You may want to take a look at styler documentation
to have a better understanding of how Context works.
Context Management
Each context encapsulates some behaviors and applies theme to decorated components
which are came from outside of the context using Context's actors and reducers.
PageContext creates stylable Smartface pages and components so that we can manipulate
them using style-objects and selectors. Smartface UI-Editor Transpiler connects
Pages and PageContext. To add components dynamically in runtime, (For instance
there might be images that should be created after an api call) PageContext's
actions must be used.
Contx/Smartface/pageContext API
FlexLayout::children: object
When PageContext is initialized for the first time then it creates component
view-tree recursively using FlexLayout's children property.
To manipulate Context's states and behaviors, explicitly defined or custom actions
must be used so that Context's reducers are triggered.
Action::type = addChild
Adds specified component and their children to the PageContext and applies styles
by class-name selectors.
- Action::name: string - Component's name is to use like an unique id. It must be unique only in it's belonging layout.
- Action::component: object - Component instance to be added to context.
- Action::classNames: string - Class-name of component.
- Action::userStyle: object - Initial style of component. (User properties)
Action.type => changeUserStyle :
Overwrites component userStyle.
- Action::userStyle:object
- :warning: This will change component's current user-style (User properties).
type: "changeUserStyle",
userStyle: {
backgroundColor: "#AABBCC"
type: "changeUserStyle",
userStyle: (style) => {
style.backgroundColor = "#AABBCC";
return style;
Action.type => updateUserStyle :
Updates component userStyle.
Action.type => removeChild :
Removes target component and it's children from context.
Action.type => removeChildren :
Removes target component's children from context.
Action.type => pushClassNames :
Pushes new className selectors to the target component.
- Action::classNames:string for one classname
- Action::classNames:Array for multiple classnames
- :warning: This action won't work if target component has the class name to
be added.
type: "pushClassNames",
classNames: [".foo", ".bar"]
type: "pushClassNames",
classNames: ".foo"
Action.type => removeClassName :
Removes className selector from specified component.
- Action::className:string for one classname
- Action::className:Array for multiple classnames
type: "removeClassName",
className: [".foo", ".bar"]
type: "removeClassName",
className: ".foo"
Action.type => invalidate :
Forces to update Context's actors and applies styles if they are changed.
Action.type => updateContext :
Adds new components to Context or removes ones that doesn't exist in the updated FlexLayout::children.
FlexLayout::addChild(childComponent:*, ?contextName: string, ?className: string, ?userStyle:StyleObject=null)
Adds specified component to target layout and if contextName is specified then
dispatches addPageContextChild action to the Context.
var myButton = new Button();
page.layout.addChild(myButton, "myButton", ".button", {
width: 250,
height: 250
page.layout.addChild(myButton, "myButton", ".button", function(userProps) {
userProps.width = 250;
userProps.height = 250;
return userProps;
Removes specified component from target layout then dispatches removeChild action
to the Context.
Removes target component's children then dispatches removeChildren action to
the Context.
Life-Cycle Events
When a component is removed from the Context and if the component has componentDidLeave
method then it's triggered.
When a component initialized in the Context and if the component has componentDidEnter
method and then it's triggered by passing it's dispatch method. If not, dispatch
method will be assigned to component directly.
If an error occcurs while an operation is being performed for a component, for
example assignment of new properties, and the component has onError method then
the error is passed to onError method of the component. If not and then the
context throws the error.
Change theme without app reload
It is possible to change the current theme without the need to reload.
const Application = require("sf-core/application");
Application.theme()({ type: "changeTheme", theme: "yourThemeName" });
Connecting components to context
Component instances created via code are not connected to the context. Therefore they don't have dispatch method for updating user styles & classes. In order to prevent that, components must be connected to the context manually. Please see the following example.
const componentContextPatch = require("@smartface/contx/lib/smartface/componentContextPatch");
let dialog = new Dialog();
let flWait = new FlWait();
componentContextPatch(dialog, `dialog${guid()}`);
dialog.layout.addChild(flWait, `flWait${guid()}`, ".flWait");
Some properties are called attributes.
Context does not handle attribute properties.
If you want to set an attribute, just set it directly like below:
button.text = "Text";