
Tools for creating powerful, asynchronously-loaded React components.
yarn add @shopify/react-async
is a function for creating components that are loaded asynchronously on initial mount. However, the resulting component does more than just help you split up your application along component lines; it also supports customized rendering for loading and errors, and creates additional hooks and components for smartly preloading the component and its dependencies. Best of all, in conjunction with the Babel and Webpack plugins provided by @shopify/async
, you can easily extract the bundles needed to render your application during server side rendering.
To start, import the createAsyncComponent
function. The simplest use of this function requires just a load
function, which returns a promise for a component:
import {createAsyncComponent} from '@shopify/react-async';
const MyComponent = createAsyncComponent({
load: () => import( './MyComponent'),
This function returns a component that accepts the same props as the original one.
Preload, prefetch, and keep fresh
also adds a few static members that are themselves components: Preload
, Prefetch
, and KeepFresh
. Likewise, it provides a set of hooks, which allow for more complex preloading use-cases.
const MyComponent = createAsyncComponent({
load: () => import( './MyComponent'),
<MyComponent />
<MyComponent.Preload />
<MyComponent.Prefetch />
<MyComponent.KeepFresh />
By default, all of these special hooks and components will preload the assets for the asynchronously-imported components. However, you can provide additional logic to perform with the usePreload
, usePrefetch
, and useKeepFresh
options to createAsyncComponent
const MyComponent = createAsyncComponent({
load: () => import( './MyComponent'),
usePrefetch: () => {
const networkCache = useContext(MyNetworkCache);
return () => networkCache.preload('/component/data/endpoint');
<MyComponent.Prefetch />;
const prefetch = MyComponent.usePrefetch();
While you can supply whatever logic you like for these, we recommend that you use them for the following purposes:
: loading resources that will be used by the componentPrefetch
: loading resources and data that will be used by the componentKeepFresh
: loading resources and data that will be used by the component, and keeping data up to date
If you want arguments for your usePreload
, usePrefetch
, or useKeepFresh
hooks, simply specify them in the matching option for that component. These options must be some object type, and will then be used as expected arguments to the hook, and expected props for the component.
const MyComponent = createAsyncComponent({
load: () => import( './MyComponent'),
usePrefetch: ({id}: {id: string}) => (
const networkCache = useContext(MyNetworkCache);
return () => networkCache.preload(`/data/for/${id}`);
<MyComponent.Prefetch />;
<MyComponent.Prefetch id="123" />;
MyComponent.usePrefetch({id: '123'});
This system is designed to work well with our @shopify/react-graphql
package. Simply create an async GraphQL query using that library, and then usePrefetch
, usePreload
, and useKeepFresh
that component alongside the React component itself:
import {
} from '@shopify/react-async';
import {createAsyncQueryComponent} from '@shopify/react-graphql';
const MyQuery = createAsyncQueryComponent({
load: () =>
import( './graphql/MyQuery.graphql'),
const MyComponent = createAsyncComponent({
load: () => import( './MyComponent'),
renderLoading: () => <Loading />,
usePreload: () => usePreload(MyQuery),
usePrefetch: () => usePrefetch(MyQuery),
useKeepFresh: () => useKeepFresh(MyQuery),
Deferring components
By default, components are loaded as early as possible. This means that, if the library can load your component synchronously, it will try to do so. If that is not possible, it will instead load it in after the component is mounted. In some cases, a component may not be important enough to warrant being loaded early. This library exposes a few ways of "deferring" the loading of the component to an appropriate time.
If a component should always be deferred in some way, you can pass a custom defer
option to createAsyncComponent
. This property should be a member of the DeferTiming
enum, which currently allows you to force deferring the component until:
- Component mount (
; note that this will defer it until mount even if the component could have been resolved synchronously), - Browser idle (
; if window.requestIdleCallback
is not available, it will load on mount), or - Component is in the viewport (
; if IntersectionObserver
is not available, it will load on mount)
import {createAsyncComponent, DeferTiming} from '@shopify/react-async';
const MyComponent = createAsyncComponent({
load: () => import( './MyComponent'),
const MyComponentOnMount = createAsyncComponent({
load: () => import( './MyComponent'),
defer: DeferTiming.Mount,
const MyComponentOnIdle = createAsyncComponent({
load: () => import( './MyComponent'),
defer: DeferTiming.Idle,
const MyComponentOnIdle = createAsyncComponent({
load: () => import( './MyComponent'),
defer: DeferTiming.InViewport,
You can also pass a function to defer
. This function, which will be called with the current props of the component, should return true
when the component should begin loading. This makes it easy to implement components that have their visibility controlled by a property, like the Polaris Modal’s open
const MyModalComponent = createAsyncComponent({
load: () =>
import( './MyModalComponent'),
defer: ({open}) => open,
When to use MyComponent.Preload, MyComponent.Prefetch and MyComponent.KeepFresh
<MyComponent.Preload />
Will only be required when you purposely want to control the pre-loading.
