Yeoman generator for collecting user inputs on the multi target application (MTA) project location and the target for generating the module content, etc. in a consistent way.
Cloud MTA minimal version should be 0.1.2.
First, install Yeoman and generator-base-module using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g @sap/generator-base-mta-module
Then call the generator:
yo base-mta-module --mtaFilePath=c:/testMTA/mta.yaml --defaultName=ui5
Generator options
The generator accepts several options which can be passed by user (are written as command line flags):
- mtaFilePath - path to mta.yaml file. Serves the use case where the path to the mta.yaml is known from the context.
- mtaFilesPathsList - list of mta.yaml files. Serves the use case where the list of available mta.yaml files is known from the context. If the mtaFilePath option is passed, this parameter is ignored.
- configPath - path to the configuration file.
- defaultName - default module name.
- targetFolderPath - path to the module target folder. Indicates where to generate the module folder.
- relativeTargetFolderPath - path to the module target folder relative to the mta.yaml file, e.g 'app'.
- addMtaId - add MTAID to module name: true or false(default). Only relevant if default module name is provided.
- noTargetFolder - No folder module: true or false(default). Set this option to true if no content in the file tree should be generated for this module. This option overrides the “targetFolderPath” option.
Getting To Know Yeoman