What is @wdio/allure-reporter?
@wdio/allure-reporter is a WebdriverIO plugin that allows you to generate Allure Test Reports. Allure is a flexible, lightweight multi-language test report tool that not only shows a very concise representation of what has been tested in a neat web report form but also allows everyone participating in the development process to extract maximum of useful information from everyday execution of tests.
What are @wdio/allure-reporter's main functionalities?
Adding Labels
This feature allows you to add custom labels to your tests. Labels can be used to categorize and filter tests in the Allure report.
const { addLabel } = require('@wdio/allure-reporter').default;
addLabel('feature', 'Login');
Adding Steps
This feature allows you to add steps to your tests. Steps provide a detailed breakdown of the actions performed during the test execution.
const { addStep } = require('@wdio/allure-reporter').default;
addStep('Open login page');
Adding Attachments
This feature allows you to add attachments to your tests. Attachments can include screenshots, logs, or any other relevant files.
const { addAttachment } = require('@wdio/allure-reporter').default;
addAttachment('Screenshot', Buffer.from('...'), 'image/png');
Adding Test Case ID
This feature allows you to link your tests to external test case management systems by adding a test case ID.
const { addTestId } = require('@wdio/allure-reporter').default;
Adding Severity
This feature allows you to specify the severity of a test case, which can be useful for prioritizing test results.
const { addSeverity } = require('@wdio/allure-reporter').default;
Other packages similar to @wdio/allure-reporter
Mochawesome is a custom reporter for the Mocha JavaScript test framework that generates a visually appealing HTML/CSS report. It provides similar functionalities to @wdio/allure-reporter, such as detailed test reports and the ability to include screenshots and other attachments.
jest-html-reporter is a Jest test results processor that creates a simple HTML report. While it does not offer as many customization options as @wdio/allure-reporter, it provides a straightforward way to generate test reports for Jest.
cucumber-html-reporter is a Cucumber.js reporter that generates a beautiful HTML report. It is similar to @wdio/allure-reporter in that it provides detailed test reports, but it is specifically designed for use with Cucumber.js.
WDIO Allure Reporter
A WebdriverIO reporter plugin to create Allure Test Reports.

The easiest way is to keep @wdio/allure-reporter
as a devDependency in your package.json
"devDependencies": {
"@wdio/allure-reporter": "^5.0.0"
You can simple do it by:
npm install @wdio/allure-reporter --save-dev
Configure the output directory in your wdio.conf.js file:
exports.config = {
reporters: [['allure', {
outputDir: 'allure-results',
disableWebdriverStepsReporting: true,
disableWebdriverScreenshotsReporting: true,
defaults to ./allure-results
. After a test run is complete, you will find that this directory has been populated with an .xml
file for each spec, plus a number of .txt
and .png
files and other attachments.disableWebdriverStepsReporting
- optional parameter(false
by default), in order to log only custom steps to the reporter.disableWebdriverScreenshotsReporting
- optional parameter(false
by default), in order to not attach screenshots to the reporter.
Supported Allure API
– assign feature to teststory(storyName)
– assign user story to testseverity(value)
– assign severity to testissue(value)
– assign issue id to testtestId(value)
– assign TMS test id to testaddEnvironment(name, value)
– save environment valueaddAttachment(name, content, [type])
– save attachment to test.addArgument(name, value)
- add additional argument to test
(String) - attachment name.content
– attachment content.type
(String, optional) – attachment MIME-type, text/plain
by default
addDescription(description, [type])
– add description to test.
(String) - description of the test.type
(String, optional) – description type, text
by default. Values ['text', 'html','markdown']
addStep(title, [{content, name = 'attachment'}], [status])
- add step to test.
(String) - name of the step.content
(String, optional) - step attachmentname
(String, optional) - step attachment name, attachment
by default.status
(String, optional) - step status, passed
by default. Must be "failed", "passed" or "broken"
Allure Api can be accessed using:
const addFeature = require('@wdio/allure-reporter/runtime').addFeature
import {addFeature} from '@wdio/allure-reporter/runtime'
Mocha example
describe('Suite', () => {
it('Case', () => {
Displaying the report
The results can be consumed by any of the reporting tools offered by Allure. For example:
Install the Allure command-line tool, and process the results directory:
allure generate [allure_output_dir] && allure open
This will generate a report (by default in ./allure-report
), and open it in your browser.
Install and configure the Allure Jenkins plugin
Add Screenshots
Screenshots can be attached to the report by using the takeScreenshot
function from WebDriverIO in afterStep hook.
var name = 'ERROR-chrome-' + Date.now()
browser.takeScreenshot('./errorShots/' + name + '.png')
As shown in the example above, when this function is called, a screenshot image will be created and saved in the directory, as well as attached to the allure report.