For example
const MyComponent = createAsyncComponent({
load: () => import( './MyComponent'),
usePreload: () => usePreload(MyQuery),
<MyComponent.Preload />;
When relying on the default behaviour we do not need to render MyComponent.Preload
For example
const MyComponent = createAsyncComponent({
load: () => import( './MyComponent'),
<MyComponent />;
Dont use .Preload .Prefetch components with defer
It is not advisable to use .Preload or .Prefetch with the defer property. This is because it will be ignored by
the <MyComponent.Preload />
and <MyComponent.Prefetch />
Progressive hydration
It can sometimes be useful to server render a component, but to wait to load its assets until later in the page lifecycle. This is particularly relevant for large, mostly static components, components that are very likely to be outside the viewport on load, and expensive components that would cause significant layout shifts if only rendered on the client. This library supports this pattern through the deferHydration
option, and with the help from the @shopify/react-hydrate
Note: for progressive hydration to work, you must render either a HydrationTracker
component from @shopify/react-hydrate
or an HtmlUpdater
from @shopify/react-html>=9.0.0
somewhere in your app.
In defining your async component, simply set the deferHydration
option to one of the DeferTiming
enum values (or, as noted in the previous example, a function that accepts props and returns a boolean).
const Expensive = createAsyncComponent({
load: () => import('./Expensive'),
deferHydration: DeferTiming.InViewport,
The resulting component has special loading behavior that differs by environment:
- On the server, the component renders synchronously, but does not mark assets as used.
- On the client, when the app is undergoing hydration, the component persists its server-rendered markup, even though its assets are not yet available. When the condition specified by
is met, the assets will be loaded, and the component will be hydrated. - On the client, when the app has already undergone hydration, the component will begin loading on mount, and will show the result of calling
, just like any other async component.
, usePrefetch
, and useKeepFresh
These hooks are provided as conveniences for extracting functions from an async component that can be used to preload, prefetch, or keep fresh. The result is identical to calling AsyncComponent.useX
directly, but works better with the tooling around hooks, which often does not understand the "static member as hook" pattern.
import {createAsyncComponent, usePreload} from '@shopify/react-async`
const Expensive = createAsyncComponent({
load: () => import('./Expensive'),
deferHydration: DeferTiming.InViewport,
function MyComponent({children}) {
const preload = usePreload(Expensive);
return <div onMouseEnter={preload}>{children}</div>;
The useAsync
hook is a primitive that can be used by other libraries to create asynchronous components with different behaviors. One example is @shopify/react-graphql
, where this hook is used to implement asynchronous GraphQL query components.
This hook accepts two arguments:
, an object matching the Resolver
type from @shopify/async
. This object is in charge of managing the loading of an asynchronous resource. It also controls the type of the result returned from the useAsync
hook. The easiest way to construct one is to use the createResolver
function from @shopify/async
, an optional object with any of the following properties:
: when the assets for this async asset will be used. Should be a member of the AssetTiming
enum. This is used to register the asset as used, as documented below. Defaults to AssetTiming.Immediate
: whether the hook should attempt to resolve the async asset synchronously (using resolver.resolved
). Defaults to true
if assetTiming
is Immediate
, and false
The useAsync
hook returns an object containing details about the asynchronous asset. This object includes the following properties:
: the ID of the asset, as specified by resolver.id
: null
if the asset has not resolved, or had an error during resolution, and otherwise will be the unwrapped promise value returned by resolver.resolve()
: whether the asset has been loaded yet.error
: an Error
object, if calling resolver.resolve()
: a function that can be called to begin the loading process.
