Swim Util Library
The Swim Util library provides interfaces for ordering, equality, hashing,
type conversions, functional maps, interpolators, scales, iterators, builders,
key-value maps, caches, and assertions.
Ordering, equality, and hashing
Swim Util exports Comparable
, Equals
, and HashCode
interfaces that can
be implemented by ordered, equatable, and hashable classes, respectively.
export interface Comparable<T> {
compareTo(that: T): number;
export interface Equals {
equals(that: unknown): boolean;
export interface HashCode extends Equals {
hashCode(): number;
The exported Objects
object supports generic comparison, equality testing,
and hashing of arbitrary JavaScript values, including primitives, arrays, and
Objects.compare(x: unknown, y: unknown): 0 | 1 | -1
returns the relative
sort order of two comparable values. If x
implements Comparable
, then
delegates to x
's compareTo
method. If x
and y
both numbers, or both strings, they are compared lexicographically. If x
and y
are both arrays, then each corresponding element is compared, in turn,
using Objects.compare
. If x
and y
are both objects, then each entry is
compared first by key, then by value, using Objects.compare
. Values of
incompatible types sort in a deterministic order based on type.
Objects.equal(x: unknown, y: unknown): boolean
returns true
if two values
are equivalent. If x
implements Equals
, then Objects.equal
delegates to
's equals
method. If x
and y
are both primitives, then they are
compared by value. If x
and y
are both arrays, then each corresponding
element is tested for equality, in turn, using Objects.equal
. If x
and y
are both objects, then each entry is tested for equality furst by key, then by
value, using Objects.equal
Objects.hash(x: unknown): number
returns a consistent hash code for x
If x
implements HashCode
, then Objects.hash
delegate's to x
method. If x
is a primitive, it is hashed using the Murmur3
hashing algorithm. If x
is an array, each element is hashed individually
using Objects.hash
, and the hash codes of all elements get mixed together.
If x
is an object, each entry has its key and value hashed using
, and the hash codes of all entries get mixed together.
The exported Murmur3
object implements the 32-bit
MurmurHash algorithm, version 3.
Type conversions
Swim Util provides two generic interfaces for converting between loosely
JavaScript values, and strongly typed TypeScript values, called FromAny
export interface FromAny<T, U = T> {
fromAny(value: T | U): T;
export interface ToAny<T> {
toAny(): T;
is implicitly implemented by classes that have a static fromAny
method that converts a loosely typed JavaScript value into a strongly typed
TypeScript value.
is implemented by classes that have a tonAny
method that returns a
loosely typed JavaScript value. ToAny
is used to abstract over the
conversion of strongly typed values to loosely typed values.
Iterator interfaces
Swim Util exports an ES6-compatible Iterator
interface, as well as a
base class for positioned iterators.
export interface Iterator<T> {
next(): {value?: T, done: boolean};
Builder interfaces
The exported Builder
interface abstracts over construction of collections.
And the PairBuilder
interface abstracts over construction of key-value maps,
and other pair-containing collections.
export interface Builder<I, O> {
push(...inputs: I[]): void;
bind(): O;
export interface PairBuilder<K, V, O> {
add(key: K, value: V): void;
bind(): O;
Map interfaces
Swim Util defines three key-value map interfaces: an ES6-compatible Map
interface, as well as an OrderedMap
interface, and a ReducedMap
An OrderedMap
has its entries sorted by key order. A ReducedMap
is an
that memoizes partial combinations of sub-elements to support
efficient, incremental reduction of continuously mutating datasets.
Cache implementations
and HashGenCacheSet
implement efficient hashed generational
caches that discard the least recently used value with the worst hit rate per
hash bucket.
The exported Assert
interface provides a common API for constraint testing
and contract enforcement. The exported assert
singleton provides a default
implementation that throws AssertException
on assert failure.