
Getting started
TensorFlow.js converter is an open source library to load a pretrained
TensorFlow SavedModel, Frozen Model, Session Bundle or TensorFlow Hub module
into the browser and run inference through TensorFlow.js.
(Note: TensorFlow has deprecated session bundle format, please switch to SavedModel.)
A 2-step process to import your model:
- A python pip package to convert a TensorFlow SavedModel/Frozen Model/Session Bundle to a web friendly format. If you already have a converted model, or are using an already hosted model (e.g. MobileNet), skip this step.
- Javascript API, for loading and running inference.
- Install the TensorFlow.js pip package:
$ pip install tensorflowjs
- Run the converter script provided by the pip package:
SavedModel example:
$ tensorflowjs_converter \
--input_format=tf_saved_model \
--output_node_names='MobilenetV1/Predictions/Reshape_1' \
--saved_model_tags=serve \
/mobilenet/saved_model \
Frozen model example:
$ tensorflowjs_converter \
--input_format=tf_frozen_model \
--output_node_names='MobilenetV1/Predictions/Reshape_1' \
--saved_model_tags=serve \
/mobilenet/frozen_model.pb \
Session bundle model example:
$ tensorflowjs_converter \
--input_format=tf_session_bundle \
--output_node_names='MobilenetV1/Predictions/Reshape_1' \
/mobilenet/session_bundle \
Tensorflow Hub module example:
$ tensorflowjs_converter \
--input_format=tf_hub \
'https://tfhub.dev/google/imagenet/mobilenet_v1_100_224/classification/1' \
Keras h5 model example:
$ tensorflowjs_converter \
--input_format=keras \
/tmp/my_keras_model.h5 \
tf.keras SavedModel model example:
$ tensorflowjs_converter \
--input_format=keras_saved_model \
/tmp/my_tf_keras_saved_model/1542211770 \
Note that the input path used above is a subfolder that has a Unix epoch
time (1542211770) and is generated automatically by tensorflow when it
saved a tf.keras model in the SavedModel format.
Positional Arguments | Description |
input_path | Full path of the saved model directory, session bundle directory, frozen model file or TensorFlow Hub module handle or path. |
output_path | Path for all output artifacts. |
Options | Description |
--input_format | The format of input model, use tf_saved_model for SavedModel, tf_frozen_model for frozen model, tf_session_bundle for session bundle, tf_hub for TensorFlow Hub module, tfjs_layers_model for TensorFlow.js JSON format, and keras for Keras HDF5. |
--output_node_names | The names of the output nodes, separated by commas. |
--output_format | The desired output format. Must be tfjs_layers_model , tfjs_graph_model or keras . Not all pairs of input-output formats are supported. Please file a github issue if your desired input-output pair is not supported. |
--saved_model_tags | Only applicable to SavedModel conversion. Tags of the MetaGraphDef to load, in comma separated format. Defaults to serve . |
--signature_name | Only applicable to TensorFlow Hub module conversion, signature to load. Defaults to default . See https://www.tensorflow.org/hub/common_signatures/. |
--strip_debug_ops | Strips out TensorFlow debug operations Print , Assert , CheckNumerics . Defaults to True . |
--quantization_bytes | How many bytes to optionally quantize/compress the weights to. Valid values are 1 and 2. which will quantize int32 and float32 to 1 or 2 bytes respectively. The default (unquantized) size is 4 bytes. |
Format Conversion Support Tables
Note: Unless stated otherwise, we can infer the value of --output_format
from the
value of --input_format
. So the --output_format
flag can be omitted in
most cases.
--input_format | --output_format | Description |
keras | tfjs_layers_model | Convert a keras or tf.keras HDF5 model file to TensorFlow.js Layers model format. Use tf.lodLayersModel() to load the model in JavaScript. |
keras_saved_model | tfjs_layers_model | Convert a tf.keras SavedModel model file (from tf.contrib.saved_model.save_keras_model ) to TensorFlow.js Layers model format. Use tf.lodLayersModel() to load the model in JavaScript. |
tf_frozen_model | tfjs_graph_model | Convert a TensorFlow Frozen Graph (.pb) file to TensorFlow.js graph model format. Use tf.loadGraphModel() to load the converted model in JavaScript. |
tf_hub | tfjs_graph_model | Convert a TF-Hub model file to TensorFlow.js graph model format. Use tf.loadGraphModel() to load the converted model in JavaScript. |
tf_saved_model | tfjs_graph_model | Convert a TensorFlow SavedModel to TensorFlow.js graph model format. Use tf.loadGraphModel() to load the converted model in JavaScript. |
tf_session_bundle | tfjs_graph_model | Convert a TensorFlow Session Bundle to TensorFlow.js graph model format. Use tf.loadGraphModel() to load the converted model in JavaScript. |
Web-friendly format
The conversion script above produces 2 types of files:
(the dataflow graph and weight manifest file)group1-shard\*of\*
(collection of binary weight files)
For example, here is the MobileNet model converted and served in
following location:
Step 2: Loading and running in the browser
Instantiate the GraphModel class and run inference.
