This is an experimental package. Breaking changes may be introduced at any time. It's not production ready.
npm i --save-exact @sanity/react-loader@pink-lizard @sanity/client react@^18.2
Server only production data fetching, client side Live Mode
By default data is fetched on both the server, and on the client after hydration.
For private datasets, or other similar use cases, it may be desirable to only fetch data on the server when Live Mode is not enabled.
For this to work you'll first have to setup a shared file that is loaded both on the server and the client, which sets ssr: true
and defers setting the client to later by setting client: false
. The snippets are for a Remix application
import { createQueryStore } from '@sanity/react-loader'
export const {
} = createQueryStore({ client: false, ssr: true })
Later in the server side of the app, you setup the client. The .server.ts
suffix on Remix ensures that this file is only loaded on the server, and it avoids adding @sanity/client
to the browser bundle in production.
import { createClient } from '@sanity/client/stega'
import { setServerClient, query } from './sanity.loader'
const client = createClient({
projectId: process.env.SANITY_PROJECT_ID,
dataset: process.env.SANITY_DATASET,
useCdn: true,
apiVersion: process.env.SANITY_API_VERSION,
stega: {
enabled: true,
studioUrl: 'https://my.sanity.studio',
export { query }
Then somewhere in your app, you can use the query
and useQuery
utilities together. useQuery
now only fetches data when Live Mode is active. Otherwise it's query
that is used.
import { Link, useLoaderData, useParams } from '@remix-run/react'
import { json, type LoaderFunction } from '@remix-run/node'
import { query } from '~/sanity.loader.server'
import { useQuery } from '~/sanity.loader'
interface Product {}
const queryProduct = `*[_type == "product" && slug.current == $slug][0]`
export const loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ params }) => {
return json({
initial: await query<Product>(queryProduct, params),
export default function ProductPage() {
const { params, initial } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>()
if (!params.slug || !initial.data?.slug?.current) {
throw new Error('No slug, 404?')
const { data } = useQuery<Product>(queryProduct, params, { initial })
return <ProductTemplate data={data} />
Enabling Live Mode is done by adding useLiveMode
to the same component you're currently calling enableOverlays
from @sanity/overlays
import { enableOverlays, type HistoryUpdate } from '@sanity/overlays'
import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { useLiveMode } from '~/sanity.loader'
const allowStudioOrigin = 'https://my.sanity.studio'
const client = createClient({
projectId: window.ENV.SANITY_PROJECT_ID,
dataset: window.ENV.SANITY_DATASET,
useCdn: true,
apiVersion: window.ENV.SANITY_API_VERSION,
stega: {
enabled: true,
studioUrl: allowStudioOrigin,
export default function VisualEditing() {
() =>
history: {
useLiveMode({ allowStudioOrigin, client })
return null
Visual Editing
Link to @sanity/overlays README with setup.
Show how to use jsx
Alternatively show how to set data-sanity
Vercel Visual Editing
Show how to enable stega in strings.