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This agent helps Cypress to communicate with Report Portal

  • 5.3.2
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Agent to integrate Cypress with ReportPortal.

  • More about Cypress
  • More about ReportPortal


$ npm install --save-dev @reportportal/agent-js-cypress


Cypress version => 10

There is a configuration guide for Cypress version 10 and above.


Add the following options to cypress.config.js.

const { defineConfig } = require('cypress');
const registerReportPortalPlugin = require('@reportportal/agent-js-cypress/lib/plugin');

module.exports = defineConfig({
  reporter: '@reportportal/agent-js-cypress',
  reporterOptions: {
    apiKey: '<API_KEY>',
    endpoint: 'https://your.reportportal.server/api/v1',
    project: 'Your reportportal project name',
    launch: 'Your launch name',
    description: 'Your launch description',
    attributes: [
        key: 'attributeKey',
        value: 'attributeValue',
        value: 'anotherAttributeValue',
  e2e: {
    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      return registerReportPortalPlugin(on, config);

To see more options refer Options.

Setup ReportPortal custom commands

Add the following to your custom commands file (cypress/support/commands.js):


See examples of usage here.

Cypress version <= 9

There is a configuration guide for Cypress version 9 and below.


Add the following options to cypress.json

  "reporter": "@reportportal/agent-js-cypress",
  "reporterOptions": {
    "apiKey": "<API_KEY>",
    "endpoint": "https://your.reportportal.server/api/v1",
    "project": "Your reportportal project name",
    "launch": "Your launch name",
    "description": "Your launch description",
    "attributes": [
        "key": "attributeKey",
        "value": "attributeValue"
        "value": "anotherAttributeValue"

To see more options refer Options.

Register ReportPortal plugin (cypress/plugins/index.js):
const registerReportPortalPlugin = require('@reportportal/agent-js-cypress/lib/plugin');

module.exports = (on, config) => registerReportPortalPlugin(on, config);
Setup ReportPortal custom commands

Add the following to your custom commands file (cypress/support/commands.js):



The full list of available options presented below.

apiKeyRequiredUser's reportportal token from which you want to send requests. It can be found on the profile page of this user.
endpointRequiredURL of your server. For example 'https://server:8080/api/v1'.
launchRequiredName of launch at creation.
projectRequiredThe name of the project in which the launches will be created.
attributesOptional[]Launch attributes.
descriptionOptional''Launch description.
rerunOptionalfalseEnable rerun
rerunOfOptionalNot setUUID of launch you want to rerun. If not specified, reportportal will update the latest launch with the same name
modeOptional'DEFAULT'Results will be submitted to Launches page
'DEBUG' - Results will be submitted to Debug page.
skippedIssueOptionaltruereportportal provides feature to mark skipped tests as not 'To Investigate'.
Option could be equal boolean values:
true - skipped tests considered as issues and will be marked as 'To Investigate' on reportportal.
false - skipped tests will not be marked as 'To Investigate' on application.
debugOptionalfalseThis flag allows seeing the logs of the client-javascript. Useful for debugging.
launchIdOptionalNot setThe ID of an already existing launch. The launch must be in 'IN_PROGRESS' status while the tests are running. Please note that if this ID is provided, the launch will not be finished at the end of the run and must be finished separately.
launchUuidPrintOptionalfalseWhether to print the current launch UUID.
launchUuidPrintOutputOptional'STDOUT'Launch UUID printing output. Possible values: 'STDOUT', 'STDERR'. Works only if launchUuidPrint set to true.
restClientConfigOptionalNot setaxios like http client config. May contain agent property for configure http(s) client, and other client options eg. timeout. For debugging and displaying logs you can set debug: true.
autoMergeOptionalfalseEnable automatic report test items of all runned spec into one launch. You should install plugin or setup additional settings in reporterOptions. See Automatically merge launch.
reportHooksOptionalfalseDetermines report before and after hooks or not.
isLaunchMergeRequiredOptionalfalseAllows to merge Cypress run's into one launch at the end of the run. Needs additional setup. See Manual merge launches.
parallelOptionalfalseIndicates to the reporter that spec files will be executed in parallel on different machines. Parameter could be equal boolean values. See Parallel execution.
tokenDeprecatedNot setUse apiKey instead.

Overwrite options from config file

If you run Cypress tests programmatically or use cypress.config.js, you can simply overwrite them:

const updatedConfig = {
  reporterOptions: {
    apiKey: process.env.RP_API_KEY,

For security reasons, you can also set token as a part of Environment Variables, instead of sharing it in the config file:

OptionENV variableNote
tokenRP_TOKENdeprecated Use RP_API_KEY instead.

