Storybook Addon Highlight
Storybook addon allows for highlighting specific DOM nodes within your story.
Use it to call attention to particular parts of the story. Or use it to enhance other addons that you might be building. For example, Accessibility addon uses it to highlight DOM nodes that are failing accessibility checks.

This addon requires Storybook 6.5 or later. Highlight is part of essentials and so is installed in all new Storybooks by default. If you need to add it to your Storybook, you can run the following command:
yarn add --dev @storybook/addon-highlight
npm install @storybook/addon-highlight --save-dev
pnpm add --save-dev @storybook/addon-highlight
Add "@storybook/addon-highlight"
to the addons array in your .storybook/main.js|ts
import type { StorybookConfig } from '@storybook/your-framework';
const config: StorybookConfig = {
addons: ['@storybook/addon-highlight'],
export default config;
Highlighting DOM Elements
Highlight DOM nodes by emitting the HIGHLIGHT
event from within a story or an addon. The event payload must contain an elements
property assigned to an array of selectors matching the elements you want to highlight.
import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';
import { useChannel } from '@storybook/preview-api';
import { HIGHLIGHT } from '@storybook/addon-highlight';
import { MyComponent } from './MyComponent';
const meta: Meta<typeof MyComponent> = {
component: MyComponent,
export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<typeof MyComponent>;
export const Highlighted: Story = {
decorators: [
(storyFn) => {
const emit = useChannel({});
elements: ['.title', '.subtitle'],
return storyFn();
Reset highlighted elements
Highlights are automatically cleared when the story changes. You can also manually clear them by emitting the RESET_HIGHLIGHT
import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';
import { useChannel } from '@storybook/preview-api';
import { HIGHLIGHT, RESET_HIGHLIGHT } from '@storybook/addon-highlight';
import { MyComponent } from './MyComponent';
const meta: Meta<typeof MyComponent> = {
component: MyComponent,
export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<typeof MyComponent>;
export const ResetHighlight: Story = {
decorators: [
(storyFn) => {
const emit = useChannel({});
elements: ['header', 'section', 'footer'],
return storyFn();
Customize style
The addon applies a standard style to the highlighted elements you've enabled for the story. However, you can enable your custom style by extending the payload object and providing a color
and/or style
properties. For example:
import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';
import { useChannel } from '@storybook/preview-api';
import { HIGHLIGHT } from '@storybook/addon-highlight';
import { MyComponent } from './MyComponent';
const meta: Meta<typeof MyComponent> = {
component: MyComponent,
export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<typeof MyComponent>;
export const StyledHighlight: Story = {
decorators: [
(storyFn) => {
const emit = useChannel({});
elements: ['.title', '.subtitle'],
color: 'red',
style: 'solid',
return storyFn();