Ableton.js lets you control your instance or instances of Ableton using Node.js. It
tries to cover as many functions as possible.
To use this library, you'll need to install and activate the MIDI Remote Script in
Ableton.js. To do that, copy the midi-script
folder of this repo to Ableton's
Remote Scripts folder. If you prefer, you can rename it to something like AbletonJS
for better identification. The MIDI Remote Scripts folder is usually located at:
- Windows: {path to Ableton}\Resources\MIDI\Remote Scripts
- macOS: /Applications/Ableton Live {version}/Contents/App-Resources/MIDI Remote Scripts
After starting Ableton Live, add the script to your list of control surfaces:

Using Ableton.js
This library exposes an Ableton
class which lets you control the entire
application. You can instanciate it once and use TS to explore available features.
import { Ableton } from "ableton-js";
const ableton = new Ableton();
const test = async () => {"is_playing", p => console.log("Playing:", p));"tempo", t => console.log("Tempo:", t));
const cues = await ableton.get("cue_points");
console.log( => c.raw));