ReportPortal custom commands


ReportPortal provides the following custom commands for reporting logs into the current test.

  • cy.log(message). Overrides standard Cypress cy.log(log). Reports message as an info log of the current test.

You can use the following methods to report logs and attachments with different log levels:

  • cy.trace (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the current test with trace log level.
  • cy.logDebug (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the current test with debug log level.
  • (message , file). Reports message and optional file as log of the current test with info log level.
  • cy.warn (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the current test with warning log level.
  • cy.error (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the current test with error log level.
  • cy.fatal (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the current test with fatal log level.
  • cy.launchTrace (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the launch with trace log level.
  • cy.launchDebug (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the launch with debug log level.
  • cy.launchInfo (message , file). Reports message and optional file as log of the launch with info log level.
  • cy.launchWarn (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the launch with warning log level.
  • cy.launchError (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the launch with error log level.
  • cy.launchFatal (message , file). Reports message and optional file as a log of the launch with fatal log level.

file should be an object:

  name: "filename",
  type: "image/png",  // media type
  content: data,  // file content represented as 64base string

Note: The cy.debug RP command has been changed to cy.logDebug due to the command with the same name in Cypress 9.*.

Report attributes for tests

addTestAttributes (attributes). Add attributes(tags) to the current test. Should be called inside of corresponding test.
attributes is array of pairs of key and value:

  key: "attributeKey1",
  value: "attributeValue2",

Key is optional field.

Integration with Sauce Labs

To integrate with Sauce Labs just add attributes:

 "key": "SLID",
 "value": "# of the job in Sauce Labs"
}, {
 "key": "SLDC",
 "value": "EU (EU or US)"

Report description for tests

setTestDescription (description). Set text description to the current test. Should be called inside of corresponding test.

Report test case Id for tests and suites

setTestCaseId (id, suite). Set test case id to the current test or suite. Should be called inside of corresponding test/suite.
id is a string test case Id.
suite (optional) is the title of the suite to which the specified test case id belongs. Should be provided just in case of reporting test case id for specified suite instead of current test.

Finish launch/test item with status

ReportPortal provides the following custom commands for setting status to the current suite/spec.

  • cy.setStatus(status, suite). Assign status to the current test or suite. Should be called inside of corresponding test/suite.
    status should be equal to one of the following values: passed, failed, stopped, skipped, interrupted, cancelled, info, warn.
    suite (optional) is the title of the suite to which you wish to set the status (all suite descriptions must be unique). Should be provided just in case of assign status for specified suite instead of current test.

You can use the shorthand forms of the cy.setStatus method:

  • cy.setStatusPassed(suite). Assign passed status to the current test or suite.
  • cy.setStatusFailed(suite). Assign failed status to the current test or suite.
  • cy.setStatusSkipped(suite). Assign skipped status to the current test or suite.
  • cy.setStatusStopped(suite). Assign stopped status to the current test or suite.
  • cy.setStatusInterrupted(suite). Assign interrupted status to the current test or suite.
  • cy.setStatusCancelled(suite). Assign cancelled status to the current test or suite.
  • cy.setStatusInfo(suite). Assign info status to the current test or suite.
  • cy.setStatusWarn(suite). Assign warn status to the current test or suite.

ReportPortal also provides the corresponding methods for setting status into the launch:

  • setLaunchStatus(status). Assign status to the launch.
    status should be equal to one of the following values: passed, failed, stopped, skipped, interrupted, cancelled, info, warn.
  • cy.setLaunchStatusPassed(). Assign passed status to the launch.
  • cy.setLaunchStatusFailed(). Assign failed status to the launch.
  • cy.setLaunchStatusSkipped(). Assign skipped status to the launch.
  • cy.setLaunchStatusStopped(). Assign stopped status to the launch.
  • cy.setLaunchStatusInterrupted(). Assign interrupted status to the launch.
  • cy.setLaunchStatusCancelled(). Assign cancelled status to the launch.
  • cy.setLaunchStatusInfo(). Assign info status to the launch.

Screenshots support

To use custom filename in cy.screenshot function you should setup ReportRortal custom commands. Default usage of Cypress screenshot function is supported without additional setup.

Automatically merge launches

By default Cypress create a separate run for each test file. This section describe how to report test items of different specs into the single launch. This feature needs information about Cypress configuration. To provide it to the reporter you need to install reportPortal plugin (see how to in this section).

Enable auto-merge in reporterOptions as shown below:

  "reporterOptions": {
    "autoMerge": true

Please note, that autoMerge feature is unstable in some cases (f.e. when using cypress-grep or CLI arguments to specify the test amount that should be executed) and may lead to unfinished launches in ReportPortal. If this is a case, try Manual merge launches instead.

