Library is created so there would be single component for accepting cookies across multiple Tilde projects which use angular.
Angular project
- Install library from npm:
npm i ngx-cookie-consent
. - Import cookie consent module in your root module and call forRoot method passing cookie consent settings.
import {CookieConsentModule} from 'ngx-cookie-consent';
imports: [
CookieConsentModule.forRoot({show: true})
forRoot method adds provider for cookie consent settings and makes them injectable.
There might be cases when multiple projects are built from same repo and for one project cookie consent should be enabled, but for other it should be disabled.
For such cases, you do not need to call forRoot method when importing module, but you need to create provider for CookieSettings configuration. Use specified token in app to create this provider.
It is possible to change factory deps and use your own config provider.
import {CookieConsentModule, COOKIE_CONSENT_SETTINGS_TOKEN} from 'ngx-cookie-consent';
import { ConfigService } from '@ngx-config/core';
export function CookieConsentSettingsFactory(config: ConfigService): CookieConsentSettings{
const settings = config.getSettings<CookieConsentSettings>("cookieConsent");
return settings ?? {};
imports: [
useFactory: CookieConsentSettingsFactory,
deps: [ConfigService]
- For cookie consent to be styled, you need to use mixin and pass your theme to it and background color:
@use 'ngx-cookie-consent/src/lib/mixins/cookie-consent-theme.mixin.scss' as cookie-consent;
// Theme param is to make border-top in primary color and second param is used for background color
@include cookie-consent.color(your-border-top-color, your-background-color);
- Add CookieConsentComponent in template. Does not really matter where you put it, since it is positioned absolutely and should be displayed anyway.
To make cookie consent appear only if it has not been accepted, you need to check showConsent
value from CookieConsentService. Use the following code:
<tld-cookie-consent *ngIf="showCookieConsent"></tld-cookie-consent>
import { CookieConsentService } from 'ngx-cookie-consent';
export class YourComponent{
get showCookieConsent(){return this.cookieConsent.showConsent};
constructor(private readonly cookieConsent: CookieConsentService) {}
This should be enough to get cookie consent displayed and running.
Texts and translations
This package is using ngx translate - if you have it in your project then it should be straight forward, otherwise follow their documentation to get started.
Translations should be put under key "COOKIE_CONSENT".
Subscribe to user action
For listening to changes, subscribe to observable provided in CookieConsentService:
.subscribe((preferences) => {
Developer notes
This library has dependency of @ngbracket/ngx-layout which is not mentioned in package json, so there would be no errors while installing it.