A highly customizable Svelte component for building interactive graphs and node-based editors. This package is currently under heavy development and the API is very likely to change.
Getting started
If you want to check out the current version you need to run the following command from the root directory:
pnpm install
- install dependenciespnpm build
- needs to be done oncepnpm dev
- starts dev server
You can now access the examples under
Getting started
We are working on a new website and everything so there are no docs for Svelte Flow yet. Everything is typed, so your IDE should help you a bit and you can also the React Flow docs because the API is very similar. You can also check out the Svelte Flow examples in this repo.
A basic flow looks like this:
<script lang="ts">
import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
import SvelteFlow, {
type NodeTypes
} from '../../lib/index';
import { CustomNode } from './CustomNode';
// Svelte Flow is highly customizable, a node can be anything that fits in a div
const nodeTypes: NodeTypes = {
custom: CustomNode
// We are using writables for the nodes and edges to sync them easily. When a user drags a node for example, Svelte Flow updates its position.
// This also makes it easier to update nodes in user land.
const nodes = writable([
id: '1',
type: 'input',
data: { label: 'Input Node' },
position: { x: 0, y: 0 }
id: '2',
type: 'custom',
data: { label: 'Node' },
position: { x: 0, y: 150 }
// same for edges
const edges = writable([
id: '1-2',
type: 'default',
source: '1',
target: '2',
label: 'Edge Text'
const snapGrid = [25, 25];
on:node:click={(event) => console.log('on node click', event)}
<Controls />
<Background variant={BackgroundVariant.Dots} />
<MiniMap />