
A command to display the api limits of your org
This plugin is bundled with the Salesforce CLI. For more information on the CLI, read the getting started guide.
We always recommend using the latest version of these commands bundled with the CLI, however, you can install a specific version or tag if needed.
sfdx plugins:install limits@x.y.z
Please report any issues at
- Please read our Code of Conduct
- Create a new issue before starting your project so that we can keep track of
what you are trying to add/fix. That way, we can also offer suggestions or
let you know if there is already an effort in progress.
- Fork this repository.
- Build the plugin locally
- Create a topic branch in your fork. Note, this step is recommended but technically not required if contributing using a fork.
- Edit the code in your fork.
- Write appropriate tests for your changes. Try to achieve at least 95% code coverage on any new code. No pull request will be accepted without unit tests.
- Sign CLA (see CLA below).
- Send us a pull request when you are done. We'll review your code, suggest any needed changes, and merge it in.
External contributors will be required to sign a Contributor's License
Agreement. You can do so by going to
To build the plugin locally, make sure to have yarn installed and run the following commands:
git clone
yarn install
yarn build
To use your plugin, run using the local ./bin/run
or ./bin/run.cmd
./bin/run force:limits
There should be no differences when running via the Salesforce CLI or using the local run file. However, it can be useful to link the plugin to do some additional testing or run your commands from anywhere on your machine.
sfdx plugins:link .
sfdx plugins
sfdx force:limits:api:display [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
display current org’s limits
$ sfdx force:limits:api:display [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel
-u, --targetusername=targetusername username or alias for the target
org; overrides default target org
--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for
api requests made by this command
--json format output as json
--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for
this command invocation
When you execute this command in a project, it provides limit information for your default scratch org.
sfdx force:limits:api:display
sfdx force:limits:api:display -u
See code: src/commands/force/limits/api/display.ts