
The OneDrive plugin for Uppy lets users import files from their OneDrive account.
A Companion instance is required for the OneDrive plugin to work. Companion handles authentication with Microsoft OneDrive, downloads files from OneDrive and uploads them to the destination. This saves the user bandwidth, especially helpful if they are on a mobile connection.
Uppy is being developed by the folks at Transloadit, a versatile file encoding service.
import Uppy from '@uppy/core'
import Facebook from '@uppy/onedrive'
const uppy = new Uppy()
uppy.use(OneDrive, {
$ npm install @uppy/onedrive
Alternatively, you can also use this plugin in a pre-built bundle from Transloadit’s CDN: Edgly. In that case Uppy
will attach itself to the global window.Uppy
object. See the main Uppy documentation for instructions.
Documentation for this plugin can be found on the Uppy website.
The MIT License.
Released: 2022-09-25
| Package | Version | Package | Version |
| ------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------- | ------- |
| @uppy/angular | 0.4.2 | @uppy/onedrive | 3.0.1 |
| @uppy/audio | 1.0.2 | @uppy/progress-bar | 3.0.1 |
| @uppy/aws-s3 | 3.0.2 | @uppy/provider-views | 3.0.1 |
| @uppy/aws-s3-multipart | 3.0.2 | @uppy/react | 3.0.2 |
| @uppy/box | 2.0.1 | @uppy/redux-dev-tools | 3.0.1 |
| @uppy/companion | 4.0.2 | @uppy/remote-sources | 1.0.2 |
| @uppy/companion-client | 3.0.2 | @uppy/screen-capture | 3.0.1 |
| @uppy/compressor | 1.0.1 | @uppy/status-bar | 3.0.1 |
| @uppy/core | 3.0.2 | @uppy/store-default | 3.0.2 |
| @uppy/dashboard | 3.1.0 | @uppy/store-redux | 3.0.2 |
| @uppy/drag-drop | 3.0.1 | @uppy/svelte | 3.0.1 |
| @uppy/drop-target | 2.0.1 | @uppy/thumbnail-generator | 3.0.2 |
| @uppy/dropbox | 3.0.1 | @uppy/transloadit | 3.0.2 |
| @uppy/facebook | 3.0.1 | @uppy/tus | 3.0.2 |
| @uppy/file-input | 3.0.1 | @uppy/unsplash | 3.0.1 |
| @uppy/form | 3.0.1 | @uppy/url | 3.0.1 |
| @uppy/golden-retriever | 3.0.1 | @uppy/utils | 5.0.2 |
| @uppy/google-drive | 3.0.1 | @uppy/vue | 1.0.1 |
| @uppy/image-editor | 2.0.1 | @uppy/webcam | 3.2.0 |
| @uppy/informer | 3.0.1 | @uppy/xhr-upload | 3.0.2 |
| @uppy/instagram | 3.0.1 | @uppy/zoom | 2.0.1 |
| @uppy/locales | 3.0.1 | uppy | 3.1.0 |
- meta: Fix companion-deploy-yml (Mikael Finstad)
- website: fix tag for Activity Feed (Livia Medeiros / #4118)
- @uppy/golden-retriever: fix condition to load files from service worker (Merlijn Vos / #4115)
- website: remove references to the deleted
page (Antoine du Hamel / #4119) - @uppy/locales: Create uz_UZ (Ozodbek1405 / #4114)
- @uppy/golden-retriever: Fix endless webcam re-render with Golden Retriever (Merlijn Vos / #4111)
- @uppy/image-editor: image-editor: fix controls in small Dashboard (Livia Medeiros / #4113)
- website: add “what is Uppy” to the blog post (Artur Paikin)
- meta: fix Companion deploy (Antoine du Hamel / #4095)
- @uppy/dashboard: add dashboard:show-panel event (Jon-Pierre Sanchez / #4108)
- website: Small post fixes (Artur Paikin)
- @uppy/companion: Companion throttle progress by time (Mikael Finstad / #4101)
- meta: skip a few more unnecessary CI runs (Antoine du Hamel / #4106)
- meta: resolve e2e flakiness (Merlijn Vos / #4077)
- meta: run linters on almost every PRs (Antoine du Hamel / #4105)
- website: 3.0 blog post tweaks (Merlijn Vos / #4104)
- meta: Fix linter warnings in 3.0 post (Murderlon)
- website: Add 3.0 blog post (Artur Paikin / #4046)
- website: fix ESM import in example (Livia Medeiros / #4103)
- doc: Update "Dashboard typo" (Laban / #4096)
- @uppy/audio,@uppy/aws-s3-multipart,@uppy/aws-s3,@uppy/box,@uppy/companion-client,@uppy/companion,@uppy/compressor,@uppy/core,@uppy/dashboard,@uppy/drag-drop,@uppy/drop-target,@uppy/dropbox,@uppy/facebook,@uppy/file-input,@uppy/form,@uppy/golden-retriever,@uppy/google-drive,@uppy/image-editor,@uppy/informer,@uppy/instagram,@uppy/locales,@uppy/onedrive,@uppy/progress-bar,@uppy/provider-views,@uppy/react,@uppy/redux-dev-tools,@uppy/remote-sources,@uppy/screen-capture,@uppy/status-bar,@uppy/store-default,@uppy/store-redux,@uppy/svelte,@uppy/thumbnail-generator,@uppy/transloadit,@uppy/tus,@uppy/unsplash,@uppy/url,@uppy/utils,@uppy/vue,@uppy/webcam,@uppy/xhr-upload,@uppy/zoom: add missing entries to changelog for individual packages (Antoine du Hamel / #4092)
- meta: ci: add GHA to tryout bundling Uppy with popular bundlers (Antoine du Hamel / #4084)
- @uppy/core: Fix
counts ghost files against maxNumberOfFiles
(Andrew McIntee / #4078) - uppy: add a decoy
export to warn users about the renaming (Antoine du Hamel / #4085) - meta: run CI when modifying workflow files (Antoine du Hamel / #4091)
- meta: limit the number of unnecessary CI runs (Antoine du Hamel / #4086)
- meta: Update remote-sources.md (heocoi / #4087)
- uppy: remove all remaining occurrences of
(Antoine du Hamel / #4082) - meta: fix typo in
(Antoine du Hamel) - meta: Restrict e2e CI runs (Merlijn Vos / #4075)
- @uppy/webcam: Set default videoConstraints (Artur Paikin / #4070)
- @uppy/angular: Fix angular build error (Murderlon)
- website: add
Known issues
section on Migration Guide (Antoine du Hamel / #4066) - @uppy/core: fix types (Antoine du Hamel / #4072)
- doc: remove use of deprecated
option (Antoine du Hamel / #4073)