The following example demonstrates how to use the useAsync
hook to implement the default usePreload
provided to async components:
import {createResolver} from '@shopify/async';
import {useAsync, AssetTiming} from '@shopify/react-async';
const resolver = createResolver({
id: () => require.resolveWeak('./MyComponent'),
load: () => import('./MyComponent'),
function usePreload() {
return useAsync(resolver, {
assetTiming: AssetTiming.NextPage,
and Prefetcher
The PrefetchRoute
component allows you to use the asynchronous component you generated with createAsyncComponent
and automatically render its Prefetch
component when the user looks like they are going to navigate to a page that uses it. This component takes as its props the asynchronous component, a path pattern to look for (a string or RegExp
that is compared against the target pathname), and an optional function that can map the URL to a set of props for your prefetch component.
Consider this async component:
const ProductDetails = createAsyncComponent({
load: () => import('./ProductDetails'),
usePrefetch: ({id}: {id: string}) =>
usePrefetch(PrefetchableGraphQLQuery, {id}),
This component might be rendered when the URL matches /products/:id
. If we want to prefetch this component (including its GraphQL query!) whenever the user is going to navigate to a matching URL, we would register this intent with the following PrefetchRoute
render={(url) => {
const id = url.pathname.split('/').pop();
return <ProductDetails.Prefetch id={id} />;
To make the routes actually prefetch, you will need to add the Prefetcher
component somewhere in your app. This component should only ever be rendered once, and will need to be somewhere that has access to all the context the prefetched components may depend on (for example, if your prefetching includes prefetching GraphQL data with Apollo, you will need to put this component below your ApolloProvider
<Prefetcher />
And that’s it. While we reserve the right to change it, the basic process for determining merchant navigation intent is fairly simple. We listen for users mousing over or focusing in to elements with an href
attribute (or, data-href
, if you can’t use a real link) and, if the user doesn’t mouse/ focus out in some small amount of time, we prefetch all matching components. We also do the prefetch when the user begins their click on an element with an href
and AsyncAssetContext
and AsyncAssetContext
allow you to extract the asynchronous bundles that were required for your application. If you use the Babel plugin, every component created by createAsyncComponent
will report its existence when rendered to an AsyncAssetManager
To make use of this feature, you will need to use react-effect
. It will automatically extract the information and clear extraneous bundles between tree traversals.
To extract the used assets, you can call AsyncAssetManager#used()
. This method accepts an AssetTiming
, or an array of AssetTiming
s, which specify which assets were actually used.
import {extract} from '@shopify/react-effect/server';
import {AsyncAssetManager, AsyncAssetContext} from '@shopify/react-async';
const asyncAssetmanager = new AsyncAssetManager();
await extract(<App />, {
decorate(app) {
return (
<AsyncAssetContext.Provider value={asyncAssetmanager}>
const assetSelectors = [...asyncAssetmanager.used(AssetTiming.Immediate)];
These asset selectors indicate an id
for the asset, and whether scripts and/ or styles should be included for the passed asset timings. The IDs can be looked up in the manifest created by @shopify/async
’s Webpack plugin. If you are using sewing-kit-koa
, you can follow the instructions from that package to automatically collect the required JavaScript and CSS bundles.
Other libraries may need to register an async asset as being used. They can do so with the useAsyncAsset
hook, which accepts an optional string ID, and an optional object containing styles
and scripts
fields with AssetTiming
The AssetTiming
enum values allow you to specify how high-priority an asset is, which can be used to determine how to load that asset on the initial render:
: load the asset as early as possible, but definitely before the initial hydration of the React application.AssetTiming.CurrentPage
: the asset is not needed before hydration, but is very likely to be used for other content on the current page (used for deferred and progressively hydrated components).AssetTiming.NextPage
: the asset is not needed for the current page, but may be needed after navigation (used for preloading, prefetching, and keeping fresh).
Note: useAsync
calls useAsyncAsset
under the hood, so you likely do not need to call it directly.
Most of the time, it makes sense to split your application along component boundaries. However, you may also have a reason to split off a part of your app that is not a component. To accomplish this, react-async
provides a createAsyncContext()
function. This function also takes an object with a load
property that is a promise for the value you are splitting. The returned object mimics the shape of React.createContext()
, except that the Provider
component does not need a value supplied:
const ExpensiveFileContext = createAsyncContext({
load: () => import('./a-csv-for-some-reason.csv'),
{/* consuming code goes here */}
{(file) => (file ? <CsvViewer file={file} /> : null)}
The typing of the render prop for the Consumer
component always includes null
, which is used to represent that the async value has not yet loaded successfully.