What is @udecode/plate-basic-marks?
@udecode/plate-basic-marks is a plugin for the Plate editor that provides basic text formatting marks such as bold, italic, underline, and strikethrough. It allows developers to easily integrate these text formatting options into their Plate-based rich text editors.
What are @udecode/plate-basic-marks's main functionalities?
This feature allows you to add bold formatting to your text. The code sample demonstrates how to import and create the bold plugin and add it to the Plate editor configuration.
import { createBoldPlugin } from '@udecode/plate-basic-marks';
const boldPlugin = createBoldPlugin();
// Add the plugin to your Plate editor configuration
const plugins = [boldPlugin];
This feature allows you to add italic formatting to your text. The code sample demonstrates how to import and create the italic plugin and add it to the Plate editor configuration.
import { createItalicPlugin } from '@udecode/plate-basic-marks';
const italicPlugin = createItalicPlugin();
// Add the plugin to your Plate editor configuration
const plugins = [italicPlugin];
This feature allows you to add underline formatting to your text. The code sample demonstrates how to import and create the underline plugin and add it to the Plate editor configuration.
import { createUnderlinePlugin } from '@udecode/plate-basic-marks';
const underlinePlugin = createUnderlinePlugin();
// Add the plugin to your Plate editor configuration
const plugins = [underlinePlugin];
This feature allows you to add strikethrough formatting to your text. The code sample demonstrates how to import and create the strikethrough plugin and add it to the Plate editor configuration.
import { createStrikethroughPlugin } from '@udecode/plate-basic-marks';
const strikethroughPlugin = createStrikethroughPlugin();
// Add the plugin to your Plate editor configuration
const plugins = [strikethroughPlugin];
Other packages similar to @udecode/plate-basic-marks
slate-react is a package that provides React components and hooks for building rich text editors with Slate. It offers similar text formatting capabilities such as bold, italic, underline, and strikethrough. However, it requires more manual setup compared to @udecode/plate-basic-marks, which provides pre-configured plugins for these functionalities.
draft-js is a framework for building rich text editors in React. It provides a set of tools and plugins for text formatting, including bold, italic, underline, and strikethrough. While it offers a high level of customization, it can be more complex to set up compared to @udecode/plate-basic-marks.
quill is a powerful, open-source WYSIWYG editor built for the modern web. It includes built-in support for text formatting options like bold, italic, underline, and strikethrough. Quill is more of a standalone editor, whereas @udecode/plate-basic-marks is a plugin specifically for the Plate editor.