What is @syncfusion/ej2-dropdowns?
@syncfusion/ej2-dropdowns is a comprehensive package for creating dropdown components in web applications. It provides a variety of dropdown elements such as ComboBox, AutoComplete, DropDownList, and MultiSelect Dropdown, which are highly customizable and easy to integrate.
What are @syncfusion/ej2-dropdowns's main functionalities?
The ComboBox component allows users to select an item from a dropdown list or enter their own value. It supports data binding, filtering, and custom templates.
const comboBox = new ej.dropdowns.ComboBox({ dataSource: ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Cherry'], placeholder: 'Select a fruit' }); comboBox.appendTo('#comboBox');
The AutoComplete component provides suggestions while typing into the input field. It supports data binding, filtering, and custom templates.
const autoComplete = new ej.dropdowns.AutoComplete({ dataSource: ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Cherry'], placeholder: 'Type to search' }); autoComplete.appendTo('#autoComplete');
The DropDownList component allows users to select an item from a predefined list. It supports data binding, filtering, and custom templates.
const dropDownList = new ej.dropdowns.DropDownList({ dataSource: ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Cherry'], placeholder: 'Select a fruit' }); dropDownList.appendTo('#dropDownList');
MultiSelect Dropdown
The MultiSelect Dropdown component allows users to select multiple items from a dropdown list. It supports data binding, filtering, and custom templates.
const multiSelect = new ej.dropdowns.MultiSelect({ dataSource: ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Cherry'], placeholder: 'Select fruits' }); multiSelect.appendTo('#multiSelect');
Other packages similar to @syncfusion/ej2-dropdowns
react-select is a flexible and customizable dropdown component for React applications. It supports single and multi-select options, async loading, and custom styling. Compared to @syncfusion/ej2-dropdowns, react-select is more focused on React and offers a more modern and flexible API.
Ant Design (antd) is a comprehensive UI library for React that includes a variety of components, including dropdowns. The dropdown components in antd are highly customizable and come with built-in support for themes and internationalization. Compared to @syncfusion/ej2-dropdowns, antd offers a broader range of UI components and is more tightly integrated with the React ecosystem.
Bootstrap is a popular CSS framework that includes a variety of UI components, including dropdowns. The dropdown components in Bootstrap are easy to use and integrate with any web application. Compared to @syncfusion/ej2-dropdowns, Bootstrap is more focused on providing a consistent design system and is less feature-rich in terms of dropdown functionality.
JavaScript DropDown Controls
Superset of HTML select box contains specific features such as data binding, grouping, sorting, filtering, and templates.
What's Included in the JavaScript DropDown Package
The JavaScript DropDown package includes the following list of components.
JavaScript DropDownList
The JavaScript DropdownList control is a quick replacement of the HTML select tags. It has a rich appearance and allows users to select a single value that is non-editable from a list of predefined values.
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Key features
- Data binding - Binds and accesses the list of items from the local or server-side data source.
- Grouping - Groups the logically related items under a single or specific category.
- Sorting - Sorts the list items in alphabetical order (either ascending or descending).
- Filtering - Filters the list items based on a character typed in the search box.
- Templates - Customizes the list items, selected value, header, footer, category group header, and no records content.
- Accessibility - Provided with built-in accessibility support used to access all the DropDownList component features using keyboard, screen readers, or other assistive technology devices.
JavaScript DropDownTree
The JavaScript DropdownTree control is a textbox control that allows the user to select single or multiple values from hierarchical data in a tree-like structure. It has several out-of-the-box features, such as data binding, check boxes, templates, UI customization, accessibility, and preselected values.
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Key features
- Data binding - Binds and accesses the list of items from the local or remote data source.
- Checkbox - Built-in support for checkboxes, allowing users to select single or multiple items.
- Template - To change the appearance of the selection pop-up for tree items, plus the header and footer of the pop-up tree.
- Filtering - Filters the list items based on a character typed in the search box.
JavaScript Mention
The JavaScript Mention control is an autocomplete-like control to tag or select a user/group from the suggestion list. The control opens the suggestion list when a user starts typing with the character ‘@’ in popular social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and more. It supports several out-of-the-box features: Data binding, grouping, UI customization, accessibility, and more.
