This is updated face-api.js with latest available TensorFlow/JS as the original face-api.js is not compatible with tfjs 2.0+.
Forked from face-api.js version 0.22.2 released on March 22nd, 2020
Currently based on TensorFlow/JS
If you want to access TFJS
classes and methods directly, they are exported as faceapi.tf
Because I needed FaceAPI that does not cause version conflict with newer TFJS 2.0 that I use accross my projects
And since original FaceAPI was open-source, I've released this version as well
Unfortunately, changes ended up being too large for a simple pull request on original FaceaPI and it ended up being a full-fledged version on its own
- Compatible with
TensorFlow/JS 2.0+
- Compatible with
and WASM
TFJS backends - Updated all type castings for TypeScript type checking to
TypeScript 4.1
- Switched bundling from
to ESM
+ CommonJS
This does require separate process for usage in NodeJS vs Browser, but resulting code is much lighter
Fully tree shakable when imported as an ESM
Browser bundle process uses ESBuild
instead of Rollup
- Typescript build process now targets
and instead of dual ES5/ES6
Resulting code is clean ES2018 JavaScript without polyfills - Removed old tests, docs, examples
- Removed old package dependencies (
, jasmine
, babel
, etc.) - Updated all package dependencies
- Updated TensorFlow/JS dependencies since backends were removed from
- Updated mobileNetv1 model due to
dependency - Added
class that returns JSON object with version of FaceAPI as well as linked TFJS - Removed
and tinyYolov2
models as they were non-functional in latest public version of Face-API
If there is a demand, I can re-implement them back.
Which means valid models are tinyFaceDetector and mobileNetv1
Face-API ships with several pre-build versions of the library:
: IIFE format for client-side Browser executiondist/face-api.esm.js
: ESM format for client-side Browser execution with TFJS pre-bundleddist/face-api.esm.nobundle.js
: ESM format for client-side Browser execution without TFJS and not minifieddist/face-api.node.js
: CommonJS format for server-side NodeJS execution with TFJS pre-bundleddist/face-api.node.nobundle.js
: CommonJS format for server-side NodeJS execution without TFJS and not minified
Defaults are:
"main": "dist/face-api.cjs",
"module": "dist/face-api.esm.js",
"browser": "dist/face-api.esm.js",
Reason for additional nobundle
version is if you want to include a specific version of TFJS and not rely on pre-packaged one
is compatible with TFJS 2.0+
Bundled versions are ~1.1MB minified and non-bundled versions are ~169KB non-minified
All versions include sourcemap
There are several ways to use Face-API:
1. IIFE script
Recommened for quick tests and backward compatibility with older Browsers that do not support ESM such as IE
This is simplest way for usage within Browser
Simply download dist/face-api.js
, include it in your HTML
file & it's ready to use
<script src="dist/face-api.js"><script>
IIFE script bundles TFJS and auto-registers global namespace faceapi
within Window object which can be accessed directly from a <script>
tag or from your JS file.
2. ESM module
Recommended for usage within Browser
2.1. Direct Import
To use ESM import directly in a Browser, you must import your script (e.g. index.js
) with a type="module"
<script src="./index.js" type="module">
and then in your index.js
import * as faceapi from 'dist/face-api.esm.js';
or to use non-bundled version:
import * as tf from `https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/tensorflow/2.7.0/tf.es2017.min.js`;
import * as faceapi from 'dist/face-api.nobundle.js';
2.2. With Bundler
Same as above, but expectation is that you've installed @vladmandic/faceapi
and that you'll package your script using a bundler such as webpack
, rollup
or esbuild
in which case, you do not need to import a script as module - that depends on your bundler configuration
import * as faceapi from '@vladmandic/face-api';
or if your bundler doesn't recognize recommended
type, force usage with:
import * as faceapi from '@vladmandic/face-api/dist/face-api.esm.js';
or to use non-bundled version
import * as tf from `@tensorflow/tfjs`;
import * as faceapi from '@vladmandic/face-api/dist/face-api.nobundle.js';
3. NPM module
3.1. Import CommonJS
Recommended for NodeJS projects
Install with:
npm install @vladmandic/face-api
And then use with:
const faceapi = require('@vladmandic/face-api');
or if you want to force CommonJS module instead of relying on recommended
const faceapi = require('@vladmandic/face-api/dist/face-api.node.js');
or if you want to use a non-bundled version:
Install with:
npm install @tensorflow/tfjs
npm install @vladmandic/face-api
And then use with:
const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs');
const faceapi = require('@vladmandic/face-api/dist/face-api.node.nobundle.js');
4. Import Sources
Recommended for complex NodeJS projects that use TFJS for other purposes and not just FaceaPI
This way you're importing FaceAPI sources directly and not a bundle, so you have to import @tensorflow/tfjs
4.1. For Browser with Bundler
4.1.1. For JavaScript projects
import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs';
import * as faceapi from '@vladmandic/face-api/build/index.js';
4.1.2. For TypeScript projects
import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs';
import * as faceapi from '@vladmandic/face-api/src/index.ts';
4.2. For NodeJS
4.2.1. For JavaScript projects
const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs');
const faceapi = require('@vladmandic/face-api/build/index.js');
4.1.2. For TypeScript projects
const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs');
const faceapi = require('@vladmandic/face-api/src/index.ts');
Pretrained models and their weights are includes in ./model
If you want to do a full rebuild, either download npm module
npm install @vladmandic/face-api
cd node_modules/@vladmandic/face-api
or clone a git project
git clone https://github.com/vladmandic/face-api
cd face-api
Then install all dependencies and run rebuild:
npm install
npm run build
Which will compile everything in ./src
into ./build
and create both ESM (standard) and IIFE (minified) bundles as well as sourcemaps in ./dist
For documentation refer to original project at https://github.com/justadudewhohacks/face-api.js
For original weighs refer to https://github.com/justadudewhohacks/face-api.js-models
Example that uses both models as well as all of the extensions is included in /example/index.html
Example can be accessed directly using Git pages using URL: https://vladmandic.github.io/face-api/example/
Example is included in /example/node.js
Note that it does not require any other other 3rd party libraries
Note: Photos shown below are taken by me