Component generator customization, capable of creating React Native components.
This package is part of the teleport ecosystem. For a complete guide, check out the official documentation.
npm install @teleporthq/teleport-component-generator-reactnative
yarn add @teleporthq/teleport-component-generator-reactnative
import { createReactNativeComponentGenerator } from '@teleporthq/teleport-component-generator-reactnative'
const reactNativeGenerator = createReactNativeComponentGenerator()
const result = await reactNativeGenerator.generateComponent(uidl)
v0.15.0 (2020-12-11)
:nail_care: Style Flavours
#503 (feat): Define and use design tokens in root. And use them for styles, media queries and project style sheets.
Design tokens are here, you can deifne basic tokens which in returns converts into css-variablees
in the projects generated. All, we need to do is, define a simple designLanguage
field in the root
of the ProjectUIDL
And then start using the tokens in the UIDL using
You can use these tokens in
- Project Styles
- Media Queries inside project styles
- Inline Styles
Supports all style-flavours that we currently support.
- css-variables in css / css-modules based templates (css, css-modules, styled-jsx),
- Tokens / contants in CSS-In-JS based libraries (styled-components, jss)
:earth_asia: Core
- #507 feat(vuild): exposing vuidl for better Dx for integrations
We are exporting UIDL types from @teleporthq/teleport-types like, ComponentUIDL, ProjectUIDL etc. But these are mostly used for internal implementations. The syntax for UIDL is much more simpler than this.
For example, if we define a simple UIDLNode
with styles.
"content":"Hello World!"
The generators pass this through resolving
step and generates nodes. But when you use UIDLElement
it throws error. Since UIDLElement
expects the style to be UIDLStyleDefinitions
which in return says that the style should be
But, we don't actually need to define static nodes this way, samee thing applies to static children in UIDL. So, start using VComponentUIDL
from @teleporthq/teleport-types
helps in writing more compact and human redeable UIDL's. For more types that are exported, please check -->
- #505 refactor(validator): improved validation checks for used tokens and project style references (@JayaKrishnaNamburu)
- #503 (feat): Define and use design tokens in root. And use them for styles, media queries and project style sheets
:bug: Bug Fix
- #513 fix(proj-generator): fixed path mapping if the style sheet is from the same folder.
Committers: 1