ORG.ID Smart Contract
Smart contract of the Winding Tree ORG.ID protocol
Initial setup
npm i
npm link
npm run test
npm run test ./<path_to_test_file>.js
Tests coverage
npm run coverage
npm run lint
Generated docs
Contracts ABI and addresses
Install the package
$ npm i @windingtree/org.id
Import ABIs in the your JavaScript code
const { OrgIdContract, OrgIdInterfaceContract, addresses } = require('@windingtree/org.id');
Addresses of the deployed ORG.ID contract
const { mainnet, ropsten, rinkeby } = addresses;
ORG.ID Structure

OrgId smart contract manages information about organizations and their Lif token deposits. Each organization record inside the contract storage contains following information:
- orgId: The organization unique Id. A hash that represents a hex value of the bytes32 string. This identifier can be generated by the organization owner by his own or automatically generated on the smart contract side at the moment of organization record creation.
- orgJsonUri: Offchain data. URI that points to the Organization JSON file available online. This file has to be created against the ORG.ID JSON schema rules.
- orgJsonHash: keccak256 hash of the ORG.ID JSON contents
- parentEntity: The parent organization Id
- owner: The organization owner
- director: The organization director. Only awailable for subsidiaries
- state: State of the organization (enabled or disabled)
- directorConfirmed: Flag is director ownership is confirmed. Director ownership confirmation os required for cases when director address is different from the parent organization owner address.
- deposit: Lif deposit value
Any organization registered at the OrgId smart contract can make a deposit of Lif tokens. Staking of this deposit is a part of a trust schema in the ORG.ID protocol. Deposits can be withdrawn but a certain delay is required between the withdraw request and real withdrawal. This delay is managed by the OrgId owner for now (community-managed in the future).
Contract deployment
All deployments, upgrades, transactions, calls and complex tasks can be hadled using our command line tools:
$ orgid-tools --network ropsten cmd=deploy name=OrgId from=0xA0B74BFE28223c9e08d6DBFa74B5bf4Da763f959 initMethod=initialize initArgs=0xA0B74BFE28223c9e08d6DBFa74B5bf4Da763f959,0xB6e225194a1C892770c43D4B529841C99b3DA1d7
The result will look like:
Deployment of the contract: OrgId
Version: 0.11.4
Owner address: 0xA0B74BFE28223c9e08d6DBFa74B5bf4Da763f959
Initializing method: initialize
Initializing arguments: [ '0xA0B74BFE28223c9e08d6DBFa74B5bf4Da763f959',
'0xB6e225194a1C892770c43D4B529841C99b3DA1d7' ]
Contract deployed at address: 0xc8fD300bE7e4613bCa573ad820a6F1f0b915CfcA
Auto-generated deployment configuration will be saved on the ./openzeppelin
repository folder and will look like:
"version": "0.11.4",
"contract": {
"name": "OrgId",
"implementation": "0xd863861E680B4C881A91fC92C36bAB1d09F8cd3A",
"proxy": "0xc8fD300bE7e4613bCa573ad820a6F1f0b915CfcA"
"owner": "0xA0B74BFE28223c9e08d6DBFa74B5bf4Da763f959",
"proxyAdmin": null,
"blockNumber": 7455603
The filename of the configuration file is formed according to mask:
Contract upgrade
Upgrading of the contract is pretty similar to the deployment procedure but with a little difference. To be able to make an upgrade a configuration file (that had been created on the previous step) must already exist. So do not remove file with deployment information. In opposite case, the error message will be thrown and you will not be able to upgrade the contract. The second thing is a repository version. This version should be different from the previously deployed.
$ orgid-tools --network ropsten cmd=upgrade name=OrgId from=0xA0B74BFE28223c9e08d6DBFa74B5bf4Da763f959 initMethod=setInterfaces
The result will look like:
Upgrading of the contract: OrgId
Version: 0.11.5
Owner address: 0xA0B74BFE28223c9e08d6DBFa74B5bf4Da763f959
Initializing method: setInterfaces
COntract upgraded at address: 0xc8fD300bE7e4613bCa573ad820a6F1f0b915CfcA