ORG.ID DID Resolver Library
DID Resolver of the Winding Tree ORG.ID protocol
Initial setup
npm i
npm link
npm run test
npm run test ./<path_to_test_file>.js
Tests coverage
npm run coverage
npm run lint
$ npm i @windingtree/org.id-resolver
const Web3 = require('web3');
const { OrgIdResolver, httpFetchMethod } = require('@windingtree/org.id-resolver');
const web3 = new Web3('<WEB3_PROVIDER_URI>');
const resolver = new OrgIdResolver({
const result = await resolver.resolve('did:orgid:0x62a7502f4c44d8147b8f7b2a1dbeb8503e8446e77355bb2e4ebf999c7ecc5808');
The result will look like:
didDocument: {
'@context': [
id: 'did:orgid:0x62a7502f4c44d8147b8f7b2a1dbeb8503e8446e77355bb2e4ebf999c7ecc5808',
created: '2019-01-01T13:10:02.251Z',
updated: '2019-06-03T13:20:06.398Z',
publicKey: [ [Object], [Object] ],
service: [ [Object] ],
trust: { assertions: [Array], credentials: [Array] },
legalName: 'Acme, Corp.',
alternativeName: 'Acme',
legalIdentifier: 'US12345567',
identifiers: [Array],
legalType: 'GmBH',
registeredAddress: [Object],
locations: [Array],
contacts: [Array]
id: '0x62a7502f4c44d8147b8f7b2a1dbeb8503e8446e77355bb2e4ebf999c7ecc5808',
lifDeposit: {
deposit: "1000000000000000000000",
withdrawalRequest: null
errors: [
"title": "Trust error",
"source": {
"pointer": "trust.assertions[0]"
"detail": "cannot get the proof"
resolverMetadata: {
"version": "0.2.5",
retrieved: '2020-02-21T18:14:13.278Z',
duration: 979
Resolver flow
- DID syntax validation
- Fetching of the DID document
- Comparing hashes of obtained DID document and stored on the ORG.ID smart contract
- Validation DID document object against ORG.ID JSON schema (for more information see the package @windingtree/org.json-schema)
- Verification of trust records (if defined in the DID document on the path
. trust.credentials
are ignored for now but will be enable in future versions) - Checking of the Lif deposit status for the organization
If any errors occurred on any step then these errors will be placed to the errors
section of the resolvers response.
Common schema of the error message is look like:
"title": "Trust error",
"source": {
"pointer": "trust.assertions[0]"
"detail": "cannot get the proof"
Response Schema
The response of the resolver contains the following information
"didDocument": {...},
"id": "<organization_id>",
"lifDeposit": {
"deposit": "1000000000000000000000",
"withdrawalRequest": null
"errors": [
"title": "Trust error",
"source": {
"pointer": "trust.assertions[0]"
"detail": "cannot get the proof"
"resolverMetadata": {
"version": "0.2.5",
"retrieved": "2020-02-21T18:14:13.278Z",
"duration": 979
Fetching methods
At least one fetching method is required to the proper working of the resolver.
This library provides a simple fetching method of a file that available via http/https - httpFetchMethod
To use this method you can get its configuration from the package this way:
const { OrgIdResolver, httpFetchMethod } = require('@windingtree/org.id-resolver');
const resolver = new OrgIdResolver({...});
Future versions of DID resolver
library will support more fetching methods like:
IPFS, Swarm and Arweave
Creation of custom fetching methods is quite simple task. Look at the example of simple fetching method configuration:
module.exports = {
name: 'custom_fetcher',
pattern: '^yourpatternrule:',
fetch: async uri => {
const data = await yourCustomFetch(uri);
return data;
The resolver can be used as a simple CLI.
$ ./src/cli.js endpoint=<WEB3_PROVIDER_ENTRYPOINT> orgid=<ORG_ID_ADDRESS> did=did:orgid:0x6d98103810d50b3711ea81c187a48245109ba094644ddbc54f8d0c4c
- WEB3_PROVIDER_ENTRYPOINT: http/https link to you web3 ethereum provider, for example,
- ORG_ID_ADDRESS: The address of an ORG.ID smart contract
- did: unique identifier in the DID format
The code of CLI is placed in the ./src directory. You can use this code as a good example of the ORG.ID resolver library usage