Fake implementation of the webextension-polyfill
Browser API for testing.
pnpm i -D @webext-core/fake-browser
To use the fake object in tests, configure your testing framework to use fakeBrowser
as the mock for webextension-polyfill
. Then use Browser
in production code and fakeBrowser
to setup tests.
Define a global mock for the webextension-polyfill
export { fakeBrowser as default } from '@webext-core/fake-browser';
In your test file, actually use the mock:
import { fakeBrowser } from '@webext-core/fake-browser';
import { localExtStorage } from '@webext-core/storage';
import { test, vi } from 'vitest';
function isXyzEnabled(): Promise<boolean> {
return localExtStorage.getItem('xyz');
describe('isXyzEnabled', () => {
it('should return true when enabled', async () => {
const expected = true;
await fakeBrowser.storage.local.set({ xyz: expected });
const actual = await isXyzEnabled();
Implemented APIs
Implemented APIs will execute listeners when calling methods that would trigger them. For example, calling Browser.tabs.create(...)
would fire Browser.tabs.onCreate
- alarms
- runtime (partial)
- storage
- tabs
- windows
Generated Stubs
Unimplemented APIs will throw an error when accessed, letting you know they are not implemented and recommending you implement a mock yourself.
Open a PR to add an fake implementation, or just overwrite the functions with your own mocks.
- activityLog
- bookmarks
- action
- browserAction
- browserSettings
- browsingData
- captivePortal
- clipboard
- commands
- contentScripts
- contextualIdentities
- cookies
- declarativeContent
- devtools
- dns
- downloads
- events
- experiments
- extension
- extensionTypes
- find
- geckoProfiler
- history
- i18n
- identity
- idle
- management
- manifest
- contextMenus
- menus
- networkStatus
- normandyAddonStudy
- notifications
- omnibox
- pageAction
- permissions
- pkcs11
- privacy
- proxy
- runtime (parital)
- scripting
- search
- sessions
- sidebarAction
- theme
- topSites
- types
- urlbar
- userScripts
- webNavigation
- webRequest