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<vaadin-split-layout> is a Web Component implementing a split layout for two content elements with a draggable splitter between them, part of the Vaadin components.

<vaadin-split-layout orientation="vertical">
<div>First layout content</div>
<div>Second layout content</div>
<vaadin-split-layout orientation="vertical">
<div>Third layout content</div>
<div>Fourth layout content</div>

Install vaadin-split-layout
npm i @vaadin/split-layout --save
Once installed, import it in your application:
import '@vaadin/split-layout/vaadin-split-layout.js';
Getting started
Vaadin components use the Lumo theme by default.
To use the Material theme, import the correspondent file from the theme/material
Entry points
The component with the Lumo theme:
The component with the Material theme:
Alias for theme/lumo/vaadin-split-layout.js
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Apache License 2.0
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