages similar to @pulumi/gcp
@pulumi/aws is a Pulumi package that allows developers to create, deploy, and manage Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources using Pulumi's infrastructure as code approach. It provides similar functionalities to @pulumi/gcp but for AWS services.
@pulumi/azure is a Pulumi package that allows developers to create, deploy, and manage Microsoft Azure resources using Pulumi's infrastructure as code approach. It provides similar functionalities to @pulumi/gcp but for Azure services.
Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool created by HashiCorp. It allows users to define and provision data center infrastructure using a high-level configuration language. Terraform supports multiple cloud providers, including GCP, AWS, and Azure, making it a versatile alternative to @pulumi/gcp.

Google Cloud Platform Resource Provider
The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) resource provider for Pulumi lets you use GCP resources in your cloud programs.
Install using: npm install @pulumi/gcp
This package is meant for use with the Pulumi CLI. Please visit docs.pulumi.com for
installation instructions.