Spotify Plugins for Backstage: Insights - Backend
Backstage Insights helps you measure Backstage adoption, identify anomalous
trends, and understand user behavior.
1. Complete Spotify plugin bundle setup
This package is a Backstage plugin and is part of the "Spotify Plugins for
Backstage" bundle. For you to use this plugin, you must purchase a license key
at After purchasing a license key, follow the
instructions on before continuing.
2. Check your Backstage version
Please ensure your Backstage version matches the supported version shown under
the installation instructions on, and
always check compatibility before updating Backstage.
3. Ensure the sign-in resolver provides the user entity associated with the current identity
In order for Insights to properly identify the user entity associated with the
currently signed-in user, the SignInResolver must issue an identity token
with a sub (subject) claim that is an entity ref to the user entity in the
catalog corresponding to the signed-in user. Many authentication providers
already provide this behavior, but if using a custom provider, you may need to
add this behavior yourself. For examples, see the Google auth sign-in resolver or the GitHub auth sign-in resolver.
For information on configuring a sign-in resolver, see the identity resolver docs on
1. Getting the plugin
Add the Insights backend as dependency to your Backstage backend app:
yarn workspace backend add @spotify/backstage-plugin-insights-backend
2. Integrate the plugin with your backend app
Create a new file, packages/backend/src/plugins/backstageInsights.ts
with the following content:
import { Router } from 'express';
import { PluginEnvironment } from '../types';
import { createRouter } from '@spotify/backstage-plugin-insights-backend';
export default async function createPlugin(
env: PluginEnvironment,
): Promise<Router> {
return await createRouter({
Wire up the Insights backend in packages/backend/src/index.ts
. You'll need to import the module from the previous step, create a plugin environment, and add the router to the express app:
// packages/backend/src/index.ts
import proxy from './plugins/proxy';
import techdocs from './plugins/techdocs';
import search from './plugins/search';
import permission from './plugins/permission';
+ import backstageInsights from './plugins/backstageInsights';
/* ... */
const techdocsEnv = useHotMemoize(module, () => createEnv('techdocs'));
const searchEnv = useHotMemoize(module, () => createEnv('search'));
const appEnv = useHotMemoize(module, () => createEnv('app'));
const permissionEnv = useHotMemoize(module, () => createEnv('permission'));
+ const backstageInsightsEnv = useHotMemoize(module, () => createEnv('backstage-insights'));
/* ... */
apiRouter.use('/techdocs', await techdocs(techdocsEnv));
apiRouter.use('/proxy', await proxy(proxyEnv));
apiRouter.use('/search', await search(searchEnv));
apiRouter.use('/permission', await permission(permissionEnv));
+ apiRouter.use('/backstage-insights', await backstageInsights(backstageInsightsEnv));
3. Create an API token for your organization
Backstage Insights is a hosted service where data collection, hosting, and
aggregation are handled on your behalf by Spotify. In order to protect your
data, an API token is required to securely communicate between your Backstage
backend and Spotify's servers.
To create a token, navigate to,
signing in as necessary. There, create a token using a name that clearly
indicates its purpose and use, like backstage-insights-production-token
Upon creation, you'll be shown the token value only once. Make note of this
value, as you'll need it in the next step.
4. Configure the Spotify Backstage API token
Add the following entry in your app-config.yaml
, which will enable
communication with Spotify's servers.
Using whatever means you normally use to set environment variables in your
Backstage backend process, you'll need to set SPOTIFY_BACKSTAGE_API_TOKEN
the API token you created above. This value should be treated as a secret, so
don't check it in!
Additional configuration
The Insights backend integrates with the Software Catalog in order to hydrate
analytics events with extra entity metadata associated with the event. This
makes it possible, for example, to filter or group data based not only on
entity identifiers, but also on data like the entity's type
By default, the following fields are captured on analytics events associated
with catalog entities: kind
, metadata.namespace
, spec.type
, and spec.owner
If you wish to capture extra fields, you can provide extra fields via config.
Common fields can be found on the Catalog's YAML File Format docs,
though you can also reference any custom metadata you store on entities too.
- spec.someCustomField
Similarly, the following fields are captured on all analytics events in
relation to the signed-in user who performed the action: metadata.namespace
. Extra metadata about the signed-in user can similarly be
configured for capture via config:
- spec.profile.someCustomField
Note: in order to avoid collecting personal data, the Insights backend applies
redaction logic to hydrated metadata, however the logic is not perfect. It's
your responsibility to understand what types of data would be collected by
configuring these additional fields.
Identity groups filter
By default, membership groups for users are captured with analytic events, which are then used in the frontend to filter and segment the data on dashboards. However, some groups may not be logical representations of groups that you'd want to segment by. As an example, you may populate these groups from an external source that is used for application management, and therefore have no relation to Backstage usage.
For this reason, we provide a captureIdentityGroupsFilter
config option to specify which types of groups you want to capture.
Some examples:
Only capture specific group types
- department
- guild
- team
Only capture groups annotated with an insights flag
'metadata.includeInInsights': true
Total users count filter
The Insights frontend will use the Software Catalog to determine the total
number of users who can access Backstage. This number is used in combination
with usage data in a variety of dashboards and views to give a sense of overall
adoption within your organization.
If this number is incorrect (for example, because you retain deactivated users,
because your Catalog contains non-technical staff, or because you're rolling
out Backstage to parts of your organization gradually in stages), you can
supply additional filters to correct the number. These filters take the form of
an EntityFilterQuery and can be supplied on the
configuration key.
Some examples:
Only count members of the rnd
'relations.memberOf': 'group:default/rnd'
Only count users under the corporate
'metadata.namespace': corporate
For more details, see the EntityFilterQuery documentation on