import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs';
const MODEL_URL = 'https://.../mobilenet/model.json';
const model = await tf.loadGraphModel(MODEL_URL);
const cat = document.getElementById('cat');
model.execute({input: tf.browser.fromPixels(cat)});
Check out our working MobileNet demo.
If your server requests credentials for accessing the model files, you can provide the optional RequestOption param.
const model = await loadGraphModel(MODEL_URL,
{credentials: 'include'});
Please see fetch() documentation for details.
Native File System
TensorFlow.js can be used from Node.js. See
the tfjs-node project for more details.
Unlike web browsers, Node.js can access the local file system directly.
Therefore, you can load the same frozen model from local file system into
a Node.js program running TensorFlow.js. This is done by calling loadGraphModel
with the path
to the model files:
import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs-node';
const MODEL_PATH = 'file:///tmp/mobilenet/model.json';
const model = await tf.loadGraphModel(MODEL_PATH);
You can also load the remote model files the same way as in browser, but you might need to polyfill
the fetch() method.
Supported operations
Currently TensorFlow.js only supports a limited set of TensorFlow Ops. See the
full list.
If your model uses an unsupported ops, the tensorflowjs_converter
script will fail and
produce a list of the unsupported ops in your model. Please file issues to let us
know what ops you need support with.
Loading the weights only
If you prefer to load the weights only, you can use follow code snippet.
import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs';
const modelUrl = "https://example.org/model/model.json";
const model = await fetch(modelUrl);
this.weightManifest = (await model.json())['weightsManifest'];
const weightMap = await tf.io.loadWeights(
this.weightManifest, "https://example.org/model");
- What TensorFlow models does the converter currently support?
Image-based models (MobileNet, SqueezeNet, add more if you tested) are the most supported. Models with control flow ops (e.g. RNNs) are also supported. The tensorflowjs_converter script will validate the model you have and show a list of unsupported ops in your model. See this list for which ops are currently supported.
- Will model with large weights work?
While the browser supports loading 100-500MB models, the page load time, the inference time and the user experience would not be great. We recommend using models that are designed for edge devices (e.g. phones). These models are usually smaller than 30MB.
- Will the model and weight files be cached in the browser?
Yes, we are splitting the weights into files of 4MB chunks, which enable the browser to cache them automatically. If the model architecture is less than 4MB (most models are), it will also be cached.
- Can I quantize the weights over the wire?
Yes, you can use the --quantization_bytes option to compress int32/float32 to 1 or 2 bytes. Here is
an example of 8-bit quantization:
tensorflowjs_converter \
--input_format=tf_hub \
'https://tfhub.dev/google/imagenet/mobilenet_v1_100_224/classification/1' \
- Why is the predict() method for inference so much slower on the first call than the subsequent calls?
The time of first call also includes the compilation time of WebGL shader programs for the model. After the first call the shader programs are cached, which makes the subsequent calls much faster. You can warm up the cache by calling the predict method with an all zero inputs, right after the completion of the model loading.
To build TensorFlow.js converter from source, we need to clone the project and prepare
the dev environment:
$ git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs-converter.git
$ cd tfjs-converter
$ yarn
We recommend using Visual Studio Code for
development. Make sure to install
TSLint VSCode extension
and the npm clang-format 1.2.2
or later
with the
Clang-Format VSCode extension
for auto-formatting.
Before submitting a pull request, make sure the code passes all the tests and is clean of lint errors:
$ yarn test
$ yarn lint
To run a subset of tests and/or on a specific browser:
$ yarn test --browsers=Chrome --grep='execute'
> ...
> Chrome 64.0.3282 (Linux 0.0.0): Executed 39 of 39 SUCCESS (0.129 secs / 0 secs)
To run the tests once and exit the karma process (helpful on Windows):
$ yarn test --single-run