Grunt tasks to build JS and CSS.
Some custom tasks to make configuring JS & CSS builds a bit simpler. These tasks are simply wrappers for other NPM modules.
The JavaScript build uses grunt-contrib-concat
, grunt-contrib-uglify
, grunt-babel
and @steveush/grunt-map-normalizer
to produce its output.
The CSS build uses grunt-sass
, @steveush/grunt-map-normalizer
and @lodder/grunt-postcss
with autoprefixer
and cssnano
to produce its output.
Getting Started
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install @steveush/grunt-web --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
This plugin was designed to work with Grunt 0.4.x. If you're still using grunt v0.3.x it's strongly recommended that you upgrade
WebJS Task
Run this task with the grunt webjs
Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Whether any existing destination files are removed before the build.
Type: Boolean|Object|Function(Object):Object
Default: true
If false
then Babel will not be run at all. If true
then Babel will be run using the built-in default configuration which uses @babel/preset-env
and the value of the sourceMap
An object
can be supplied which is merged with the defaults and then passed to grunt-babel
task as its options.
A function
can also be supplied which is passed the defaults and must return an object
which is then passed to grunt-babel
task as its options.
Type: Boolean|Object|Function(Object):Object
Default: true
If false
then uglify will not be run at all. If true
then uglify will be run using the built-in default configuration which uses the value of the sourceMap
An object
can be supplied which is merged with the defaults and then passed to grunt-contrib-uglify
task as its options.
A function
can also be supplied which is passed the defaults and must return an object
which is then passed to grunt-contrib-uglify
task as its options.
Type: Boolean|Object|Function(Object):Object
Default: false
If false
then no source map will be created. If true
then a source map will be created using the built-in default configuration.
An object
can be supplied which is merged with the defaults and then passed to @steveush/grunt-map-normalizer
task as its options.
A function
can also be supplied which is passed the defaults and must return an object
which is then passed to @steveush/grunt-map-normalizer
task as its options.
Example Usage
Using the default options to concat, Babel and then uglify multiple source files into a single file.
"webjs": {
"output.js": [ "file1.js", "file2.js", "file3.js" ]
Override the default options.
"webjs": {
"options": {
"clean": false,
"sourceMap": {
"output": "virtual",
"virtualRoot": "MyLib"
"babel": ( defaults ) => {
return {
presets: [ ...defaults.presets, 'some-preset' ]
"src": [ "file1.js", "file2.js", "file3.js" ],
"dest": "output.js"
WebCSS Task
Run this task with the grunt webcss
Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Whether any existing destination files are removed before the build.
Type: Boolean|Object|Function(Object):Object
Default: true
If false
then PostCSS will not be run at all. If true
then PostCSS will be run using the built-in default configuration which uses autoprefixer
, cssnano
and the value of the sourceMap
An object
can be supplied which is merged with the defaults and then passed to @lodder/grunt-postcss
task as its options.
A function
can also be supplied which is passed the defaults and must return an object
which is then passed to @lodder/grunt-postcss
task as its options.
Type: Boolean|Object|Function(Object):Object
Default: true
If false
then SASS will not be run at all. If true
then SASS will be run using the built-in default configuration and the value of the sourceMap
An object
can be supplied which is merged with the defaults and then passed to grunt-sass
task as its options.
A function
can also be supplied which is passed the defaults and must return an object
which is then passed to grunt-sass
task as its options.
Type: Boolean|Object|Function(Object):Object
Default: false
If false
then no source map will be created. If true
then a source map will be created using the built-in default configuration.
An object
can be supplied which is merged with the defaults and then passed to @steveush/grunt-map-normalizer
task as its options.
A function
can also be supplied which is passed the defaults and must return an object
which is then passed to @steveush/grunt-map-normalizer
task as its options.