Winding Tree Trustworthiness Clue - Curated List

Trustworthiness clue for Winding Tree based on a smart
contract with a list of identities curated by an authority.
npm install @windingtree/trust-clue-curated-list
git clone
nvm install
npm install
This library is best used with @windingtree/wt-js-libs
where it can be combined with other trust clues which can be used
to determine a trust level towards an Ethereum address.
import { WtJsLibs } from '@windingtree/wt-js-libs';
import { TrustClueCuratedList } from '@windingtree/trust-clue-curated-list';
const libs = WtJsLibs.createInstance({
onChainDataOptions: {
provider: 'http://localhost:8545',
trustClueOptions: {
clues: {
'curated-list': {
options: {
provider: 'http://localhost:8545',
address: '0x...',
interpret: (value) => {
return !!value;
create: async (options) => {
const aa = new TrustClueCuratedList(options);
To use this as a standalone package, you would do something like this:
import { TrustClueCuratedList } from '@windingtree/trust-clue-curated-list';
const list = new TrustClueCuratedList({
provider: 'http://localhost:8545',
address: '0x...',
interpret: (value) => {
return value ? 1 : 0;