Manual merge launches

There is a possibility to merge all launches into a single launch at the end of the run. We advise using autoMerge option to merge results in one launch, but you can use this alternative option in case of you need to perform some additional actions before merge.

Set corresponding reporter options

Edit cypress.config.js (or cypress.json for versions <=9) file. Set isLaunchMergeRequired option to true as shown below:

  reporterOptions: {
    isLaunchMergeRequired: true

Merge the launches once the Cypress finished execution

Update the Cypress configuration file with the code presented below (referring the issue

const delay = async (ms: number) => new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, ms));

const reportportalOptions = {
  isLaunchMergeRequired: true,

export default defineConfig({
  reporter: '@reportportal/agent-js-cypress',
  reporterOptions: reportportalOptions,
  e2e: {
    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      // keep Cypress running until the ReportPortal reporter is finished. this is a
      // very critical step, as otherwise results might not be completely pushed into
      // ReportPortal, resulting in unfinsihed launches and failing merges
      on('after:run', async () => {
        console.log('Wait for reportportal agent to finish...');
        while (glob.sync('rplaunchinprogress*.tmp').length > 0) {
          await delay(2000);
        console.log('reportportal agent finished');
        if (reportportalOptions.isLaunchMergeRequired) {
          try {
            console.log('Merging launches...');
            await mergeLaunches(reportportalOptions);
            console.log('Launches successfully merged!');
          } catch (mergeError) {
      registerReportPortalPlugin(on, config);
      return config;

deleteLaunchFiles example:

const fs = require("fs");
const glob = require("glob");

function deleteLaunchFiles() {
  const getLaunchTempFiles = () => {
    return glob.sync("rplaunch*.tmp");
  const deleteTempFile = (filename) => {
  const files = getLaunchTempFiles();

Parallel execution

Cypress can run recorded tests in parallel across multiple machines since version 3.1.0 (Cypress docs).
By default Cypress create a separate run for each test file. To merge all runs into one launch in Report Portal you need to provide autoMerge option together with parallel flag.
Since Cypress does not provide the ci_build_id to the reporter, you need to provide it manually using the CI_BUILD_ID environment variable (see Cypress docs for details).

Enable parallel in reporterOptions as shown below:

  reporterOptions: {
    parallel: true

Here's an example of setting up parallel Cypress execution on several machines using GitHub Actions:

name: CI-pipeline


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    container: cypress/browsers:node12.18.3-chrome87-ff82
      fail-fast: false
        containers: [1, 2, 3]
      CI_BUILD_ID: ${{ github.sha }}-${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event_name }}
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: 'UI Tests - Chrome'
        uses: cypress-io/github-action@v2
          config-file: cypress.json
          group: 'UI Tests - Chrome'
          spec: cypress/integration/*
          record: true
          parallel: true
          CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY: ${{ secrets.RECORD_KEY }}
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          ACTIONS_RUNNER_DEBUG: true

Note: The example provided for Cypress version <= 9. For Cypress version >= 10 usage of cypress-io/github-action may be changed.

Cypress-cucumber-preprocessor execution


Specify the options in the cypress.config.js:

const { defineConfig } = require('cypress');
const createBundler = require('@bahmutov/cypress-esbuild-preprocessor');
const preprocessor = require('@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor');
const createEsbuildPlugin = require('@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor/esbuild').default;
const registerReportPortalPlugin = require('@reportportal/agent-js-cypress/lib/plugin');

module.exports = defineConfig({
  reporter: '@reportportal/agent-js-cypress',
  reporterOptions: {
    endpoint: '',
    apiKey: 'reportportalApiKey',
    launch: 'LAUNCH_NAME',
    project: 'PROJECT_NAME',
    description: 'LAUNCH_DESCRIPTION',
  e2e: {
    async setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      await preprocessor.addCucumberPreprocessorPlugin(on, config);
          plugins: [createEsbuildPlugin(config)],
      registerReportPortalPlugin(on, config);

      return config;
    specPattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.feature',
    supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js',

Scenario steps

At the moment it is not possible to subscribe to start and end of scenario steps events. To solve the problem with displaying steps in the ReportPortal, the agent provides special commands: cucumberStepStart, cucumberStepEnd. To work correctly, these commands must be called in the BeforeStep/AfterStep hooks.

import { BeforeStep, AfterStep } from '@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor';

BeforeStep((step) => {

AfterStep((step) => {

You can avoid duplicating this logic in each step definitions. Instead, add it to the cypress/support/step_definitions.js file and include the path to this file in the stepDefinitions array (if necessary) within cucumber-preprocessor config. These hooks will be used for all step definitions.

Licensed under the Apache License v2.0



Package last updated on 01 Jul 2024

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