Group your words into paragraphs and render each statement a harmonious symphony.

yarn add @remirror/extension-paragraph
pnpm add @remirror/extension-paragraph
npm install @remirror/extension-paragraph
This is included by default when you install the recommended remirror
package. All exports are also available via the entry-point, remirror/extensions
When added to your editor it will provide the insertParagraph
which inserts a paragraph into the editor.
import { ExtensionPriority, RemirrorManager } from 'remirror';
import { DocExtension, ParagraphExtension, TextExtension } from 'remirror/extensions';
const paragraphExtension = new ParagraphExtension();
const docExtension = new DocExtension({ priority: ExtensionPriority.Low });
const textExtension = new TextExtension({ priority: ExtensionPriority.Low });
const manager = RemirrorManager.create([paragraphExtension, docExtension, textExtension]);
const element = document.createElement('div');
There are several presets which contain this extension and make the installation process less verbose. As a result you probably won't ever need to manage it directly.