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Key features
- Sorting - Sorts the list items in alphabetical order (either ascending or descending).
- Filtering - Filters the list items based on a character typed in the search box.
JavaScript ComboBox
The JavaScript ComboBox control is a drop-down list with editable textbox that also allows users to choose an option from a predefined pop-up list.
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Key features
- Data binding - Binds and accesses the list of items from local or server-side data source.
- Custom values - Sets user-defined values that is not in the pop-up list.
- Grouping - Groups the logically related items under a single or specific category.
- Sorting - Sorts the list items in alphabetical order (either ascending or descending).
- Filtering - Filters the list items based on a character typed in the component.
- Templates - Customizes the list items, selected value, header, footer, category group header, and no records content.
- Accessibility - Provided with built-in accessibility support that helps to access all the ComboBox component features using the keyboard, screen readers, or other assistive technology devices.
JavaScript AutoComplete
The JavaScript AutoComplete control is a textbox control that provides a list of suggestions to select from as the user types. It has several out-of-the-box features such as data binding, filtering, grouping, UI customization, accessibility, and more.
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Key features
- Data binding - Binds and accesses the list of items from local or server-side data source.
- Grouping - Groups the logically related items under a single or specific category.
- Sorting - Sorts the list items in alphabetical order (either ascending or descending).
- Highlight search - Highlights the typed text in the suggestion list.
- Templates - Customizes the list item, header, footer, category group header, no records, and action failure content.
- Accessibility - Provided with built-in accessibility support that helps to access all the AutoComplete component features using keyboard, on-screen readers, or other assistive technology devices.
JavaScript MultiSelect
The JavaScript MultiSelect Dropdown control is a quick replacement for the HTML select tag for selecting multiple values. HTML MultiSelect Dropdown is a textbox control that allows the user to type or select multiple values from a list of predefined options.
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Key features
- Data binding - Binds and accesses the list of items from local or server-side data source.
- Grouping - Groups the logically related items under a single or specific category.
- Templates - Customizes the list items, selected value, header, footer, category group header, and no records content.
- Sorting - Sorts the list items in alphabetical order (either ascending or descending).
- Filtering - Filters the list items based on a character typed in the search box.
- Custom value - Allows users to select a new custom value.
- Accessibility - Provided with built-in accessibility support that helps to access all the DropDownList component features using the keyboard, screen readers, or other assistive technology devices.
JavaScript ListBox
The JavaScript ListBox control is a graphical user interface for displaying a list of items with multi-selection options. It has a rich appearance and allows users to select one or more items from the list using checkboxes or keyboard interactions.
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Key features
- Data binding - Binds and accesses the list of items from local or server-side data source.
- Dual listbox - Allows transferring and reordering the list item between two ListBoxes.
- Drag and drop - Allows drag and drop the list item with the same/multiple ListBox.
- Grouping - Groups the logically related items under a single or specific category.
- Templates - Customizes the list items.
- Sorting - Sorts the list items in alphabetical order (either ascending or descending).
- Accessibility - Provided with built-in accessibility support that helps to access all the ListBox component features using the keyboard, screen readers, or other assistive technology devices.
Trusted by the world's leading companies
To install dropdowns
and its dependent packages, use the following command,
npm install @syncfusion/ej2-dropdowns
Supported frameworks
DropDown controls are also offered to following list of frameworks.
Showcase samples
Product support is available through following mediums.
Change log
Check the changelog here. Get minor improvements and bug fixes every week to stay up to date with frequent updates.
License and copyright
This is a commercial product and requires a paid license for possession or use. Syncfusion’s licensed software, including this component, is subject to the terms and conditions of Syncfusion's EULA. To acquire a license for 80+ JavaScript UI controls, you can purchase or start a free 30-day trial.
A free community license is also available for companies and individuals whose organizations have less than $1 million USD in annual gross revenue and five or fewer developers.
See LICENSE FILE for more info.
© Copyright 2023 Syncfusion, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Syncfusion Essential Studio license and copyright applies to this distribution.