MariaDB Node.js connector

Non-blocking MariaDB and MySQL client for Node.js.
MariaDB and MySQL client, 100% JavaScript, with TypeScript definition, with the Promise API.
See promise documentation for detailed API.
Callback documentation describe the callback wrapper for compatibility with existing drivers.
See dedicated part for migration from mysql/mysql2 or from 2.x version.
Why a New Client?
While there are existing MySQL clients that work with MariaDB, (such as the mysql
and mysql2
clients), the MariaDB Node.js Connector offers new functionality, like Insert Streaming, Pipelining, ed25519 plugin authentication while making no compromises on performance.
Connector is production grade quality, with multiple features:
- superfast batching
- fast pool
- easy debugging, trace pointing to code line on error
- allows data streaming without high memory consumption
- pipelining
- metadata skipping (for MariaDB server only)
- ...
see some of those features:
Insert Streaming
Using a Readable stream in your application, you can stream INSERT
statements to MariaDB through the Connector.
https.get('https://someContent', readableStream => {
connection.query("INSERT INTO myTable VALUE (?)", [readableStream]);
With Pipelining, the Connector sends commands without waiting for server results, preserving order. For instance, consider the use of executing two INSERT
The Connector doesn't wait for query results before sending the next INSERT
statement. Instead, it sends queries one after the other, avoiding much of the network latency.
For more information, see the Pipelining documentation.
Bulk insert
Some use cases require a large amount of data to be inserted into a database table. By using batch processing, these queries can be sent to the database in one call, thus improving performance.
For more information, see the Batch documentation.
MariaDB provides benchmarks comparing the Connector with other Node.js MariaDB/MySQL clients, including:
See the Benchmarks page for multiple results.
select 20 * int, 20 * varchar(32)
mysql : 3,086 ops/s ± 0.6%
mysql2 : 2,799.6 ops/s ± 1.6% ( -9.3% )
mariadb : 4,710.8 ops/s ± 1% ( +52.7% )

select 20 * int, 20 * varchar(32) using execute
mysql2 : 2,998 ops/s ± 1.3%
mariadb : 4,419.6 ops/s ± 1% ( +47.4% )

Quick Start
The MariaDB Connector is available through the Node.js repositories. You can install it using npm :
$ npm install mariadb
const mariadb = require('mariadb');
const pool = mariadb.createPool({host: process.env.DB_HOST, user: process.env.DB_USER, connectionLimit: 5});
async function asyncFunction() {
let conn;
try {
conn = await pool.getConnection();
const rows = await conn.query("SELECT 1 as val");
const res = await conn.query("INSERT INTO myTable value (?, ?)", [1, "mariadb"]);
} finally {
if (conn) conn.release();
If you would like to contribute to the MariaDB Node.js Connector, please follow the instructions given in the Developers Guide.
To file an issue or follow the development, see JIRA.